# include pseudotime and predict cell trajectory
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import pandas as pd
from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
from typing_extensions import Literal
import numpy as np
from anndata import AnnData
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.sparse import issparse
from seaborn import FacetGrid
from seaborn.matrix import ClusterGrid
from ..docrep import DocstringProcessor
from ..external.hodge import ddhodge
from ..prediction.utils import fetch_exprs
from ..tools.utils import update_dict
from .utils import _to_hex, save_show_ret
docstrings = DocstringProcessor()
def kinetic_curves(
adata: AnnData,
genes: List[str],
mode: str = "vector_field",
basis: Optional[str] = None,
layer: str = "X",
project_back_to_high_dim: bool = True,
tkey: str = "potential",
dist_threshold: float = 1e-10,
ncol: int = 4,
color: Union[list, None] = "ntr",
c_palette: str = "Set2",
standard_scale: int = 0,
traj_ind: int = 0,
log: bool = True,
save_show_or_return: str = "show",
save_kwargs: dict = {},
) -> Optional[FacetGrid]:
"""Plot the gene expression dynamics over time (pseudotime or inferred real time) as kinetic curves.
Note that by default `potential` estimated with the diffusion graph built from reconstructed vector field will be
used as the measure of pseudotime.
adata: an Annodata object.
genes: the gene names whose gene expression will be faceted.
mode: which data mode will be used, either vector_field, lap or pseudotime. if mode is vector_field, the
trajectory predicted by vector field function will be used; if mode is lap, the trajectory predicted by
least action path will be used otherwise pseudotime trajectory (defined by time argument) will be used.
Defaults to "vector_field".
basis: the embedding data used for drawing the kinetic gene expression curves, only used when mode is
`vector_field`. Defaults to None.
layer: the key to the layer of expression value will be used. Not used if mode is `vector_field`. Defaults
to "X".
project_back_to_high_dim: whether to map the coordinates in low dimension back to high dimension to visualize
the gene expression curves, only used when mode is `vector_field` and basis is not `X`. Currently only works
when basis is 'pca' and 'umap'. Defaults to True.
tkey: the .obs column that will be used for timing each cell, only used when mode is not `vector_field`.
Defaults to "potential".
dist_threshold: the threshold for the distance between two points in the gene expression state, i.e, x(t),
x(t+1). If below this threshold, we assume steady state is achieved and those data points will not be
considered. This argument is ignored when mode is `pseudotime`. Defaults to 1e-10.
ncol: the number of columns in each facet grid. Defaults to 4.
color: any column names or gene expression, etc. that will be used for coloring cells. Defaults to "ntr".
c_palette: the color map function to use. Defaults to "Set2".
standard_scale: either 0 (rows) or 1 (columns). Whether to standardize that dimension, meaning for each
row or column, subtract the minimum and divide each by its maximum. Defaults to 0.
traj_ind: if the element from the dictionary is a list (obtained from a list of trajectories), the index of
trajectory that will be selected for visualization. Defaults to 0.
log: whether to log1p transform your data before data visualization. If expression data is from adata object,
it is generally already log1p transformed. When the data is from predicted either from traj simulation or
LAP, the data is generally in the original gene expression space and needs to be log1p transformed. Note:
when predicted data is not inverse transformed back to original expression space, no transformation will be
applied. Defaults to True.
save_show_or_return: whether to save, show, or return the generated figure. Defaults to "show".
save_kwargs: a dictionary that will be passed to the save_show_ret function. By default, it is an empty dictionary
and the save_show_ret function will use the {"path": None, "prefix": 'kinetic_curves', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf',
"transparent": True, "close": True, "verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise, you can provide a
dictionary that properly modify those keys according to your needs. Defaults to {}.
ValueError: invalid `genes`.
None would be returned by default. If `save_show_or_return` is set to be 'return', the generated
`seaborn.FacetGrid` would be returned.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
if mode == "pseudotime" and tkey == "potential" and "potential" not in adata.obs_keys():
ddhodge(adata, basis=basis)
tkey = basis + "_ddhodge_potential"
exprs, valid_genes, time = fetch_exprs(
Color = np.empty((0, 1))
if color is not None and mode not in ["lap", "vector_field"]:
color = list(set(color).intersection(adata.obs.keys()))
Color = adata.obs[color].values.T.flatten() if len(color) > 0 else np.empty((0, 1))
exprs = exprs.toarray() if issparse(exprs) else exprs
if len(set(genes).intersection(valid_genes)) > 0:
