Source code for

import inspect
import warnings
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

    from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Literal

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from anndata import AnnData
from scipy.sparse import SparseEfficiencyWarning, csr_matrix, issparse
from tqdm import tqdm

from ..configuration import DynamoAdataConfig
from ..dynamo_logger import (
from import solve_alpha_2p_mat
from import Velocity, fit_linreg, ss_estimation
from ..estimation.tsc.estimation_kinetic import *
from ..estimation.tsc.twostep import fit_slope_stochastic, lin_reg_gamma_synthesis
from ..estimation.tsc.ODEs import *
from .moments import (
from .utils import (

warnings.simplefilter("ignore", SparseEfficiencyWarning)

# incorporate the model selection code soon
[docs]def dynamics( adata: AnnData, filter_gene_mode: Literal["final", "basic", "no"] = "final", use_smoothed: bool = True, assumption_mRNA: Literal["ss", "kinetic", "auto"] = "auto", assumption_protein: Literal["ss"] = "ss", model: Literal["auto", "deterministic", "stochastic"] = "auto", est_method: Literal["ols", "rlm", "ransac", "gmm", "negbin", "auto", "twostep", "direct"] = "auto", NTR_vel: bool = False, group: Optional[str] = None, protein_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, concat_data: bool = False, log_unnormalized: bool = True, one_shot_method: Literal["combined", "sci-fate", "sci_fate"] = "combined", fraction_for_deg: bool = False, re_smooth: bool = False, sanity_check: bool = False, del_2nd_moments: Optional[bool] = None, cores: int = 1, tkey: str = None, **est_kwargs, ) -> AnnData: """Inclusive model of expression dynamics considers splicing, metabolic labeling and protein translation. The function supports learning high-dimensional velocity vector samples for droplet based (10x, inDrop, drop-seq, etc), scSLAM-seq, NASC-seq sci-fate, scNT-seq, scEU-seq, cite-seq or REAP-seq datasets. Args: adata: an AnnData object. filter_gene_mode: The string for indicating which mode of gene filter will be used. Defaults to "final". use_smoothed: whether to use the smoothed data when estimating kinetic parameters and calculating velocity for each gene. When you have time-series data (`tkey` is not None), we recommend to smooth data among cells from each time point. Defaults to True. assumption_mRNA: Parameter estimation assumption for mRNA. Available options are: (1) 'ss': pseudo steady state; (2) 'kinetic' or None: degradation and kinetic data without steady state assumption. (3) 'auto': dynamo will choose a reasonable assumption of the system under study automatically. If no labelling data exists, assumption_mRNA will automatically set to be 'ss'. For one-shot experiment, assumption_mRNA is set to be None. However we will use steady state assumption to estimate parameters alpha and gamma either by a deterministic linear regression or the first order decay approach in line of the sci-fate paper; Defaults to "auto". assumption_protein: Parameter estimation assumption for protein. Available options are: (1) 'ss': pseudo steady state; Defaults to "ss". model: String indicates which estimation model will be used. Available options are: (1) 'deterministic': The method based on `deterministic` ordinary differential equations; (2) 'stochastic' or `moment`: The new method from us that is based on `stochastic` master equations; Note that `kinetic` model doesn't need to assumes the `experiment_type` is not `conventional`. As other labeling experiments, if you specify the `tkey`, dynamo can also apply `kinetic` model on `conventional` scRNA-seq datasets. A "model_selection" model will be supported soon in which alpha, beta and gamma will be modeled as a function of time. Defaults to "auto". est_method: This parameter should be used in conjunction with `model` parameter. Available options when the `model` is 'ss' include: (1) 'ols': The canonical method or Ordinary Least Squares regression from the seminar RNA velocity paper based on deterministic ordinary differential equations; (2) 'rlm': The robust linear models from statsmodels. Robust Regression provides an alternative to OLS regression by lowering the restrictions on assumptions and dampens the effect of outliers in order to fit majority of the data. (3) 'ransac': RANSAC (RANdom SAmple Consensus) algorithm for robust linear regression. RANSAC is an iterative algorithm for the robust estimation of parameters from a subset of inliers from the complete dataset. RANSAC implementation is based on RANSACRegressor function from sklearn package. Note that if `rlm` or `ransac` failed, it will roll back to the `ols` method. In addition, `ols`, `rlm` and `ransac` can be only used in conjunction with the `deterministic` model. (4) 'gmm': The new generalized methods of moments from us that is based on master equations, similar to the "moment" model in the excellent scVelo package; (5) 'negbin': The new method from us that models steady state RNA expression as a negative binomial distribution, also built upon on master equations. (6) 'auto': dynamo will choose the suitable estimation method based on the `assumption_mRNA`, `experiment_type` and `model` parameter. Note that all those methods require using extreme data points (except negbin, which use all data points) for estimation. Extreme data points are defined as the data from cells whose expression of unspliced / spliced or new / total RNA, etc. are in the top or bottom, 5%, for example. `linear_regression` only considers the mean of RNA species (based on the `deterministic` ordinary different equations) while moment based methods (`gmm`, `negbin`) considers both first moment (mean) and second moment (uncentered variance) of RNA species (based on the `stochastic` master equations). The above method are all (generalized) linear regression based method. In order to return estimated parameters (including RNA half-life), it additionally returns R-squared (either just for extreme data points or all data points) as well as the log-likelihood of the fitting, which will be used for transition matrix and velocity embedding. Available options when the `assumption_mRNA` is 'kinetic' include: (1) 'auto': dynamo will choose the suitable estimation method based on the `assumption_mRNA`, `experiment_type` and `model` parameter. (2) `twostep`: first for each time point, estimate K (1-e^{-rt}) using the total and new RNA data. Then use regression via t-np.log(1-K) to get degradation rate gamma. When splicing and labeling data both exist, replacing new/total with ul/u can be used to estimate beta. Suitable for velocity estimation. (3) `direct` (default): method that directly uses the kinetic model to estimate rate parameters, generally not good for velocity estimation. Under `kinetic` model, choosing estimation is `experiment_type` dependent. For `kinetics` experiments, dynamo supposes methods including RNA bursting or without RNA bursting. Dynamo also adaptively estimates parameters, based on whether the data has splicing or without splicing. Under `kinetic` assumption, the above method uses non-linear least square fitting. In order to return estimated parameters (including RNA half-life), it additionally returns the