Source code for dynamo.configuration

import warnings
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import colorcet
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from anndata._core.anndata import AnnData
from cycler import cycler
from matplotlib import cm, colors, rcParams

from .dynamo_logger import main_debug, main_info

class DynamoAdataKeyManager:
    VAR_GENE_MEAN_KEY = "pp_gene_mean"
    VAR_GENE_VAR_KEY = "pp_gene_variance"
    VAR_GENE_HIGHLY_VARIABLE_KEY = "gene_highly_variable"
    VAR_GENE_HIGHLY_VARIABLE_SCORES = "gene_highly_variable_scores"
    VAR_USE_FOR_PCA = "use_for_pca"

    # a set of preprocessing keys to label dataset properties
    UNS_PP_KEY = "pp"
    UNS_PP_HAS_SPLICING = "has_splicing"
    UNS_PP_TKEY = "time"
    UNS_PP_HAS_LABELING = "has_labeling"
    UNS_PP_HAS_PROTEIN = "has_protein"
    UNS_PP_SPLICING_LABELING = "splicing_labeling"
    UNS_PP_PEARSON_RESIDUAL_NORMALIZATION = "pearson_residuals_normalization_params"

    # obsp adjacency matrix string constants
    OBSP_ADJ_MAT_DIST = "distances"
    OBSP_ADJ_MAT_CONNECTIVITY = "connectivities"

    # special key names frequently used in dynamo
    X_LAYER = "X"
    PROTEIN_LAYER = "protein"
    X_PCA = "X_pca"

    def gen_new_layer_key(layer_name, key, sep="_") -> str:
        """utility function for returning a new key name for a specific layer. By convention layer_name should not have the separator as the last character."""
        if layer_name == "":
            return key
        if layer_name[-1] == sep:
            return layer_name + key
        return sep.join([layer_name, key])

    def gen_layer_pp_key(*keys):
        """Generate dynamo style keys for adata.uns[pp][key0_key1_key2...]"""
        return "_".join(keys)

    def gen_layer_X_key(key):
        """Generate dynamo style keys for adata.layer[X_*], used later in dynamics"""
        return DynamoAdataKeyManager.gen_new_layer_key("X", key)

    def is_layer_X_key(key):
        return key[:2] == "X_"

    def gen_layer_pearson_residual_key(layer: str):
        """Generate dynamo style keys for adata.uns[pp][key0_key1_key2...]"""
        return DynamoAdataKeyManager.gen_layer_pp_key(
            layer, DynamoAdataKeyManager.UNS_PP_PEARSON_RESIDUAL_NORMALIZATION

    def select_layer_data(adata: AnnData, layer: str, copy=False) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """This utility provides a unified interface for selecting layer data.

        The default layer is X layer in adata with shape n_obs x n_var. For protein data it selects adata.obsm["protein"]
        as specified by dynamo convention (the number of proteins are generally less than detected genes `n_var`).
        For other layer data, select data based on layer key with shape n_obs x n_var.
        if layer is None:
            layer = DynamoAdataKeyManager.X_LAYER
        res_data = None
        if layer == DynamoAdataKeyManager.X_LAYER:
            res_data = adata.X
        elif layer == DynamoAdataKeyManager.PROTEIN_LAYER:
            res_data = adata.obsm["protein"] if "protein" in adata.obsm_keys() else None
            res_data = adata.layers[layer]
        if copy:
            return res_data.copy()
        return res_data

    def set_layer_data(adata: AnnData, layer: str, vals: np.array, var_indices: np.array = None):
        if var_indices is None:
            var_indices = slice(None)
        if layer == DynamoAdataKeyManager.X_LAYER:
            adata.X[:, var_indices] = vals
        elif layer in adata.layers:
            adata.layers[layer][:, var_indices] = vals
            # layer does not exist in adata
            # ignore var_indices and set values as a new layer
            adata.layers[layer] = vals

    def check_if_layer_exist(adata: AnnData, layer: str) -> bool:
        if layer == DynamoAdataKeyManager.X_LAYER:
            # assume always exist
            return True
        if layer == DynamoAdataKeyManager.PROTEIN_LAYER:
            return DynamoAdataKeyManager.PROTEIN_LAYER in adata.obsm