# by default, expression values are log1p tranformed if using the expression from adata.
exprs = np.expm1(exprs) if not log else exprs
if standard_scale is not None:
exprs = (exprs - np.min(exprs, axis=standard_scale)) / np.ptp(exprs, axis=standard_scale)
time = np.sort(time)
exprs = exprs[np.argsort(time), :]
if dist_threshold is not None and mode in ["lap", "vector_field"]:
valid_ind = list(np.where(np.sum(np.diff(exprs, axis=0) ** 2, axis=1) > dist_threshold)[0] + 1)
valid_ind.insert(0, 0)
exprs = exprs[valid_ind, :]
time = time[valid_ind]
exprs_df = pd.DataFrame(
"Time": np.repeat(time, len(valid_genes)),
"Expression": exprs.flatten(),
"Gene": np.tile(valid_genes, len(time)),
if exprs_df.shape[0] == 0:
raise ValueError(
"No genes you provided are detected. Please make sure the genes provided are from the genes "
"used for vector field reconstructed when layer is set."
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43920341/python-seaborn-facetgrid-change-titles
if len(Color) > 0:
exprs_df["Color"] = np.repeat(Color, len(valid_genes))
g = sns.relplot(
facet_kws={"sharex": True, "sharey": False},
g = sns.relplot(
facet_kws={"sharex": True, "sharey": False},
return save_show_ret("kinetic_curves", save_show_or_return, save_kwargs, g)
docstrings.delete_params("kin_curves.parameters", "ncol", "color", "c_palette")
def kinetic_heatmap(
adata: AnnData,
genes: Union[List[str], pd.Index],
mode: str = "vector_field",
basis: Optional[str] = None,
layer: str = "X",
project_back_to_high_dim: bool = True,
tkey: str = "potential",
dist_threshold: float = 1e-10,
color_map: int = "BrBG",
gene_order_method: Literal["maximum", "half_max_ordering", "raw"] = "maximum",
show_colorbar: bool = False,
cluster_row_col: List[bool] = [False, False],
figsize: Tuple[float, float] = (11.5, 6),
standard_scale: int = 1,
n_convolve: int = 30,
spaced_num: int = 100,
traj_ind: int = 0,
log: bool = True,
gene_group: Optional[List[str]] = None,
gene_group_cmap: Optional[List[str]] = None,
cell_group: Optional[List[str]] = None,
cell_group_cmap: Optional[List[str]] = None,
enforce: bool = False,
hline_rows: Optional[List[int]] = None,
hlines_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {},
vline_cols: Optional[List[int]] = None,
vlines_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {},
save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return"] = "show",
save_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {},
transpose: bool = False,
) -> Optional[ClusterGrid]:
"""Plot the gene expression dynamics over time (pseudotime or inferred real time) in a heatmap.
Note that by default `potential` estimated with the diffusion graph built from reconstructed vector field will be
used as the measure of pseudotime.
adata: an Annodata object.
genes: the gene names whose gene expression will be faceted.
mode: which data mode will be used, either vector_field, lap or pseudotime. if mode is vector_field, the
trajectory predicted by vector field function will be used; if mode is lap, the trajectory predicted by
least action path will be used otherwise pseudotime trajectory (defined by time argument) will be used.
Defaults to "vector_field".
basis: the embedding data used for drawing the kinetic gene expression curves, only used when mode is
`vector_field`. Defaults to None.
layer: the key to the layer of expression value will be used. Not used if mode is `vector_field`. Defaults
to "X".
project_back_to_high_dim: whether to map the coordinates in low dimension back to high dimension to visualize
the gene expression curves, only used when mode is `vector_field` and basis is not `X`. Currently only works
when basis is 'pca' and 'umap'. Defaults to True.
tkey: the .obs column that will be used for timing each cell, only used when mode is not `vector_field`.
Defaults to "potential".
dist_threshold: the threshold for the distance between two points in the gene expression state, i.e, x(t),
x(t+1). If below this threshold, we assume steady state is achieved and those data points will not be
considered. This argument is ignored when mode is `pseudotime`. Defaults to 1e-10.
color_map: the color map that will be used to color the gene expression. If `half_max_ordering` is True, the
color map need to be divergent, good examples, include `BrBG`, `RdBu_r` or `coolwarm`, etc. Defaults to
gene_order_method: supports three different methods for ordering genes when plotting the heatmap: either
`half_max_ordering`, `maximum` or `raw`. For `half_max_ordering`, it will order genes into up, down and
transit groups by the half max ordering algorithm (HA Pliner, et al., Molecular cell 71 (5), 858-871. e8).