log-likelihood of the fitting, which will be used for transition matrix and velocity embedding. All `est_method` uses least square to estimate optimal parameters with latin cubic sampler for initial sampling. Defaults to "auto". NTR_vel: whether to use NTR (new/total ratio) velocity for labeling datasets. Defaults to False. group: the column key/name that identifies the grouping information (for example, clusters that correspond to different cell types) of cells. This will be used to calculate 1/2 st moments and covariance for each cells in each group. It will also enable estimating group-specific (i.e cell-type specific) kinetic parameters. Defaults to None. protein_names: a list of gene names corresponds to the rows of the measured proteins in the `X_protein` of the `obsm` attribute. The names have to be included in the adata.var.index. Defaults to None. concat_data: whether to concatenate data before estimation. If your data is a list of matrices for each time point, this need to be set as True. Defaults to False. log_unnormalized: whether to log transform the unnormalized data. Defaults to True. one_shot_method: The method that will be used for estimating kinetic parameters for one-shot experiment data. (1) the "sci-fate" method directly solves gamma with the first-order decay model; (2) the "combined" model uses the linear regression under steady state to estimate relative gamma, and then calculate absolute gamma (degradation rate), beta (splicing rate) and cell-wise alpha (transcription rate). Defaults to "combined". fraction_for_deg: whether to use the fraction of labeled RNA instead of the raw labeled RNA to estimate the degradation parameter. Defaults to False. re_smooth: whether to re-smooth the adata and also recalculate 1/2 moments or covariance. Defaults to False. sanity_check: whether to perform sanity-check before estimating kinetic parameters and velocity vectors, currently only applicable to kinetic or degradation metabolic labeling based scRNA-seq data. The basic idea is that for kinetic (degradation) experiment, the total labelled RNA for each gene should increase (decrease) over time. If they don't satisfy this criteria, those genes will be ignored during the estimation. Defaults to False. del_2nd_moments: whether to remove second moments or covariances. Default it is `False` so this avoids recalculating 2nd moments or covariance but it may take a lot memory when your dataset is big. Set this to `True` when your data is huge (like > 25, 000 cells or so) to reducing the memory footprint. Defaults to None. cores: number of cores to run the estimation. If cores is set to be > 1, multiprocessing will be used to parallel the parameter estimation. Currently only applicable cases when assumption_mRNA is `ss` or cases when experiment_type is either "one-shot" or "mix_std_stm". Defaults to 1. tkey: the column key for the labeling time of cells in .obs. Used for labeling based scRNA-seq data. If `tkey` is None, then `adata.uns["pp"]["tkey"]` will be checked and used if exists. Defaults to None. **est_kwargs: Other arguments passed to the fit method (steady state models) or estimation methods (kinetic models). Raises: ValueError: preprocessing not performed. Exception: No gene pass filter. Exception: Too few valid genes. Returns: An updated AnnData object with estimated kinetic parameters, inferred velocity and estimation related information included. The estimated kinetic parameters are currently appended to .obs (should move to .obsm with the key `dynamics` later). Depends on the estimation method, experiment type and whether you applied estimation for each groups via `group`, the number of returned parameters can be variable. For conventional scRNA-seq (including cite-seq or other types of protein/RNA coassays) and somethings metabolic labeling data, the parameters will at mostly include: alpha: Transcription rate beta: Splicing rate gamma: Spliced RNA degradation rate eta: Translation rate (only applicable to RNA/protein coassay) delta: Protein degradation rate (only applicable to RNA/protein coassay) alpha_b: intercept of alpha fit beta_b: intercept of beta fit gamma_b: intercept of gamma fit eta_b: intercept of eta fit (only applicable to RNA/protein coassay) delta_b: intercept of delta fit (only applicable to RNA/protein coassay) alpha_r2: r-squared for goodness of fit of alpha estimation beta_r2: r-squared for goodness of fit of beta estimation gamma_r2: r-squared for goodness of fit of gamma estimation eta_r2: r-squared for goodness of fit of eta estimation (only applicable to RNA/protein coassay) delta_r2: r-squared for goodness of fit of delta estimation (only applicable to RNA/protein coassay) alpha_logLL: loglikelihood of alpha estimation (only applicable to stochastic model) beta_loggLL: loglikelihood of beta estimation (only applicable to stochastic model) gamma_logLL: loglikelihood of gamma estimation (only applicable to stochastic model) eta_logLL: loglikelihood of eta estimation (only applicable to stochastic model and RNA/protein coassay) delta_loggLL: loglikelihood of delta estimation (only applicable to stochastic model and RNA/protein coassay) uu0: estimated amount of unspliced unlabeled RNA at time 0 (only applicable to data with both splicing and labeling) ul0: estimated amount of unspliced labeled RNA at time 0 (only applicable to data with both splicing and labeling) su0: estimated amount of spliced unlabeled RNA at time 0 (only applicable to data with both splicing and labeling) sl0: estimated amount of spliced labeled RNA at time 0 (only applicable to data with both splicing and labeling) U0: estimated amount of unspliced RNA (uu + ul) at time 0 S0: estimated amount of spliced (su + sl) RNA at time 0 total0: estimated amount of spliced (U + S) RNA at time 0 half_life: Spliced mRNA's half-life (log(2) / gamma) Note that all data points are used when estimating r2 although only extreme data points are used for estimating r2. This is applicable to all estimation methods, either `linear_regression`, `gmm` or `negbin`. By default we set the intercept to be 0. For metabolic labeling data, the kinetic parameters will at most include: alpha: Transcription rate (effective - when RNA promoter switching considered) beta: Splicing rate gamma: Spliced RNA degradation rate a: Switching rate from active promoter state to inactive promoter state b: Switching rate from inactive promoter state to active promoter state alpha_a: Transcription rate for active promoter alpha_i: Transcription rate for inactive promoter cost: cost of the kinetic parameters estimation logLL: loglikelihood of kinetic parameters estimation alpha_r2: r-squared for goodness of fit of alpha estimation beta_r2: r-squared for goodness of fit of beta estimation gamma_r2: r-squared for goodness of fit of gamma estimation uu0: estimated amount of unspliced unlabeled RNA at time 0 (only applicable to data with both splicing and labeling) ul0: estimated amount of unspliced labeled RNA at time 0 (only applicable to data with both splicing and labeling) su0: estimated amount of spliced unlabeled RNA at time 0 (only applicable to data with both splicing and labeling) sl0: estimated amount of spliced labeled RNA at time 0 (only applicable to data with both splicing and labeling) u0: estimated amount of unspliced RNA (including uu, ul) at time 0 s0: estimated amount of spliced (including su, sl) RNA at time 0 total0: estimated amount of spliced (including U, S) RNA at time 0 p_half_life: half-life for unspliced mRNA half_life: half-life for spliced mRNA If sanity_check has performed, a column with key `sanity_check` will also included which indicates which gene passes filter (`filter_gene_mode`) and sanity check. This is only applicable to kinetic and degradation metabolic labeling experiments. In addition, the `dynamics` key of the .uns attribute corresponds to a dictionary that includes the following keys: t: An array like object that indicates the time point of each cell used during parameters estimation (applicable only to kinetic models) group: The group that you used to estimate parameters group-wise X_data: The input that was used for estimating parameters (applicable only to kinetic models) X_fit_data: The data that was fitted during parameters estimation (applicable only to kinetic models) asspt_mRNA: Assumption of mRNA dynamics (steady state or kinetic) experiment_type: Experiment type (either conventional or metabolic labeling based) normalized: Whether to normalize data model: Model used for the parameter estimation (either auto, deterministic or stochastic) has_splicing: Does the adata has splicing? detected automatically has_labeling: Does the adata has labelling? detected automatically has_protein: Does the adata has protein information? detected automatically use_smoothed: Whether to use smoothed data (or first moment, done via local average of neighbor cells) NTR_vel: Whether to estimate NTR velocity log_unnormalized: Whether to log transform unnormalized data. """ del_2nd_moments = DynamoAdataConfig.use_default_var_if_none( del_2nd_moments, DynamoAdataConfig.DYNAMICS_DEL_2ND_MOMENTS_KEY ) if "pp" not in adata.uns_keys(): raise ValueError(f"\nPlease run `dyn.pp.receipe_monocle(adata)` before running this function!") if tkey is None: tkey = adata.uns["pp"]["tkey"] (experiment_type, has_splicing, has_labeling, splicing_labeling, has_protein,) = ( adata.uns["pp"]["experiment_type"], adata.uns["pp"]["has_splicing"], adata.uns["pp"]["has_labeling"], adata.uns["pp"]["splicing_labeling"], adata.uns["pp"]["has_protein"], ) X_data, X_fit_data = None, None filter_list, filter_gene_mode_list = ( [ "use_for_pca", "pass_basic_filter", "no", ], ["final", "basic", "no"], ) filter_checker = [i in adata.var.columns for i in filter_list[:2]] filter_checker.append(True) filter_id = filter_gene_mode_list.index(filter_gene_mode) which_filter = np.where(filter_checker[filter_id:])[0][0] + filter_id filter_gene_mode = filter_gene_mode_list[which_filter] valid_bools = get_valid_bools(adata, filter_gene_mode) gene_num = sum(valid_bools) if gene_num == 0: raise Exception(f"no genes pass filter. Try resetting `filter_gene_mode = 'no'` to use all genes.") if model.lower() == "auto": model = "stochastic" model_was_auto = True else: model_was_auto = False if tkey is not None: if adata.obs[tkey].max() > 60: main_warning( "Looks like you are using minutes as the time unit. For the purpose of numeric stability, " "we recommend using hour as the time unit." ) if model.lower() == "stochastic" or use_smoothed or re_smooth: M_layers = [i for i in adata.layers.keys() if i.startswith("M_")] if len(M_layers) < 2 or re_smooth: main_info("removing existing M layers:%s..." % (str(list(M_layers))), indent_level=2) for i in M_layers: del adata.layers[i] main_info("making adata smooth...", indent_level=2) if group is not None and group in adata.obs.columns: moments(adata, genes=valid_bools, group=group) else: moments(adata, genes=valid_bools, group=tkey) elif tkey is not None: main_warning( f"You used tkey {tkey} (or group {group}), but you have calculated local smoothing (1st moment) " f"for your data before. Please ensure you used the desired tkey or group when the smoothing was " f"performed. Try setting re_smooth = True if not sure." ) valid_adata = adata[:, valid_bools].copy() if group is not None and group in adata.obs.columns: _group = adata.obs[group].unique() if any(adata.obs[group].value_counts() < 50): main_warning( f"Note that some groups have less than 50 cells, this may lead to the velocities for some " f"cells are all NaN values and cause issues for all downstream analysis. Please try to " f"coarse-grain cell groupings. Cell number for each group are {adata.obs[group].value_counts()}" ) else: _group = ["_all_cells"] for cur_grp_i, cur_grp in enumerate(_group): if cur_grp == "_all_cells": kin_param_pre = "" cur_cells_bools = np.ones(valid_adata.shape[0], dtype=bool) subset_adata = valid_adata[cur_cells_bools] else: kin_param_pre = str(group) + "_" + str(cur_grp) + "_" cur_cells_bools = (valid_adata.obs[group] == cur_grp).values subset_adata = valid_adata[cur_cells_bools] if model.lower() == "stochastic" or use_smoothed: moments(subset_adata) ( U, Ul, S, Sl, P, US, U2, S2, t, normalized, ind_for_proteins, assump_mRNA, ) = get_data_for_kin_params_estimation( subset_adata, has_splicing, has_labeling, model, use_smoothed, tkey, protein_names, log_unnormalized, NTR_vel, ) valid_bools_ = valid_bools.copy() if sanity_check and experiment_type.lower() in ["kin", "deg"]: indices_valid_bools = np.where(valid_bools)[0] t, L = ( t.flatten(), (0 if Ul is None else Ul) + (0 if Sl is None else Sl), ) t_uniq = np.unique(t) valid_gene_checker = np.zeros(gene_num, dtype=bool) for L_iter, cur_L in tqdm( enumerate(L), desc=f"sanity check of {experiment_type} experiment data:", ): cur_L = cur_L.A.flatten() if issparse(cur_L) else cur_L.flatten() y = strat_mom(cur_L, t, np.nanmean) slope, _ = fit_linreg(t_uniq, y, intercept=True, r2=False) valid_gene_checker[L_iter] = ( True if (slope > 0 and experiment_type == "kin") or (slope < 0 and experiment_type == "deg") else False ) valid_bools_[indices_valid_bools[~valid_gene_checker]] = False main_warning(f"filtering {gene_num - valid_gene_checker.sum()} genes after sanity check.") if len(valid_bools_) < 5: raise Exception( f"After sanity check, you have less than 5 valid genes. Something is wrong about your " f"metabolic labeling experiment!" ) U, Ul, S, Sl = ( (None if U is None else U[valid_gene_checker, :]), (None if Ul is None else Ul[valid_gene_checker, :]), (None if S is None else S[valid_gene_checker, :]), (None if Sl is None else Sl[valid_gene_checker, :]), ) subset_adata = subset_adata[:, valid_gene_checker] adata.var[kin_param_pre + "sanity_check"] = valid_bools_ if assumption_mRNA.lower() == "auto": assumption_mRNA = assump_mRNA if experiment_type.lower() == "conventional": assumption_mRNA = "ss" elif experiment_type.lower() in ["mix_pulse_chase", "deg", "kin"]: assumption_mRNA = "kinetic" if model.lower() == "stochastic" and experiment_type.lower() not in [ "conventional", "kinetics", "degradation", "kin", "deg", "one-shot", ]: """ # temporially convert to deterministic model as moment model for mix_std_stm and other types of labeling experiment is ongoing.""" model = "deterministic" if model_was_auto and experiment_type.lower() in [ "kinetic", "kin", "degradation", "deg", ]: model = "deterministic" if