        return layer in adata.layers

    def get_available_layer_keys(adata, layers="all", remove_pp_layers=True, include_protein=True):
        """Get the list of available layers' keys. If `layers` is set to all, return a list of all available layers; if `layers` is set to a list, then the intersetion of available layers and `layers` will be returned."""
        layer_keys = list(adata.layers.keys())
        if layers is None:  # layers=adata.uns["pp"]["experiment_layers"], in calc_sz_factor
            layers = "X"
        if remove_pp_layers:
            layer_keys = [i for i in layer_keys if not i.startswith("X_")]

        if "protein" in adata.obsm.keys() and include_protein:
            layer_keys.extend(["X", "protein"])
        res_layers = layer_keys if layers == "all" else list(set(layer_keys).intersection(list(layers)))
        res_layers = list(set(res_layers).difference(["matrix", "ambiguous", "spanning"]))
        return res_layers

    def allowed_layer_raw_names():
        only_splicing = ["spliced", "unspliced"]
        only_labeling = ["new", "total"]
        splicing_and_labeling = ["uu", "ul", "su", "sl"]
        return only_splicing, only_labeling, splicing_and_labeling

    def get_raw_data_layers(adata: AnnData) -> str:
        only_splicing, only_labeling, splicing_and_labeling = DKM.allowed_layer_raw_names()
        # select layers in adata to be normalized
        res = only_splicing + only_labeling + splicing_and_labeling
        res = set(res).intersection(adata.layers.keys()).union("X")
        res = list(res)
        return res

    def allowed_X_layer_names():
        only_splicing = ["X_spliced", "X_unspliced"]
        only_labeling = ["X_new", "X_total"]
        splicing_and_labeling = ["X_uu", "X_ul", "X_su", "X_sl"]

        return only_splicing, only_labeling, splicing_and_labeling

    def init_uns_pp_namespace(adata: AnnData):
        adata.uns[DynamoAdataKeyManager.UNS_PP_KEY] = {}

    def get_excluded_layers(X_total_layers: bool = False, splicing_total_layers: bool = False) -> List:
        """Get a list of excluded layers based on the provided arguments.

        When splicing_total_layers is False, the function normalize spliced and unspliced RNA separately using each
        layer's size factors. When X_total_layers is False, the function normalize X (normally it corresponds to the
        spliced RNA or total RNA for a conventional scRNA-seq or labeling scRNA-seq) using its own size factor.

            X_total_layers: whether to also normalize adata.X by size factor from total RNA.
            splicing_total_layers: whether to also normalize spliced / unspliced layers by size factor from total RNA.

            The list of layers to be excluded.
        excluded_layers = []
        if not X_total_layers:
        if not splicing_total_layers:
            excluded_layers.extend(["spliced", "unspliced"])
        return excluded_layers

    def aggregate_layers_into_total(
        _adata: AnnData,
        layers: Union[str, List[str]] = "all",
        total_layers: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        extend_layers: bool = True,
    ) -> Tuple[Optional[List[str]], Union[str, List[str]]]:
        """Create a total layer in adata by aggregating multiple layers.

        The size factor normalization function is able to calculate size factors from customized layers. Given list
        of total_layers, this helper function will calculate a temporary `_total_` layer.

            _adata: the Anndata object.
            layers: the layer(s) to be normailized in the normailzation function.
            total_layers: the layer(s) to sum up to get the total mRNA. For example, ["spliced", "unspliced"],
                ["uu", "ul", "su", "sl"] or ["new", "old"], etc.
            extend_layers: whether to extend the `_total_` layer to the list of layers.

            The tuple contains total layers and layers. Anndata object will be updated with `_total_` layer.
        if not isinstance(total_layers, list):
            total_layers = [total_layers]
        if len(set(total_layers).difference(_adata.layers.keys())) == 0:
            total = None
            for t_key in total_layers:
                total = _adata.layers[t_key] if total is None else total + _adata.layers[t_key]
            _adata.layers["_total_"] = total
            if extend_layers:
        return total_layers, layers

# TODO discuss alias naming convention
DKM = DynamoAdataKeyManager

class DynamoVisConfig:
    def set_default_mode(background="white"):
        set_figure_params("dynamo", background=background)

class DynamoAdataConfig:
    """dynamo anndata object config class holding static variables to change behaviors of functions globally."""