While for `maximum`, it will order by the position of the highest gene expression. `raw` means just use the
original order from the input gene list. Defaults to "maximum".
show_colorbar: whether to show the color bar. Defaults to False.
cluster_row_col: whether to cluster the row or columns. Defaults to (False, False).
figsize: size of figure. Defaults to (11.5, 6).
standard_scale: either 0 (rows, cells) or 1 (columns, genes). Whether to standardize that dimension,
meaning for each row or column, subtract the minimum and divide each by its maximum. Defaults to 1.
n_convolve: the number of cells for convolution. Defaults to 30.
spaced_num: the number of points on the loess fitting curve. Defaults to 100.
traj_ind: if the element from the dictionary is a list (obtained from a list of trajectories), the index of
trajectory that will be selected for visualization.. Defaults to 0.
log: whether to log1p transform your data before data visualization. If expression data is from adata object,
it is generally already log1p transformed. When the data is from predicted either from traj simulation or
LAP, the data is generally in the original gene expression space and needs to be log1p transformed. Note:
when predicted data is not inverse transformed back to original expression space, no transformation will be
applied. Defaults to True.
gene_group: the key of the gene groups in .var. Defaults to None.
gene_group_cmap: the str of the colormap for gene groups. Defaults to None.
cell_group: the key of the cell groups in .obs. Defaults to None.
cell_group_cmap: the str of the colormap for cell groups. Defaults to None.
enforce: whether to recalculate the dataframe that will be used to create the kinetic heatmap. If this is set to
be False and the .uns['kinetic_heatmap'] is in the adata object, we will use data from
`.uns['kinetic_heatmap']` directly.. Defaults to False.
hline_rows: the indices of rows that we can place a line on the heatmap. Defaults to None.
hlines_kwargs: a dictionary of arguments that will be passed into sns_heatmap.ax_heatmap.hlines. Defaults to {}.
vline_cols: the indices of column that we can place a line on the heatmap. Defaults to None.
vlines_kwargs: a dictionary of arguments that will be passed into sns_heatmap.ax_heatmap.vlines. Defaults to {}.
save_show_or_return: whether to save, show, or return the figure. Defaults to "show".
save_kwargs: a dictionary that will be passed to the save_show_ret function. By default, it is an empty dictionary
and the save_show_ret function will use the {"path": None, "prefix": 'kinetic_heatmap', "dpi": None,
"ext": 'pdf', "transparent": True, "close": True, "verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise, you can
provide a dictionary that properly modify those keys according to your needs. Defaults to {}.
transpose: whether to transpose the dataframe and swap X-Y in heatmap. In single cell case, `transpose=True`
results in gene on the x-axis. Defaults to False.
**kwargs: any other keyword arguments are passed to heatmap(). Currently `xticklabels=False, yticklabels='auto'`
is passed to heatmap() by default.
NotImplementedError: invalid `order_method`.
None would be returned by default. If `save_show_or_return` is set to be 'return', the generated seaborn
ClusterGrid would be returned.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
if enforce or "kinetic_heatmap" not in adata.uns_keys():
if mode == "pseudotime" and tkey == "potential" and "potential" not in adata.obs_keys():
exprs, valid_genes, time = fetch_exprs(
valid_genes = [x for x in genes if x in valid_genes]
exprs = exprs.toarray() if issparse(exprs) else exprs
if mode != "pseudotime":
exprs = np.log1p(exprs) if log else exprs
spaced_num = None # don't need to get further smoothed.
if len(set(genes).intersection(valid_genes)) > 0:
# by default, expression values are log1p tranformed if using the expression from adata.
exprs = np.expm1(exprs) if not log else exprs
if dist_threshold is not None and mode == "vector_field":
valid_ind = list(np.where(np.sum(np.diff(exprs, axis=0) ** 2, axis=1) > dist_threshold)[0] + 1)
valid_ind.insert(0, 0)
exprs = exprs[valid_ind, :]
time = time[valid_ind]
if gene_order_method == "half_max_ordering":
time, all, valid_ind, gene_idx = _half_max_ordering(
exprs.T, time, mode=mode, interpolate=True, spaced_num=spaced_num
all, genes = (
all[np.isfinite(all.sum(1)), :],
df = pd.DataFrame(all, index=genes)
elif gene_order_method in ["maximum", "raw"]:
exprs = lowess_smoother(time, exprs.T, spaced_num=spaced_num, n_convolve=n_convolve)
exprs = exprs[np.isfinite(exprs.sum(1)), :]
if standard_scale is not None:
exprs = (exprs - np.min(exprs, axis=standard_scale)[:, None]) / np.ptp(exprs, axis=standard_scale)[
:, None
if gene_order_method == "maximum":
max_sort = np.argsort(np.argmax(exprs, axis=1))
max_sort = np.arange(exprs.shape[0])
if spaced_num is None and mode == "pseudotime":
df = pd.DataFrame(
exprs[max_sort, :],
df = pd.DataFrame(exprs[max_sort, :], index=np.array(valid_genes)[max_sort])
raise NotImplementedError("gene order_method can only be either raw, half_max_ordering or maximum")
adata.uns["kinetics_heatmap"] = df
df = adata.uns["kinetics_heatmap"]
row_colors, col_colors = None, None
if gene_group is not None:
color_key_cmap = "tab20" if gene_group_cmap is None else gene_group_cmap
uniq_gene_grps = adata.var[gene_group].unique().tolist()
num_labels = len(uniq_gene_grps)
color_key = _to_hex(plt.get_cmap(color_key_cmap)(np.linspace(0, 1, num_labels)))
gene_lut = dict(zip(map(str, uniq_gene_grps), color_key))
row_colors = adata.var[gene_group].map(gene_lut)
uniq_gene_grps, gene_lut = [], {}
if cell_group is not None:
color_key_cmap = "tab20" if cell_group_cmap is None else cell_group_cmap
uniq_cell_grps = adata.obs[cell_group].unique().tolist()
num_labels = len(uniq_cell_grps)
color_key = _to_hex(plt.get_cmap(color_key_cmap)(np.linspace(0, 1, num_labels)))
cell_lut = dict(zip(map(str, uniq_cell_grps), color_key))
col_colors = adata.obs[cell_group].map(cell_lut)
uniq_cell_grps, cell_lut = [], {}
if transpose:
row_colors, col_colors = col_colors, row_colors
cluster_row_col[0], cluster_row_col[1] = cluster_row_col[1], cluster_row_col[0]
df = df.T
heatmap_kwargs = dict(
if kwargs is not None:
heatmap_kwargs = update_dict(heatmap_kwargs, kwargs)
sns_heatmap = sns.clustermap(
if not show_colorbar:
if cell_group is not None or gene_group is not None:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27988846/how-to-express-classes-on-the-axis-of-a-heatmap-in-seaborn
# answer from mwaskom
uniq_grps = uniq_cell_grps + uniq_gene_grps
lut = cell_lut.copy()
for label in uniq_grps:
sns_heatmap.ax_col_dendrogram.bar(0, 0, color=lut[label], label=label, linewidth=0)
cell_group_num, gene_group_num = len(cell_lut), len(gene_lut)
if cell_group_num > 0 and gene_group_num > 0:
ncol = min([cell_group_num, gene_group_num])
ncol = 5
if cell_group is None:
title = gene_group
elif gene_group is None:
title = cell_group
title = gene_group + cell_group
sns_heatmap.ax_col_dendrogram.legend(title=title, loc="center", ncol=ncol)
sns_heatmap.cax.set_position([0.15, 0.2, 0.03, 0.45])
if hline_rows is not None:
hl_kwargs = update_dict({"linestyles": "dashdot"}, hlines_kwargs)
sns_heatmap.ax_heatmap.hlines(hline_rows, *sns_heatmap.ax_heatmap.get_xlim(), **hl_kwargs)
if vline_cols is not None:
vline_kwargs = update_dict({"linestyles": "dashdot"}, vlines_kwargs)
sns_heatmap.ax_heatmap.vlines(vline_cols, *sns_heatmap.ax_heatmap.get_ylim(), **vline_kwargs)
return save_show_ret("kinetic_heatmap", save_show_or_return, save_kwargs, sns_heatmap, adjust=show_colorbar)
def _half_max_ordering(exprs, time, mode, interpolate=False, spaced_num=100):
"""Implement the half-max ordering algorithm from HA Pliner, Molecular Cell, 2018.
exprs: `np.ndarray`
The gene expression matrix (ngenes x ncells) ordered along time (either pseudotime or inferred real time).
time: `np.ndarray`
Pseudotime or inferred real time.
mode: `str` (default: `vector_field`)
Which data mode will be used, either vector_field or pseudotime. if mode is vector_field, the trajectory
predicted by vector field function will be used, otherwise pseudotime trajectory (defined by time argument)
will be used.
interpolate: `bool` (default: `False`)
Whether to interpolate the data when performing the loess fitting.
spaced_num: `float` (default: `100`)
The number of points on the loess fitting curve.
time: `np.ndarray`
The time at which the loess is evaluated.
all: `np.ndarray`
The ordered smoothed, scaled expression matrix, the first group is up, then down, followed by the transient
gene groups.
valid_ind: `np.ndarray`
The indices of valid genes that Loess smoothed.
gene_idx: `np.ndarray`
The indices of genes that are used for the half-max ordering plot.