assumption_mRNA.lower() == "ss" or (experiment_type.lower() in ["one-shot", "mix_std_stm"]): if est_method.lower() == "auto": est_method = "gmm" if model.lower() == "stochastic" else "ols" if experiment_type.lower() == "one-shot": try: vel_params_df = get_vel_params(subset_adata) beta = vel_params_df.beta if "beta" in vel_params_df.columns else None gamma = vel_params_df.gamma if "gamma" in vel_params_df.columns else None except KeyError: beta, gamma = None, None ss_estimation_kwargs = {"beta": beta, "gamma": gamma} else: ss_estimation_kwargs = {} est = ss_estimation( U=U.copy() if U is not None else None, Ul=Ul.copy() if Ul is not None else None, S=S.copy() if S is not None else None, Sl=Sl.copy() if Sl is not None else None, P=P.copy() if P is not None else None, US=US.copy() if US is not None else None, S2=S2.copy() if S2 is not None else None, conn=subset_adata.obsp["moments_con"], t=t, ind_for_proteins=ind_for_proteins, model=model, est_method=est_method, experiment_type=experiment_type, assumption_mRNA=assumption_mRNA, assumption_protein=assumption_protein, concat_data=concat_data, cores=cores, **ss_estimation_kwargs, ) # U: (unlabeled) unspliced; S: (unlabeled) spliced; U / Ul: old and labeled; U, Ul, S, Sl: uu/ul/su/sl with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") if experiment_type.lower() in ["one-shot", "one_shot"]:, **est_kwargs) else: # experiment_type can be `kin` also and by default use # conventional method to estimate k but correct for time**est_kwargs) alpha, beta, gamma, eta, delta = est.parameters.values() U, S = get_U_S_for_velocity_estimation( subset_adata, use_smoothed, has_splicing, has_labeling, log_unnormalized, NTR_vel, ) vel = Velocity(estimation=est) if experiment_type.lower() in [ "one_shot", "one-shot", "kin", "mix_std_stm", ]: U_, S_ = get_U_S_for_velocity_estimation( subset_adata, use_smoothed, has_splicing, has_labeling, log_unnormalized, not NTR_vel, ) # also get vel_N and vel_T if NTR_vel: if has_splicing: if experiment_type == "kin": Kc = np.clip(gamma[:, None], 0, 1 - 1e-3) # S - U slope gamma_ = -(np.log(1 - Kc) / t[None, :]) # actual gamma vel_U = U.multiply(csr_matrix(gamma_ / Kc)) - csr_matrix(beta).multiply(U_) # vel.vel_s(U_) vel_S = vel.vel_s(U_, S_) vel_N = (U - csr_matrix(Kc).multiply(U)).multiply(csr_matrix(gamma_ / Kc)) # vel.vel_u(U) # scale back to true velocity via multiplying "gamma_ / Kc". vel_T = (U - csr_matrix(Kc).multiply(S)).multiply(csr_matrix(gamma_ / Kc)) elif experiment_type == "mix_std_stm": # steady state RNA: u0, stimulation RNA: u_new; # cell-wise transcription rate under simulation: alpha1 u0, u_new, alpha1 = solve_alpha_2p_mat( t0=np.max(t) - t, t1=t, alpha0=alpha[0], beta=beta, u1=U, ) vel_U = alpha1 - csr_matrix(beta[:, None]).multiply(U_) vel_S = vel.vel_s(U_, S_) vel_N = alpha1 - csr_matrix(gamma[:, None]).multiply(u_new) vel_T = alpha1 - csr_matrix(beta[:, None]).multiply(S) else: vel_U = vel.vel_u(U_) vel_S = vel.vel_s(U_, S_) vel_N = vel.vel_u(U) vel_T = vel.vel_s(U, S - U) # need to consider splicing else: if experiment_type == "kin": vel_U = np.nan vel_S = np.nan Kc = np.clip(gamma[:, None], 0, 1 - 1e-3) # S - U slope gamma_ = -(np.log(1 - Kc) / t[None, :]) # actual gamma vel_N = (U - csr_matrix(Kc).multiply(U)).multiply(csr_matrix(gamma_ / Kc)) # vel.vel_u(U) # scale back to true velocity via multiplying "gamma_ / Kc". vel_T = (U - csr_matrix(Kc).multiply(S)).multiply(csr_matrix(gamma_ / Kc)) elif experiment_type == "mix_std_stm": vel_U = np.nan vel_S = np.nan # steady state RNA: u0, stimulation RNA: u_new; # cell-wise transcription rate under simulation: alpha1 u0, u_new, alpha1 = solve_alpha_2p_mat( t0=np.max(t) - t, t1=t, alpha0=alpha[0], beta=gamma, u1=U, ) vel_N = alpha1 - csr_matrix(gamma[:, None]).multiply(u_new) vel_T = alpha1 - csr_matrix(gamma[:, None]).multiply(S) else: vel_U = np.nan vel_S = np.nan vel_N = vel.vel_u(U) vel_T = vel.vel_u(S) # don't consider splicing else: if has_splicing: if experiment_type == "kin": Kc = np.clip(gamma[:, None], 0, 1 - 1e-3) # S - U slope gamma_ = -(np.log(1 - Kc) / t[None, :]) # actual gamma vel_U = U_.multiply(csr_matrix(gamma_ / Kc) - csr_matrix(beta).multiply(U)) # vel.vel_u(U) vel_S = vel.vel_s(U, S) vel_N = (U_ - csr_matrix(Kc).multiply(U_)).multiply( csr_matrix(gamma_ / Kc) ) # vel.vel_u(U_) # scale back to true velocity via multiplying "gamma_ / Kc". vel_T = (U_ - csr_matrix(Kc).multiply(S_)).multiply(csr_matrix(gamma_ / Kc)) elif experiment_type == "mix_std_stm": # steady state RNA: u0, stimulation RNA: u_new; # cell-wise transcription rate under simulation: alpha1 u0, u_new, alpha1 = solve_alpha_2p_mat( t0=np.max(t) - t, t1=t, alpha0=alpha[0], beta=beta, u1=U_, ) vel_U = alpha1 - csr_matrix(beta[:, None]).multiply(U) vel_S = vel.vel_s(U, S) vel_N = alpha1 - csr_matrix(gamma[:, None]).multiply(u_new) vel_T = alpha1 - csr_matrix(beta[:, None]).multiply(S_) else: vel_U = vel.vel_u(U) vel_S = vel.vel_s(U, S) vel_N = vel.vel_u(U_) vel_T = vel.vel_s(U_, S_ - U_) # need to consider splicing else: if experiment_type == "kin": vel_U = np.nan vel_S = np.nan Kc = np.clip(gamma[:, None], 0, 1 - 1e-3) # S - U slope gamma_ = -(np.log(1 - Kc) / t[None, :]) # actual gamma vel_N = (U_ - csr_matrix(Kc).multiply(U_)).multiply( csr_matrix(gamma_ / Kc) ) # vel.vel_u(U_) # scale back to true velocity via multiplying "gamma_ / Kc". vel_T = (U_ - csr_matrix(Kc).multiply(S_)).multiply(csr_matrix(gamma_ / Kc)) elif experiment_type == "mix_std_stm": vel_U = np.nan vel_S = np.nan # steady state RNA: u0, stimulation RNA: u_new; # cell-wise transcription rate under simulation: alpha1 u0, u_new, alpha1 = solve_alpha_2p_mat( t0=np.max(t) - t, t1=t, alpha0=alpha[0], beta=gamma, u1=U_, ) vel_N = alpha1 - csr_matrix(gamma[:, None]).multiply(u_new) vel_T = alpha1 - csr_matrix(gamma[:, None]).multiply(S_) else: vel_U = np.nan vel_S = np.nan vel_N = vel.vel_u(U_) vel_T = vel.vel_u(S_) # don't consider splicing else: vel_U = vel.vel_u(U) vel_S = vel.vel_s(U, S) vel_N, vel_T = np.nan, np.nan vel_P = vel.vel_p(S, P) adata = set_velocity( adata, vel_U, vel_S, vel_N, vel_T, vel_P, _group, cur_grp, cur_cells_bools, valid_bools_, ind_for_proteins, ) adata = set_param_ss( adata, est, alpha, beta, gamma, eta, delta, experiment_type, _group, cur_grp, kin_param_pre, valid_bools_, ind_for_proteins, ) elif assumption_mRNA.lower() == "kinetic": return_ntr = True if fraction_for_deg and experiment_type.lower() == "deg" else False if model_was_auto and experiment_type.lower() == "kin": model = "mixture" if est_method == "auto": est_method = "direct" data_type = "smoothed" if use_smoothed else "sfs" (params, half_life, cost, logLL, param_ranges, cur_X_data, cur_X_fit_data,) = kinetic_model( subset_adata, tkey, model, est_method, experiment_type, has_splicing, splicing_labeling, has_switch=True, param_rngs={}, data_type=data_type, return_ntr=return_ntr, **est_kwargs, ) if type(params) == dict: alpha = params.pop("alpha") params = pd.DataFrame(params) else: alpha = params.loc[:, "alpha"].values if "alpha" in params.columns else None len_t, len_g = len(np.unique(t)), len(_group) if cur_grp == _group[0]: if len_g != 1: # X_data, X_fit_data = np.zeros((len_g, adata.n_vars, len_t)), np.zeros((len_g, adata.n_vars,len_t)) X_data, X_fit_data = [None] * len_g, [None] * len_g if len(_group) == 1: X_data, X_fit_data = cur_X_data, cur_X_fit_data else: # X_data[cur_grp_i, :, :], X_fit_data[cur_grp_i, :, :] = cur_X_data, cur_X_fit_data X_data[cur_grp_i], X_fit_data[cur_grp_i] = ( cur_X_data, cur_X_fit_data, ) a, b, alpha_a, alpha_i, beta, gamma = ( params.loc[:, "a"].values if "a" in params.columns else None, params.loc[:, "b"].values if "b" in params.columns else None, params.loc[:, "alpha_a"].values if "alpha_a" in params.columns else None, params.loc[:, "alpha_i"].values if "alpha_i" in params.columns else None, params.loc[:, "beta"].values if "beta" in params.columns else None, params.loc[:, "gamma"].values if "gamma" in params.columns else None, ) if alpha is None: alpha = fbar(a, b, alpha_a, 0) if alpha_i is None else fbar(a, b, alpha_a, alpha_i) all_kinetic_params = [ "a", "b", "alpha_a", "alpha_i", "alpha", "beta", "gamma", ] extra_params = params.loc[:, params.columns.difference(all_kinetic_params)] # if alpha = None, set alpha to be U; N - gamma R params = {"alpha": alpha, "beta": beta, "gamma": gamma, "t": t} vel = Velocity(**params) # Fix below: U, S = get_U_S_for_velocity_estimation( subset_adata, use_smoothed, has_splicing, has_labeling, log_unnormalized, NTR_vel, ) U_, S_ = get_U_S_for_velocity_estimation( subset_adata, use_smoothed, has_splicing, has_labeling, log_unnormalized, not NTR_vel, ) # also get vel_N and vel_T if NTR_vel: if has_splicing: if experiment_type == "kin": vel_U = vel.vel_u(U_) vel_S = vel.vel_s(U_, S_) vel.parameters["beta"] = gamma vel_N = vel.vel_u(U) vel_T = vel.vel_u(S) # no need to consider splicing elif experiment_type == "deg": if splicing_labeling: vel_U = np.nan vel_S = vel.vel_s(U_, S_) vel_N = np.nan vel_T = np.nan else: vel_U = np.nan vel_S = vel.vel_s(U_, S_) vel_N = np.nan vel_T = np.nan elif experiment_type in ["mix_kin_deg", "mix_pulse_chase"]: vel_U = vel.vel_u(U_, repeat=True) vel_S = vel.vel_s(U_, S_) vel.parameters["beta"] = gamma vel_N = vel.vel_u(U, repeat=True) vel_T = vel.vel_u(S, repeat=True) # no need to consider splicing else: if experiment_type == "kin": vel_U = np.nan vel_S = np.nan # calculate cell-wise alpha, if est_method is twostep, this can be skipped alpha_ = one_shot_alpha_matrix(U, gamma, t) vel.parameters["alpha"] = alpha_ vel_N = vel.vel_u(U) vel_T = vel.vel_u(S) # don't consider splicing elif experiment_type == "deg": vel_U = np.nan vel_S = np.nan vel_N = np.nan vel_T = np.nan elif experiment_type in ["mix_kin_deg", "mix_pulse_chase"]: vel_U = np.nan vel_S = np.nan vel_N = vel.vel_u(U, repeat=True) vel_T = vel.vel_u(S) # don't consider splicing else: if has_splicing: if experiment_type == "kin": vel_U = vel.vel_u(U) vel_S = vel.vel_s(U, S) vel.parameters["beta"] = gamma vel_N = vel.vel_u(U_) vel_T = vel.vel_u(S_) # no need to consider splicing elif experiment_type == "deg": if splicing_labeling: vel_U = np.nan vel_S = vel.vel_s(U, S) vel_N = np.nan vel_T = np.nan else: vel_U = np.nan vel_S = vel.vel_s(U, S) vel_N = np.nan vel_T = np.nan elif experiment_type in ["mix_kin_deg", "mix_pulse_chase"]: vel_U = vel.vel_u(U, repeat=True) vel_S = vel.vel_s(U, S) vel.parameters["beta"] = gamma vel_N = vel.vel_u(U_, repeat=True) vel_T = vel.vel_u(S_, repeat=True) # no need to consider splicing else: if experiment_type == "kin": vel_U = np.nan vel_S = np.nan # calculate cell-wise alpha, if est_method is twostep, this can be skipped alpha_ = one_shot_alpha_matrix(U_, gamma, t) vel.parameters["alpha"] = alpha_ vel_N = vel.vel_u(U_) vel_T = vel.vel_u(S_) # need to consider splicing elif experiment_type == "deg": vel_U = np.nan vel_S = np.nan vel_N = np.nan vel_T = np.nan elif experiment_type in ["mix_kin_deg", "mix_pulse_chase"]: vel_U = np.nan vel_S = np.nan vel_N = vel.vel_u(U_, repeat=True) vel_T = vel.vel_u(S_, repeat=True) # don't consider splicing vel_P = vel.vel_p(S, P) adata = set_velocity( adata, vel_U, vel_S, vel_N, vel_T, vel_P, _group, cur_grp, cur_cells_bools, valid_bools_, ind_for_proteins, ) adata = set_param_kinetic( adata, alpha, a, b, alpha_a, alpha_i, beta, gamma, cost, logLL, kin_param_pre, extra_params, _group, cur_grp, cur_cells_bools, valid_bools_, ) # add protein related parameters in the moment model below: elif model.lower() == "model_selection": main_warning("Not implemented yet.") if group is not None and group in adata.obs[group]: uns_key = group + "_dynamics" else: uns_key = "dynamics" if sanity_check and experiment_type in ["kin", "deg"]: sanity_check_cols = adata.var.columns.str.endswith("sanity_check") adata.var["use_for_dynamics"] = adata.var.loc[:, sanity_check_cols].sum(1).astype(bool) else: adata.var["use_for_dynamics"] = False adata.var.loc[valid_bools, "use_for_dynamics"] = True adata.uns[uns_key] = { "filter_gene_mode": filter_gene_mode, "t": t, "group": group, "X_data": X_data, "X_fit_data": X_fit_data, "asspt_mRNA": assumption_mRNA, "experiment_type": experiment_type, "normalized": normalized, "model": model, "est_method": est_method, "has_splicing": has_splicing, "has_labeling": has_labeling, "splicing_labeling": splicing_labeling, "has_protein": has_protein, "use_smoothed": use_smoothed, "NTR_vel": NTR_vel, "log_unnormalized": log_unnormalized, "fraction_for_deg": fraction_for_deg, } if del_2nd_moments: remove_2nd_moments(adata) return adata
def kinetic_model( subset_adata: AnnData, tkey: str, model: Literal["auto", "deterministic", "stochastic"], est_method: Literal["twostep", "direct"], experiment_type: str, has_splicing: bool, splicing_labeling: bool, has_switch: bool, param_rngs: Dict[str, List[int]], data_type: Literal["smoothed", "sfs"] = "sfs", return_ntr: bool = False, **est_kwargs, ) -> Tuple[ Union[Dict[str, Any], pd.DataFrame], np.ndarray, Optional[np.ndarray], Optional[np.ndarray], Optional[Dict[str, List[int]]], List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray], ]: """Calculate the parameters required for velocity estimation when the mRNA assumption is 'kinetic'. Args: subset_adata: an AnnData object with invalid genes trimmed. tkey: the column key for the labeling time of cells in .obs. Used for labeling based scRNA-seq data. If `tkey` is None, then `adata.uns["pp"]["tkey"]` will be checked and used if exists. model: String indicates which estimation model will be used. Available options are: (1) 'deterministic': The method based on `deterministic` ordinary differential equations; (2) 'stochastic' or `moment`: The new method from us that is based on `stochastic` master equations; Note that `kinetic` model doesn't need to assume the `experiment_type` is not `conventional`. As other labeling experiments, if you specify the `tkey`, dynamo can also apply `kinetic` model on `conventional` scRNA-seq datasets. A "model_selection" model will be supported soon in which alpha, beta and gamma will be modeled as a function of time. est_method: Available options when the `assumption_mRNA` is 'kinetic' include: (1) 'auto': dynamo will choose the suitable estimation method based on the `assumption_mRNA`, `experiment_type` and `model` parameter. (2) `twostep`: first for each time point, estimate K (1-e^{-rt}) using the total and new RNA data. Then use regression via t-np.log(1-K) to get degradation rate gamma. When