    # set the adata store mode.
    # saving memory or storing more results
    # modes: full, succinct
    data_store_mode = None

    # save config for recipe_* functions
    recipe_keep_filtered_genes = None
    recipe_keep_raw_layers = None
    recipe_keep_filtered_cells = None

    # save config for recipe_monocle
    recipe_monocle_keep_filtered_genes = None
    recipe_monocle_keep_filtered_cells = None
    recipe_monocle_keep_raw_layers = None

    dynamics_del_2nd_moments = None
    recipe_del_2nd_moments = None

    # add str variables to store key name string here
    ) = [

    # config_key_to_values contains _key to values for config values
    config_key_to_values = None

    def use_default_var_if_none(val, key, replace_val=None):
        """if `val` is equal to `replace_val`, then a config value will be returned according to `key` stored in dynamo configuration. Otherwise return the original `val` value.

            val :
                The input value to check against.
            key :
                `key` stored in the dynamo configuration. E.g DynamoAdataConfig.RECIPE_MONOCLE_KEEP_RAW_LAYERS_KEY
            replace_val :
                the target value to replace, by default None

            `val` or config value set in DynamoAdataConfig according to the method description above.

        if not key in DynamoAdataConfig.config_key_to_values:
            assert KeyError("Config %s not exist in DynamoAdataConfig." % (key))
        if val == replace_val:
            config_val = DynamoAdataConfig.config_key_to_values[key]
            main_info("%s is None. Using default value from DynamoAdataConfig: %s=%s" % (key, key, config_val))
            return config_val
        return val

    def update_data_store_mode(mode):
        DynamoAdataConfig.data_store_mode = mode

        # default succinct for recipe*, except for recipe_monocle
        DynamoAdataConfig.recipe_keep_filtered_genes = False
        DynamoAdataConfig.recipe_keep_raw_layers = False
        DynamoAdataConfig.recipe_keep_filtered_cells = False
        DynamoAdataConfig.recipe_del_2nd_moments = True

        if DynamoAdataConfig.data_store_mode == "succinct":
            DynamoAdataConfig.recipe_monocle_keep_filtered_genes = False
            DynamoAdataConfig.recipe_monocle_keep_filtered_cells = False
            DynamoAdataConfig.recipe_monocle_keep_raw_layers = False
            DynamoAdataConfig.dynamics_del_2nd_moments = True
        elif DynamoAdataConfig.data_store_mode == "full":
            DynamoAdataConfig.recipe_monocle_keep_filtered_genes = True
            DynamoAdataConfig.recipe_monocle_keep_filtered_cells = True
            DynamoAdataConfig.recipe_monocle_keep_raw_layers = True
            DynamoAdataConfig.dynamics_del_2nd_moments = False
            raise NotImplementedError

        DynamoAdataConfig.config_key_to_values = {
            DynamoAdataConfig.RECIPE_KEEP_FILTERED_CELLS_KEY: DynamoAdataConfig.recipe_keep_filtered_cells,
            DynamoAdataConfig.RECIPE_KEEP_FILTERED_GENES_KEY: DynamoAdataConfig.recipe_keep_filtered_genes,
            DynamoAdataConfig.RECIPE_KEEP_RAW_LAYERS_KEY: DynamoAdataConfig.recipe_keep_raw_layers,
            DynamoAdataConfig.RECIPE_MONOCLE_KEEP_FILTERED_CELLS_KEY: DynamoAdataConfig.recipe_monocle_keep_filtered_cells,
            DynamoAdataConfig.RECIPE_MONOCLE_KEEP_FILTERED_GENES_KEY: DynamoAdataConfig.recipe_monocle_keep_filtered_genes,
            DynamoAdataConfig.RECIPE_MONOCLE_KEEP_RAW_LAYERS_KEY: DynamoAdataConfig.recipe_monocle_keep_raw_layers,
            DynamoAdataConfig.DYNAMICS_DEL_2ND_MOMENTS_KEY: DynamoAdataConfig.dynamics_del_2nd_moments,
            DynamoAdataConfig.RECIPE_DEL_2ND_MOMENTS_KEY: DynamoAdataConfig.recipe_del_2nd_moments,

def update_data_store_mode(mode):