if mode == "vector_field":
interpolate = False
gene_num = exprs.shape[0]
cell_num = spaced_num if interpolate else exprs.shape[1]
if interpolate:
hm_mat_scaled, hm_mat_scaled_z = (
np.zeros((gene_num, cell_num)),
np.zeros((gene_num, cell_num)),
hm_mat_scaled, hm_mat_scaled_z = (
transient, trans_max, half_max = (
tmp = lowess_smoother(time, exprs, spaced_num) if interpolate else exprs
for i in range(gene_num):
hm_mat_scaled[i] = tmp[i] - np.min(tmp[i])
hm_mat_scaled[i] = hm_mat_scaled[i] / np.max(hm_mat_scaled[i])
scale_tmp = (tmp[i] - np.mean(tmp[i])) / np.std(tmp[i]) # scale in R
hm_mat_scaled_z[i] = scale_tmp
count, current = 0, hm_mat_scaled_z[i, 0] < 0 # check this
for j in range(cell_num):
if not (scale_tmp[j] < 0 == current):
count = count + 1
current = scale_tmp[j] < 0
half_max[i] = np.argmax(np.abs(scale_tmp - 0.5))
transient[i] = count
trans_max[i] = np.argsort(-scale_tmp)[0]
begin = np.arange(max([5, 0.05 * cell_num]))
end = np.arange(exprs.shape[1] - max([5, 0.05 * cell_num]), cell_num)
trans_indx = np.logical_and(
transient > 1,
not [i in np.concatenate((begin, end)) for i in trans_max],
trans_idx, trans, half_max_trans = (
hm_mat_scaled[trans_indx, :],
nt_idx, nt = np.where(~trans_indx)[0], hm_mat_scaled[~trans_indx, :]
up_idx, up, half_max_up = (
np.where(nt[:, 0] < nt[:, -1])[0],
nt[nt[:, 0] < nt[:, -1], :],
half_max[nt[:, 0] < nt[:, -1]],
down_indx, down, half_max_down = (
np.where(nt[:, 0] >= nt[:, -1])[0],
nt[nt[:, 0] >= nt[:, -1], :],
half_max[nt[:, 0] >= nt[:, -1]],
trans, up, down = (
trans[np.argsort(half_max_trans), :],
up[np.argsort(half_max_up), :],
down[np.argsort(half_max_down), :],
all = np.vstack((up, down, trans))
gene_idx = np.hstack(
return time, all, np.isfinite(nt[:, 0]) & np.isfinite(nt[:, -1]), gene_idx
def lowess_smoother(time, exprs, spaced_num=None, n_convolve=30):
gene_num = exprs.shape[0]
if spaced_num is None:
res = exprs.copy()
if exprs.shape[1] < 300:
return res
res = np.zeros((gene_num, spaced_num))
for i in range(gene_num):
x = exprs[i]
if spaced_num is None:
x_convolved = np.convolve(x[np.argsort(time)], np.ones(30) / 30, mode="same")
res[i, :] = x_convolved
# lowess = sm.nonparametric.lowess
# tmp = lowess(x, time, frac=.3)
# # run scipy's interpolation.
# f = interp1d(tmp[:, 0], tmp[:, 1], bounds_error=False)
x_convolved = np.convolve(
np.ones(n_convolve) / n_convolve,
# check: is any difference between interpld and np.convolve?
if len(time) == len(x_convolved):
f = interp1d(time[np.argsort(time)], x_convolved, bounds_error=False)
time_linspace = np.linspace(np.min(time), np.max(time), spaced_num)
res[i, :] = f(time_linspace)
res[i, :] = np.convolve(
np.ones(spaced_num) / spaced_num,
return res
def jacobian_kinetics(
adata: AnnData,
basis: str = "umap",
regulators: Optional[List[str]] = None,
effectors: Optional[List[str]] = None,
mode: str = "pseudotime",
tkey: str = "potential",
color_map: str = "bwr",
gene_order_method: Literal["raw", "half_max_ordering", "maximum"] = "raw",
show_colorbar: bool = False,
cluster_row_col: Tuple[bool, bool] = [False, True],
figsize: Tuple[float, float] = (11.5, 6),
standard_scale: int = 1,
n_convolve: int = 30,
save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return"] = "show",
save_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {},
) -> Optional[ClusterGrid]:
"""Plot the Jacobian dynamics over time (pseudotime or inferred real time) in a heatmap.