splicing and labeling data both exist, replacing new/total with ul/u can be used to estimate beta. Suitable for velocity estimation. (3) `direct` (default): method that directly uses the kinetic model to estimate rate parameters, generally not good for velocity estimation. Under `kinetic` model, choosing estimation is `experiment_type` dependent. For `kinetics` experiments, dynamo supposes methods including RNA bursting or without RNA bursting. Dynamo also adaptively estimates parameters, based on whether the data has splicing or without splicing. Under `kinetic` assumption, the above method uses non-linear least square fitting. In order to return estimated parameters (including RNA half-life), it additionally returns the log-likelihood of the fitting, which will be used for transition matrix and velocity embedding. All `est_method` uses least square to estimate optimal parameters with latin cubic sampler for initial sampling. experiment_type: the experiment type of the data. has_splicing: whether the object containing unspliced and spliced data splicing_labeling: hether the object containing both splicing and labelling data has_switch: whether there should be switch for stochastic model. param_rngs: the range set for each parameter. data_type: the data type, could be "smoothed" or "sfs". Defaults to "sfs". return_ntr: whether to deal with new/total ratio. Defaults to False. Raises: NotImplementedError: `model` is invalid. NotImplementedError: `model` is invalid. NotImplementedError: `model` is invalid. NotImplementedError: `model` is invalid. NotImplementedError: `experiment_type` is invalid. NotImplementedError: mix_pulse_chase/mix_kin_deg experiment can only use `deterministic` model. Exception: pulse_time_series experiment type not implemented. Exception: dual_labeling experiment type not implemented. Exception: experiment type invalid. Returns: A tuple (Estm_df, half_life, cost, logLL, _param_ranges, X_data, X_fit_data), where Estm_df contains the parameters required for mRNA velocity calculation, half_life is for half-life of spliced mRNA, cost is for the cost of kinetic parameters estimation, logLL is for loglikelihood of kinetic parameters estimation, _param_ranges is for the intended range of parameter estimation, X_data is for the data used for parameter estimation, and X_fit_data is for the data that get fitted during parameter estimation. """ """est_method can be either `twostep` (two-step model) or `direct`. data_type can either 'sfs' or 'smoothed'.""" logger = LoggerManager.gen_logger("dynamo-kinetic-model")"experiment type: %s, method: %s, model: %s" % (experiment_type.lower(), str(est_method), str(model))) time = subset_adata.obs[tkey].astype("float").values if experiment_type.lower() == "kin": if est_method == "twostep": if has_splicing: layers = ( ["M_u", "M_s", "M_t", "M_n"] if ("M_u" in subset_adata.layers.keys() and data_type == "smoothed") else ["X_u", "X_s", "X_t", "X_n"] ) U, S, Total, New = ( subset_adata.layers[layers[0]].T, subset_adata.layers[layers[1]].T, subset_adata.layers[layers[2]].T, subset_adata.layers[layers[3]].T, ) US, S2 = ( subset_adata.layers["M_us"].T, subset_adata.layers["M_ss"].T, ) # gamma, gamma_r2 = lin_reg_gamma_synthesis(U, Ul, time, perc_right=100) ( gamma_k, gamma_b, gamma_all_r2, gamma_all_logLL, ) = fit_slope_stochastic(S, U, US, S2, perc_left=None, perc_right=100) ( gamma, gamma_r2, X_data, mean_R2, K_fit, ) = lin_reg_gamma_synthesis(Total, New, time, perc_right=100) k = 1 - np.exp(-gamma[:, None] * time[None, :]) beta = gamma / gamma_k # gamma_k = gamma / beta Estm_df = { "alpha": csr_matrix(gamma[:, None]).multiply(New).multiply(1 / k), "beta": beta, "gamma_k": gamma_k, "gamma_b": gamma_b, "gamma_k_r2": gamma_all_r2, "gamma_logLL": gamma_all_logLL, "gamma": gamma, "gamma_r2": gamma_r2, "mean_R2": mean_R2, } half_life = np.log(2) / gamma cost, logLL, _param_ranges, X_data, X_fit_data = ( None, None, None, X_data, K_fit, ) return ( Estm_df, half_life, cost, logLL, _param_ranges, X_data, X_fit_data, ) else: layers = ( ["M_t", "M_n"] if ("M_t" in subset_adata.layers.keys() and data_type == "smoothed") else ["X_t", "X_n"] ) Total, New = ( subset_adata.layers[layers[0]].T, subset_adata.layers[layers[1]].T, ) ( gamma, gamma_r2, X_data, mean_R2, K_fit, ) = lin_reg_gamma_synthesis(Total, New, time, perc_right=100) k = 1 - np.exp(-gamma[:, None] * time[None, :]) Estm_df = { "alpha": csr_matrix(gamma[:, None]).multiply(New).multiply(1 / k), "gamma": gamma, "gamma_k": gamma, # required for phase_potrait "gamma_r2": gamma_r2, "mean_R2": mean_R2, } half_life = np.log(2) / gamma cost, logLL, _param_ranges, X_data, X_fit_data = ( None, None, None, X_data, K_fit, ) return ( Estm_df, half_life, cost, logLL, _param_ranges, X_data, X_fit_data, ) elif est_method == "direct": if has_splicing and splicing_labeling: layers = ( ["M_ul", "M_sl", "M_uu", "M_su"] if ("M_ul" in subset_adata.layers.keys() and data_type == "smoothed") else ["X_ul", "X_sl", "X_uu", "X_su"] ) if model.lower() in ["deterministic", "stochastic"]: layer_u = "M_ul" if ("M_ul" in subset_adata.layers.keys() and data_type == "smoothed") else "X_ul" layer_s = "M_sl" if ("M_ul" in subset_adata.layers.keys() and data_type == "smoothed") else "X_sl" X, X_raw = prepare_data_has_splicing( subset_adata, subset_adata.var.index, time, layer_u=layer_u, layer_s=layer_s, total_layers=layers, ) elif model.startswith("mixture"): X, _, X_raw = prepare_data_deterministic( subset_adata, subset_adata.var.index, time, layers=layers, total_layers=layers, ) if model.lower() == "deterministic": X = [X[i][[0, 1], :] for i in range(len(X))] _param_ranges = { "alpha": [0, 1000], "beta": [0, 1000], "gamma": [0, 1000], } x0 = {"u0": [0, 1000], "s0": [0, 1000]} Est, _ = Estimation_DeterministicKin, Deterministic elif model.lower() == "stochastic": x0 = { "u0": [0, 1000], "s0": [0, 1000], "uu0": [0, 1000], "ss0": [0, 1000], "us0": [0, 1000], } if has_switch: _param_ranges = { "a": [0, 1000], "b": [0, 1000], "alpha_a": [0, 1000], "alpha_i": 0, "beta": [0, 1000], "gamma": [0, 1000], } Est, _ = Estimation_MomentKin, Moments else: _param_ranges = { "alpha": [0, 1000], "beta": [0, 1000], "gamma": [0, 1000], } Est, _ = ( Estimation_MomentKinNoSwitch, Moments_NoSwitching, ) elif model.lower() == "mixture": _param_ranges = { "alpha": [0, 1000], "alpha_2": [0, 0], "beta": [0, 1000], "gamma": [0, 1000], } x0 = { "ul0": [0, 0], "sl0": [0, 0], "uu0": [0, 1000], "su0": [0, 1000], } Est = Mixture_KinDeg_NoSwitching(Deterministic(), Deterministic()) elif model.lower() == "mixture_deterministic_stochastic": X, X_raw = prepare_data_mix_has_splicing( subset_adata, subset_adata.var.index, time, layer_u=layers[2], layer_s=layers[3], layer_ul=layers[0], layer_sl=layers[1], total_layers=layers, mix_model_indices=[0, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], ) _param_ranges = { "alpha": [0, 1000], "alpha_2": [0, 0], "beta": [0, 1000], "gamma": [0, 1000], } x0 = { "ul0": [0, 0], "sl0": [0, 0], "u0": [0, 1000], "s0": [0, 1000], "uu0": [0, 1000], "ss0": [0, 1000], "us0": [0, 1000], } Est = Mixture_KinDeg_NoSwitching(Deterministic(), Moments_NoSwitching()) elif model.lower() == "mixture_stochastic_stochastic": _param_ranges = { "alpha": [0, 