# create cmap
zebrafish_colors = [

zebrafish_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("zebrafish", zebrafish_colors)

fire_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("fire",
darkblue_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("darkblue", colorcet.kbc)
darkgreen_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("darkgreen", colorcet.kgy)
darkred_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(
    "darkred", colors=colorcet.linear_kry_5_95_c72[:192], N=256
darkpurple_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("darkpurple", colorcet.linear_bmw_5_95_c89)
# add gkr theme for velocity
div_blue_black_red_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(
    "div_blue_black_red", colorcet.diverging_gkr_60_10_c40
# add RdBu_r theme for velocity
div_blue_red_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(
    "div_blue_red", colorcet.diverging_bwr_55_98_c37
# add glasbey_bw for cell annotation in white background
glasbey_white_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("glasbey_white", colorcet.glasbey_bw_minc_20)
# add glasbey_bw_minc_20_maxl_70 theme for cell annotation in dark background
glasbey_dark_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(
    "glasbey_dark", colorcet.glasbey_bw_minc_20_maxl_70

# register cmap
with warnings.catch_warnings():
    if "zebrafish" not in matplotlib.colormaps():
        plt.register_cmap("zebrafish", zebrafish_cmap)
    if "fire" not in matplotlib.colormaps():
        plt.register_cmap("fire", fire_cmap)
    if "darkblue" not in matplotlib.colormaps():
        plt.register_cmap("darkblue", darkblue_cmap)
    if "darkgreen" not in matplotlib.colormaps():
        plt.register_cmap("darkgreen", darkgreen_cmap)
    if "darkred" not in matplotlib.colormaps():
        plt.register_cmap("darkred", darkred_cmap)
    if "darkpurple" not in matplotlib.colormaps():
        plt.register_cmap("darkpurple", darkpurple_cmap)
    if "div_blue_black_red" not in matplotlib.colormaps():
        plt.register_cmap("div_blue_black_red", div_blue_black_red_cmap)
    if "div_blue_red" not in matplotlib.colormaps():
        plt.register_cmap("div_blue_red", div_blue_red_cmap)
    if "glasbey_white" not in matplotlib.colormaps():
        plt.register_cmap("glasbey_white", glasbey_white_cmap)
    if "glasbey_dark" not in matplotlib.colormaps():
        plt.register_cmap("glasbey_dark", glasbey_dark_cmap)

_themes = {
    "fire": {
        "cmap": "fire",
        "color_key_cmap": "rainbow",
        "background": "black",
        "edge_cmap": "fire",
    "viridis": {
        "cmap": "viridis",
        "color_key_cmap": "Spectral",
        "background": "white",
        "edge_cmap": "gray",
    "inferno": {
        "cmap": "inferno",
        "color_key_cmap": "Spectral",
        "background": "black",
        "edge_cmap": "gray",
    "blue": {
        "cmap": "Blues",
        "color_key_cmap": "tab20",
        "background": "white",
        "edge_cmap": "gray_r",
    "red": {
        "cmap": "Reds",
        "color_key_cmap": "tab20b",
        "background": "white",
        "edge_cmap": "gray_r",
    "green": {
        "cmap": "Greens",
        "color_key_cmap": "tab20c",
        "background": "white",
        "edge_cmap": "gray_r",
    "darkblue": {
        "cmap": "darkblue",
        "color_key_cmap": "rainbow",
        "background": "black",
        "edge_cmap": "darkred",
    "darkred": {
        "cmap": "darkred",
        "color_key_cmap": "rainbow",
        "background": "black",
        "edge_cmap": "darkblue",
    "darkgreen": {
        "cmap": "darkgreen",
        "color_key_cmap": "rainbow",
        "background": "black",
        "edge_cmap": "darkpurple",
    "div_blue_black_red": {
        "cmap": "div_blue_black_red",
        "color_key_cmap": "div_blue_black_red",
        "background": "black",
        "edge_cmap": "gray_r",
    "div_blue_red": {
        "cmap": "div_blue_red",
        "color_key_cmap": "div_blue_red",
        "background": "white",
        "edge_cmap": "gray_r",
    "glasbey_dark": {
        "cmap": "glasbey_dark",
        "color_key_cmap": "glasbey_dark",
        "background": "black",
        "edge_cmap": "gray",
    "glasbey_white_zebrafish": {
        "cmap": "zebrafish",
        "color_key_cmap": "zebrafish",
        "background": "white",
        "edge_cmap": "gray_r",
    "glasbey_white": {
        "cmap": "glasbey_white",
        "color_key_cmap": "glasbey_white",
        "background": "white",
        "edge_cmap": "gray_r",

cyc_10 = list(map(colors.to_hex, cm.tab10.colors))
cyc_20 = list(map(colors.to_hex, cm.tab20c.colors))
zebrafish_256 = list(map(colors.to_hex, zebrafish_colors))