Note that by default `potential` estimated with the diffusion graph built from reconstructed vector field will be
used as the measure of pseudotime.
adata: an Annodata object.
basis: the reduced dimension basis. Defaults to "umap".
regulators: the list of genes that will be used as regulators for plotting the Jacobian heatmap, only limited to
genes that have already performed Jacobian analysis. Defaults to None.
effectors: the list of genes that will be used as targets for plotting the Jacobian heatmap, only limited to
genes that have already performed Jacobian analysis. Defaults to None.
mode: which data mode will be used, either vector_field or pseudotime. if mode is vector_field, the trajectory
predicted by vector field function will be used, otherwise pseudotime trajectory (defined by time argument)
will be used. By default, `potential` estimated with the diffusion graph built reconstructed vector field
will be used as pseudotime. Defaults to "pseudotime".
tkey: the .obs column that will be used for timing each cell, only used when mode is not `vector_field`.
Defaults to "potential".
color_map: color map that will be used to color the gene expression. If `half_max_ordering` is True, the
color map need to be divergent, good examples, include `BrBG`, `RdBu_r` or `coolwarm`, etc. Defaults to
gene_order_method: supports two different methods for ordering genes when plotting the heatmap: either
`half_max_ordering`, or `maximum`. For `half_max_ordering`, it will order genes into up, down and transit
groups by the half max ordering algorithm (HA Pliner, et al., Molecular cell 71 (5), 858-871. e8). While for
`maximum`, it will order by the position of the highest gene expression. Or, use `raw` to prevent any
ordering. Defaults to "raw".
show_colorbar: whether to show the color bar. Defaults to False.
cluster_row_col: whether to cluster the row or columns. Defaults to [False, True].
figsize: the size of the figures. Defaults to (11.5, 6).
standard_scale: can be either 0 (rows, cells) or 1 (columns, genes). Whether to standardize that
dimension, meaning for each row or column, subtract the minimum and divide each by its maximum. Defaults
to 1.
n_convolve: the number of cells for convolution. Defaults to 30.
save_show_or_return: whether to save, show, or return the figure. Defaults to "show".
save_kwargs: a dictionary that will be passed to the save_show_ret function. By default, it is an empty dictionary
and the save_show_ret function will use the {"path": None, "prefix": 'kinetic_curves', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf',
"transparent": True, "close": True, "verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise, you can provide a
dictionary that properly modify those keys according to your needs.. Defaults to {}.
**kwargs: any other kwargs that would be passed to `seaborn.clustermap`.
ValueError: invalid `regulators` or `effectors`.
NotImplementedError: invalid `gene_order_method`.
None would be returned by default. If `save_show_or_return` is set to be 'return', the generated seaborn
ClusterGrid would be returned.
>>> import dynamo as dyn
>>> adata = dyn.sample_data.hgForebrainGlutamatergic()
>>> adata = dyn.pp.recipe_monocle(adata)
>>> dyn.tl.dynamics(adata)
>>> dyn.vf.VectorField(adata, basis='pca')
>>> valid_gene_list = adata[:, adata.var.use_for_transition].var.index[:2]
>>> dyn.vf.jacobian(adata, regulators=valid_gene_list[0], effectors=valid_gene_list[1])
>>> dyn.pl.jacobian_kinetics(adata)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
Jacobian_ = "jacobian" if basis is None else "jacobian_" + basis
Der, cell_indx, _, regulators_, effectors_ = (
if tkey == "potential" and "potential" not in adata.obs_keys():
adata_ = adata[cell_indx, :]
time = adata_.obs[tkey]
jacobian_mat = Der.reshape((-1, Der.shape[2])) if Der.ndim == 3 else Der[None, :]
n_source_targets_ = Der.shape[0] * Der.shape[1] if Der.ndim == 3 else 1
targets_, sources_ = (
np.repeat(effectors_, Der.shape[1]),
np.tile(regulators_, Der.shape[0]),
if Der.ndim == 3
else (
np.repeat(effectors_, Der.shape[0]),
np.repeat(effectors_, Der.shape[0]),
source_targets_ = [sources_[i] + "->" + targets_[i] for i in range(n_source_targets_)]
regulators = regulators_ if regulators is None else regulators
effectors = effectors_ if effectors is None else effectors
if type(regulators) == str:
regulators = [regulators]
if type(effectors) == str:
effectors = [effectors]
regulators = list(set(regulators_).intersection(regulators))
effectors = list(set(effectors_).intersection(effectors))
if len(regulators) == 0 or len(effectors) == 0:
raise ValueError(
f"Jacobian related to source genes {regulators} and target genes {effectors}"
f"you provided are existed. Available source genes includes {regulators_} while "
f"available target genes includes {effectors_}"
n_source_targets = len(regulators) * len(effectors)
targets, sources = (
np.repeat(effectors, len(regulators)),
np.tile(regulators, len(effectors)),