1000], "alpha_2": [0, 0], "beta": [0, 1000], "gamma": [0, 1000], } X, X_raw = prepare_data_mix_has_splicing( subset_adata, subset_adata.var.index, time, layer_u=layers[2], layer_s=layers[3], layer_ul=layers[0], layer_sl=layers[1], total_layers=layers, mix_model_indices=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], ) x0 = { "ul0": [0, 1000], "sl0": [0, 1000], "ul_ul0": [0, 1000], "sl_sl0": [0, 1000], "ul_sl0": [0, 1000], "u0": [0, 1000], "s0": [0, 1000], "uu0": [0, 1000], "ss0": [0, 1000], "us0": [0, 1000], } Est = Mixture_KinDeg_NoSwitching(Moments_NoSwitching(), Moments_NoSwitching()) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"model {model} with kinetic assumption is not implemented. " f"current supported models for kinetics experiments include: stochastic, deterministic, mixture," f"mixture_deterministic_stochastic or mixture_stochastic_stochastic" ) else: total_layer = "M_t" if ("M_t" in subset_adata.layers.keys() and data_type == "smoothed") else "X_total" if model.lower() in ["deterministic", "stochastic"]: layer = "M_n" if ("M_n" in subset_adata.layers.keys() and data_type == "smoothed") else "X_new" X, X_raw = prepare_data_no_splicing( subset_adata, subset_adata.var.index, time, layer=layer, total_layer=total_layer, ) elif model.lower().startswith("mixture"): layers = ( ["M_n", "M_t"] if ("M_n" in subset_adata.layers.keys() and data_type == "smoothed") else ["X_new", "X_total"] ) X, _, X_raw = prepare_data_deterministic( subset_adata, subset_adata.var.index, time, layers=layers, total_layers=total_layer, ) if model.lower() == "deterministic": X = [X[i][0, :] for i in range(len(X))] _param_ranges = { "alpha": [0, 1000], "gamma": [0, 1000], } x0 = {"u0": [0, 1000]} Est, _ = ( Estimation_DeterministicKinNosp, Deterministic_NoSplicing, ) elif model.lower() == "stochastic": x0 = { "u0": [0, 1000], "uu0": [0, 1000], } if has_switch: _param_ranges = { "a": [0, 1000], "b": [0, 1000], "alpha_a": [0, 1000], "alpha_i": 0, "gamma": [0, 1000], } Est, _ = Estimation_MomentKinNosp, Moments_Nosplicing else: _param_ranges = { "alpha": [0, 1000], "gamma": [0, 1000], } Est, _ = ( Estimation_MomentKinNoSwitchNoSplicing, Moments_NoSwitchingNoSplicing, ) elif model.lower() == "mixture": _param_ranges = { "alpha": [0, 1000], "alpha_2": [0, 0], "gamma": [0, 1000], } x0 = {"u0": [0, 0], "o0": [0, 1000]} Est = Mixture_KinDeg_NoSwitching(Deterministic_NoSplicing(), Deterministic_NoSplicing()) elif model.lower() == "mixture_deterministic_stochastic": X, X_raw = prepare_data_mix_no_splicing( subset_adata, subset_adata.var.index, time, layer_n=layers[0], layer_t=layers[1], total_layer=total_layer, mix_model_indices=[0, 2, 3], ) _param_ranges = { "alpha": [0, 1000], "alpha_2": [0, 0], "gamma": [0, 1000], } x0 = {"u0": [0, 1000], "o0": [0, 1000], "oo0": [0, 1000]} Est = Mixture_KinDeg_NoSwitching( Deterministic_NoSplicing(), Moments_NoSwitchingNoSplicing(), ) elif model.lower() == "mixture_stochastic_stochastic": X, X_raw = prepare_data_mix_no_splicing( subset_adata, subset_adata.var.index, time, layer_n=layers[0], layer_t=layers[1], total_layer=total_layer, mix_model_indices=[0, 1, 2, 3], ) _param_ranges = { "alpha": [0, 1000], "alpha_2": [0, 0], "gamma": [0, 1000], } x0 = { "u0": [0, 1000], "uu0": [0, 1000], "o0": [0, 1000], "oo0": [0, 1000], } Est = Mixture_KinDeg_NoSwitching( Moments_NoSwitchingNoSplicing(), Moments_NoSwitchingNoSplicing(), ) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"model {model} with kinetic assumption is not implemented. " f"current supported models for kinetics experiments include: stochastic, deterministic, " f"mixture, mixture_deterministic_stochastic or mixture_stochastic_stochastic" ) elif experiment_type.lower() == "deg": if has_splicing and splicing_labeling: layers = ( ["M_ul", "M_sl", "M_uu", "M_su"] if ("M_ul" in subset_adata.layers.keys() and data_type == "smoothed") else ["X_ul", "X_sl", "X_uu", "X_su"] ) if model.lower() in ["deterministic", "stochastic"]: layer_u = "M_ul" if ("M_ul" in subset_adata.layers.keys() and data_type == "smoothed") else "X_ul" layer_s = "M_sl" if ("M_sl" in subset_adata.layers.keys() and data_type == "smoothed") else "X_sl" X, X_raw = prepare_data_has_splicing( subset_adata, subset_adata.var.index, time, layer_u=layer_u, layer_s=layer_s, total_layers=layers, return_ntr=return_ntr, ) elif model.lower().startswith("mixture"): X, _, X_raw = prepare_data_deterministic( subset_adata, subset_adata.var.index, time, layers=layers, total_layers=layers, return_ntr=return_ntr, ) if model.lower() == "deterministic": X = [X[i][[0, 1], :] for i in range(len(X))] _param_ranges = { "beta": [0, 1000], "gamma": [0, 1000], } x0 = { "u0": [0, 1000], "s0": [0, 1000], } Est, _ = Estimation_DeterministicDeg, Deterministic elif model.lower() == "stochastic": _param_ranges = { "beta": [0, 1000], "gamma": [0, 1000], } x0 = { "u0": [0, 1000], "s0": [0, 1000], "uu0": [0, 1000], "ss0": [0, 1000], "us0": [0, 1000], } Est, _ = Estimation_MomentDeg, Moments_NoSwitching else: raise NotImplementedError( f"model {model} with kinetic assumption is not implemented. " f"current supported models for degradation experiment include: " f"stochastic, deterministic." ) else: total_layer = "M_t" if ("M_t" in subset_adata.layers.keys() and data_type == "smoothed") else "X_total" layer = "M_n" if ("M_n" in subset_adata.layers.keys() and data_type == "smoothed") else "X_new" X, X_raw = prepare_data_no_splicing( subset_adata, subset_adata.var.index, time, layer=layer, total_layer=total_layer, return_ntr=return_ntr, ) if model.lower() == "deterministic": X = [X[i][0, :] for i in range(len(X))] _param_ranges = { "gamma": [0, 10], } x0 = {"u0": [0, 1000]} Est, _ = ( Estimation_DeterministicDegNosp, Deterministic_NoSplicing, ) elif model.lower() == "stochastic": _param_ranges = { "gamma": [0, 10], } x0 = {"u0": [0, 1000], "uu0": [0, 1000]} Est, _ = Estimation_MomentDegNosp, Moments_NoSwitchingNoSplicing else: raise NotImplementedError( f"model {model} with kinetic assumption is not implemented. " f"current supported models for degradation experiment include: " f"stochastic, deterministic." ) elif experiment_type.lower() == "mix_std_stm": raise NotImplementedError(f"experiment {experiment_type} with kinetic assumption is not implemented") elif experiment_type.lower() in ["mix_pulse_chase", "mix_kin_deg"]: total_layer = "M_t" if ("M_t" in subset_adata.layers.keys() and data_type == "smoothed") else "X_total" if model.lower() in ["deterministic"]: layer = "M_n" if ("M_n" in subset_adata.layers.keys() and data_type == "smoothed") else "X_new" X, X_raw = prepare_data_no_splicing( subset_adata, subset_adata.var.index, time, layer=layer, total_layer=total_layer, ) if model.lower() == "deterministic": X = [X[i][0, :] for i in range(len(X))] _param_ranges = { "alpha": [0, 1000], "gamma": [0, 1000], } x0 = {"u0": [0, 1000]} Est = Estimation_KineticChase else: raise NotImplementedError( f"only `deterministic` model implemented for mix_pulse_chase/mix_kin_deg experiment!" ) elif experiment_type.lower() == "pulse_time_series": raise Exception(f"experiment {experiment_type} with kinetic assumption is not implemented") elif experiment_type.lower() == "dual_labeling": raise Exception(f"experiment {experiment_type} with kinetic assumption is not implemented") else: raise Exception(f"experiment {experiment_type} is not recognized") _param_ranges = update_dict(_param_ranges, param_rngs) x0_ = np.vstack([ran for ran in x0.values()]).T n_genes = subset_adata.n_vars cost, logLL = np.zeros(n_genes), np.zeros(n_genes) all_keys = list(_param_ranges.keys()) + list(x0.keys()) all_keys = [cur_key for cur_key in all_keys if cur_key != "alpha_i"] half_life, Estm = np.zeros(n_genes), [None] * n_genes X_data, X_fit_data = [None] * n_genes, [None] * n_genes if experiment_type: popt = [None] * n_genes main_debug("model: %s, experiment_type: %s" % (model, experiment_type)) for i_gene in tqdm(range(n_genes), desc="estimating kinetic-parameters using kinetic model"): if model.lower().startswith("mixture"): estm = Est if model.lower() == "mixture": cur_X_data = np.vstack([X[i_layer][i_gene] for i_layer in range(len(X))]) if issparse(X_raw[0]): cur_X_raw = np.hstack([X_raw[i_layer][:, i_gene].A for i_layer in range(len(X))]) else: cur_X_raw = np.hstack([X_raw[i_layer][:, i_gene] for i_layer in range(len(X))]) else: cur_X_data = X[i_gene] cur_X_raw = X_raw[i_gene] if issparse(cur_X_raw[0, 0]): cur_X_raw = np.hstack((cur_X_raw[0, 0].A, cur_X_raw[1, 0].A)) _, cost[i_gene] = estm.auto_fit(np.unique(time), cur_X_data) ( model_1, model_2, kinetic_parameters, mix_x0, ) = estm.export_dictionary().values() tmp = list(kinetic_parameters.values()) tmp.extend(mix_x0) Estm[i_gene] = tmp else: if experiment_type.lower() == "kin": cur_X_data, cur_X_raw = X[i_gene], X_raw[i_gene] if has_splicing: alpha0 = guestimate_alpha(np.sum(cur_X_data, 0), np.unique(time)) else: alpha0 = ( guestimate_alpha(cur_X_data, np.unique(time)) if cur_X_data.ndim == 1 else guestimate_alpha(cur_X_data[0], np.unique(time)) ) if model.lower() == "stochastic": _param_ranges.update({"alpha_a": [0, alpha0 * 10]}) elif model.lower() == "deterministic": _param_ranges.update({"alpha": [0, alpha0 * 10]}) param_ranges = [ran for ran in _param_ranges.values()] estm = Est(*param_ranges, x0=x0_) if "x0" in inspect.getfullargspec(Est) else Est(*param_ranges) _, cost[i_gene] = estm.fit_lsq(np.unique(time), cur_X_data, **est_kwargs) if model.lower() == "deterministic": Estm[i_gene] = estm.export_parameters() else: tmp =, mask=False) tmp.mask[3] = True Estm[i_gene] = tmp.compressed() elif experiment_type.lower() == "deg": estm = Est() cur_X_data, cur_X_raw = X[i_gene], X_raw[i_gene] _, cost[i_gene] = estm.auto_fit(np.unique(time), cur_X_data) Estm[i_gene] = estm.export_parameters()[1:] elif experiment_type.lower() in ["mix_pulse_chase", "mix_kin_deg"]: estm = Est() cur_X_data, cur_X_raw = X[i_gene], X_raw[i_gene] popt[i_gene], cost[i_gene] = estm.auto_fit(np.unique(time), cur_X_data) Estm[i_gene] = estm.export_parameters() if issparse(cur_X_raw[0, 0]): cur_X_raw = np.hstack((cur_X_raw[0, 0].A, cur_X_raw[1, 0].A)) # model_1, kinetic_parameters, mix_x0 = estm.export_dictionary().values() # tmp = list(kinetic_parameters.values()) # tmp.extend(mix_x0) # Estm[i_gene] = tmp X_data[i_gene] = cur_X_data if model.lower().startswith("mixture"): X_fit_data[i_gene] = estm.simulator.x.T X_fit_data[i_gene][estm.model1.n_species :] *= estm.scale elif experiment_type in ["mix_kin_deg", "mix_pulse_chase"]: # kinetic chase simulation kinetic_chase = estm.simulator.x.T # hidden x tt, h = estm.simulator.calc_init_conc() X_fit_data[i_gene] = [kinetic_chase, [tt, h]] else: if hasattr(estm, "extract_data_from_simulator"): X_fit_data[i_gene] = estm.extract_data_from_simulator() else: X_fit_data[i_gene] = estm.simulator.x.T half_life[i_gene] = ( np.log(2) / Estm[i_gene][-1] if experiment_type.lower() == "kin" else estm.calc_half_life("gamma") ) if model.lower().startswith("mixture"): species = [0, 1, 2, 3] if has_splicing else [0, 1] gof = GoodnessOfFit(estm.export_model(), params=estm.export_parameters()) gof.prepare_data(time, cur_X_raw.T, species=species, normalize=True) else: gof = GoodnessOfFit( estm.export_model(), params=estm.export_parameters(), x0=estm.simulator.x0, ) gof.prepare_data(time, cur_X_raw.T, normalize=True) logLL[i_gene] = gof.calc_mean_squared_deviation() # .calc_gaussian_loglikelihood() if experiment_type.lower() == "deg" and est_method == "twostep" and has_splicing: layers = ["M_u", "M_s"] if ("M_u" in subset_adata.layers.keys() and data_type == "smoothed") else ["X_u", "X_s"] U, S = ( subset_adata.layers[layers[0]].T, subset_adata.layers[layers[1]].T, ) US, S2 = subset_adata.layers["M_us"].T, subset_adata.layers["M_ss"].T # beta, beta_r2 = lin_reg_gamma_synthesis(U, Ul, time, perc_right=100) gamma_k, gamma_b, gamma_all_r2, gamma_all_logLL = fit_slope_stochastic( S, U, US, S2, perc_left=None, perc_right=5 ) Estm_df = pd.DataFrame(np.vstack(Estm), columns=[*all_keys[: len(Estm[0])]]) Estm_df["gamma_k"] = gamma_k # gamma_k = gamma / beta Estm_df["beta"] = Estm_df["gamma"] / gamma_k # gamma_k = gamma / beta Estm_df["gamma_r2"] = gamma_all_r2 elif experiment_type.lower() in ["mix_pulse_chase", "mix_kin_deg"] and est_method == "twostep": if has_splicing: layers = ( ["M_u", "M_s"] if ("M_u" in subset_adata.layers.keys() and data_type == "smoothed") else ["X_u", "X_s"] ) U, S = ( subset_adata.layers[layers[0]].T, subset_adata.layers[layers[1]].T, ) US, S2 = ( subset_adata.layers["M_us"].T, subset_adata.layers["M_ss"].T, ) # beta, beta_r2 = lin_reg_gamma_synthesis(U, Ul, time, perc_right=100) ( gamma_k, gamma_b, gamma_all_r2, gamma_all_logLL, ) = fit_slope_stochastic(S, U, US, S2, perc_left=None, perc_right=5) Estm_df = pd.DataFrame(np.vstack(Estm), columns=[*all_keys[: len(Estm[0])]]) Estm_df["gamma_k"] = gamma_k # gamma_k = gamma / beta Estm_df["beta"] = Estm_df["gamma"] / gamma_k # gamma_k = gamma / beta Estm_df["gamma_r2"] = gamma_all_r2 else: Estm_df = pd.DataFrame(np.vstack(Estm), columns=[*all_keys[: len(Estm[0])]]) Estm_df["gamma_k"] = Estm_df["gamma"] # fix a bug in pl.dynamics else: Estm_df = pd.DataFrame(np.vstack(Estm), columns=[*all_keys[: len(Estm[0])]]) return Estm_df, half_life, cost, logLL, _param_ranges, X_data, X_fit_data def fbar(a: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray, alpha_a: np.ndarray, alpha_i: np.ndarray) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: """Calculate transcription rate based on switching rate and transcription rate. Args: a: switching rate from active promoter state to inactive promoter state. b: switching rate from inactive promoter state to active promoter state. alpha_a: transcription rate for active promoter. alpha_i: transcription rate for inactive promoter. Returns: The transcription rate (effective - when RNA promoter switching considered). """ if any([i is None for i in [a, b, alpha_a, alpha_i]]): return None else: return b / (a + b) * alpha_a + a / (a + b) * alpha_i def _get_dispatcher() -> dict: """Build a dict containing simulators for several kinds of dynamics. Returns: A dict containing simulators for several kinds of dynamics. """ dispatcher = { "Deterministic": Deterministic, "Deterministic_NoSplicing": Deterministic_NoSplicing, "Moments_NoSwitching": Moments_NoSwitching, "Moments_NoSwitchingNoSplicing": Moments_NoSwitchingNoSplicing, "Mixture_KinDeg_NoSwitching": Mixture_KinDeg_NoSwitching, } return dispatcher