source_targets = [sources[i] + "->" + targets[i] for i in range(n_source_targets)]
jacobian_mat = jacobian_mat[:, np.argsort(time)]
if gene_order_method == "half_max_ordering":
time, all, valid_ind, gene_idx = _half_max_ordering(
jacobian_mat, time, mode=mode, interpolate=True, spaced_num=100
all, source_targets = (
all[np.isfinite(all.sum(1)), :],
df = pd.DataFrame(all, index=source_targets_)
elif gene_order_method == "maximum":
jacobian_mat = lowess_smoother(time, jacobian_mat, spaced_num=None, n_convolve=n_convolve)
jacobian_mat = jacobian_mat[np.isfinite(jacobian_mat.sum(1)), :]
if standard_scale is not None:
exprs = (jacobian_mat - np.min(jacobian_mat, axis=standard_scale)[:, None]) / np.ptp(
jacobian_mat, axis=standard_scale
)[:, None]
max_sort = np.argsort(np.argmax(exprs, axis=1))
df = pd.DataFrame(
exprs[max_sort, :],
elif gene_order_method == "raw":
jacobian_mat /= np.abs(jacobian_mat).max(1)[:, None]
df = pd.DataFrame(
raise NotImplementedError("gene order_method can only be either raw, half_max_ordering or maximum")
heatmap_kwargs = dict(
if kwargs is not None:
heatmap_kwargs = update_dict(heatmap_kwargs, kwargs)
sns_heatmap = sns.clustermap(
df.loc[source_targets, :],
row_cluster=cluster_row_col[1] if len(source_targets) > 2 else False,
if not show_colorbar:
return save_show_ret("jacobian_kinetics", save_show_or_return, save_kwargs, sns_heatmap, adjust=show_colorbar)
def sensitivity_kinetics(
adata: AnnData,
basis: str = "umap",
regulators: Optional[List[str]] = None,
effectors: Optional[List[str]] = None,
mode: Literal["pseudotime", "vector_field"] = "pseudotime",
tkey: str = "potential",
color_map: str = "bwr",
gene_order_method: Literal["raw", "maximum", "half_max_ordering"] = "raw",
show_colorbar: bool = False,
cluster_row_col: Tuple[bool, bool] = (False, True),
figsize: Tuple[float, float] = (11.5, 6),
standard_scale: int = 1,
n_convolve: int = 30,
save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return"] = "show",
save_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {},
) -> Optional[ClusterGrid]:
"""Plot the Sensitivity dynamics over time (pseudotime or inferred real time) in a heatmap.
Note that by default `potential` estimated with the diffusion graph built from reconstructed vector field will be
used as the measure of pseudotime.
adata: an AnnData object.
basis: the reduced dimension basis. Defaults to "umap".
regulators: the list of genes that will be used as regulators for plotting the Jacobian heatmap, only limited to
genes that have already performed Jacobian analysis. Defaults to None.
effectors: the list of genes that will be used as targets for plotting the Jacobian heatmap, only limited to
genes that have already performed Jacobian analysis. Defaults to None.
mode: which data mode will be used, either vector_field or pseudotime. if mode is vector_field, the trajectory
predicted by vector field function will be used, otherwise pseudotime trajectory (defined by time argument)
will be used. By default, `potential` estimated with the diffusion graph built reconstructed vector field
will be used as pseudotime. Defaults to "pseudotime".
tkey: the .obs column that will be used for timing each cell, only used when mode is not `vector_field`.
Defaults to "potential".
color_map: color map that will be used to color the gene expression. If `half_max_ordering` is True, the
color map need to be divergent, good examples, include `BrBG`, `RdBu_r` or `coolwarm`, etc. Defaults to
gene_order_method: supports two different methods for ordering genes when plotting the heatmap: either
`half_max_ordering`, or `maximum`. For `half_max_ordering`, it will order genes into up, down and transit
groups by the half max ordering algorithm (HA Pliner, et al., Molecular cell 71 (5), 858-871. e8). While for
`maximum`, it will order by the position of the highest gene expression. Or, use `raw` to prevent any
ordering. Defaults to "raw".
show_colorbar: whether to show the color bar. Defaults to False.
cluster_row_col: whether to cluster the row or columns. Defaults to (False, True).
figsize: the size of the figure. Defaults to (11.5, 6).
standard_scale: either 0 (rows, cells) or 1 (columns, genes). Whether to standardize that dimension,
meaning for each row or column, subtract the minimum and divide each by its maximum. Defaults to 1.
n_convolve: the number of cells for convolution. Defaults to 30.
save_show_or_return: whether to save, show, or return the generated figure. Defaults to "show".
save_kwargs: a dictionary that will be passed to the save_show_ret function. By default, it is an empty dictionary
and the save_show_ret function will use the {"path": None, "prefix": 'kinetic_curves', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf',
"transparent": True, "close": True, "verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise, you can provide a
dictionary that properly modify those keys according to your needs. Defaults to {}.
**kwargs: any other kwargs that would be passed to `heatmap(). Currently `xticklabels=False, yticklabels='auto'`
is passed to heatmap() by default.`
ValueError: invalid `regulators` or `effectors`.
NotImplementedError: invalid `gene_order_method`.
None would be returned by default. If `save_show_or_return` is set to be 'return', the generated seaborn
ClusterGrid would be returned.
>>> import dynamo as dyn
>>> adata = dyn.sample_data.hgForebrainGlutamatergic()
>>> adata = dyn.pp.recipe_monocle(adata)
>>> dyn.tl.dynamics(adata)
>>> dyn.vf.VectorField(adata, basis='pca')
>>> valid_gene_list = adata[:, adata.var.use_for_transition].var.index[:2]
>>> dyn.vf.sensitivity(adata, regulators=valid_gene_list[0], effectors=valid_gene_list[1])
>>> dyn.pl.sensitivity_kinetics(adata)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
Sensitivity_ = "sensitivity" if basis is None else "sensitivity_" + basis
Der, cell_indx, _, regulators_, effectors_ = (
if tkey == "potential" and "potential" not in adata.obs_keys():
adata_ = adata[cell_indx, :]
time = adata_.obs[tkey]
sensitivity_mat = Der.reshape((-1, Der.shape[2])) if Der.ndim == 3 else Der[None, :]
n_source_targets_ = Der.shape[0] * Der.shape[1] if Der.ndim == 3 else 1
targets_, sources_ = (
np.repeat(effectors_, Der.shape[1]),
np.tile(regulators_, Der.shape[0]),
if Der.ndim == 3
else (
np.repeat(effectors_, Der.shape[0]),
np.repeat(effectors_, Der.shape[0]),
source_targets_ = [sources_[i] + "->" + targets_[i] for i in range(n_source_targets_)]
regulators = regulators_ if regulators is None else regulators
effectors = effectors_ if effectors is None else effectors
if type(regulators) == str:
regulators = [regulators]
if type(effectors) == str:
effectors = [effectors]
regulators = list(set(regulators_).intersection(regulators))
effectors = list(set(effectors_).intersection(effectors))
if len(regulators) == 0 or len(effectors) == 0:
raise ValueError(
f"Sensitivity related to source genes {regulators} and target genes {effectors}"
f"you provided are existed. Available source genes includes {regulators_} while "
f"available target genes includes {effectors_}"
n_source_targets = len(regulators) * len(effectors)
targets, sources = (
np.repeat(effectors, len(regulators)),
np.tile(regulators, len(effectors)),
source_targets = [sources[i] + "->" + targets[i] for i in range(n_source_targets)]
sensitivity_mat = sensitivity_mat[:, np.argsort(time)]
if gene_order_method == "half_max_ordering":
time, all, valid_ind, gene_idx = _half_max_ordering(
sensitivity_mat, time, mode=mode, interpolate=True, spaced_num=100
all, source_targets = (
all[np.isfinite(all.sum(1)), :],
df = pd.DataFrame(all, index=source_targets_)
elif gene_order_method == "maximum":
sensitivity_mat = lowess_smoother(time, sensitivity_mat, spaced_num=None, n_convolve=n_convolve)
sensitivity_mat = sensitivity_mat[np.isfinite(sensitivity_mat.sum(1)), :]
if standard_scale is not None:
exprs = (sensitivity_mat - np.min(sensitivity_mat, axis=standard_scale)[:, None]) / np.ptp(
sensitivity_mat, axis=standard_scale
)[:, None]
max_sort = np.argsort(np.argmax(exprs, axis=1))
df = pd.DataFrame(
exprs[max_sort, :],
elif gene_order_method == "raw":
sensitivity_mat /= np.abs(sensitivity_mat).max(1)[:, None]
df = pd.DataFrame(
raise NotImplementedError("gene order_method can only be either half_max_ordering or maximum")
heatmap_kwargs = dict(
if kwargs is not None:
heatmap_kwargs = update_dict(heatmap_kwargs, kwargs)
sns_heatmap = sns.clustermap(
df.loc[source_targets, :],
row_cluster=cluster_row_col[1] if len(source_targets) > 2 else False,
if not show_colorbar:
return save_show_ret("sensitivity_kinetics", save_show_or_return, save_kwargs, sns_heatmap, adjust=show_colorbar)