# ideally let us convert the following ggplot theme for Nature publisher group into matplotlib.rcParams
# nm_theme <- function() {
#   theme(strip.background = element_rect(colour = 'white', fill = 'white')) +
#     theme(panel.border = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line()) +
#     theme(panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank()) +
#     theme(panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(), panel.grid.major.y = element_blank()) +
#     theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill='white')) +
#     #theme(text = element_text(size=6)) +
#     theme(axis.text.y=element_text(size=6)) +
#     theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=6)) +
#     theme(axis.title.y=element_text(size=6)) +
#     theme(axis.title.x=element_text(size=6)) +
#     theme(panel.border = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(size = .1), axis.ticks = element_line(size = .1)) +
#     theme(legend.position = "none") +
#     theme(strip.text.x = element_text(colour="black", size=6)) +
#     theme(strip.text.y = element_text(colour="black", size=6)) +
#     theme(legend.title = element_text(colour="black", size = 6)) +
#     theme(legend.text = element_text(colour="black", size = 6)) +
#     theme(plot.margin=unit(c(0,0,0,0), "lines"))
# }

def dyn_theme(background="white"):

    if background == "black":
                "lines.color": "w",
                "patch.edgecolor": "w",
                "text.color": "w",
                "axes.facecolor": background,
                "axes.edgecolor": "white",
                "axes.labelcolor": "w",
                "xtick.color": "w",
                "ytick.color": "w",
                "figure.facecolor": background,
                "figure.edgecolor": background,
                "savefig.facecolor": background,
                "savefig.edgecolor": background,
                "grid.color": "w",
                "axes.grid": False,
                "lines.color": "k",
                "patch.edgecolor": "k",
                "text.color": "k",
                "axes.facecolor": background,
                "axes.edgecolor": "black",
                "axes.labelcolor": "k",
                "xtick.color": "k",
                "ytick.color": "k",
                "figure.facecolor": background,
                "figure.edgecolor": background,
                "savefig.facecolor": background,
                "savefig.edgecolor": background,
                "grid.color": "k",
                "axes.grid": False,

def config_dynamo_rcParams(
    """Configure matplotlib.rcParams to dynamo defaults (based on ggplot style and scanpy).

        background: `str` (default: `white`)
            The background color of the plot. By default we use the white ground
            which is suitable for producing figures for publication. Setting it to `black` background will
            be great for presentation.
        prop_cycle: `list` (default: zebrafish_256)
            A list with hex color codes
        fontsize: float (default: 6)
            Size of font
        color_map: `` or None (default: None)
            Color map
        frameon: `bool` or None (default: None)
            Whether to have frame for the figure.
        Nothing but configure the rcParams globally.

    # from

    rcParams["patch.linewidth"] = 0.5
    rcParams["patch.facecolor"] = "348ABD"  # blue
    rcParams["patch.edgecolor"] = "EEEEEE"
    rcParams["patch.antialiased"] = True

    rcParams["font.size"] = 10.0

    rcParams["axes.facecolor"] = "E5E5E5"
    rcParams["axes.edgecolor"] = "white"
    rcParams["axes.linewidth"] = 1
    rcParams["axes.grid"] = True
    # rcParams['axes.titlesize'] =  "x-large"
    # rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = "large"
    rcParams["axes.labelcolor"] = "555555"
    rcParams["axes.axisbelow"] = True  # grid/ticks are below elements (e.g., lines, text)

    # rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler('color', ['E24A33', '348ABD', '988ED5', '777777', 'FBC15E', '8EBA42', 'FFB5B8'])
    # # E24A33 : red
    # # 348ABD : blue
    # # 988ED5 : purple
    # # 777777 : gray
    # # FBC15E : yellow
    # # 8EBA42 : green
    # # FFB5B8 : pink

    # rcParams['xtick.color'] = "555555"
    rcParams["xtick.direction"] = "out"

    # rcParams['ytick.color'] = "555555"
    rcParams["ytick.direction"] = "out"

    rcParams["grid.color"] = "white"
    rcParams["grid.linestyle"] = "-"  # solid line

    rcParams["figure.facecolor"] = "white"
    rcParams["figure.edgecolor"] = "white"  # 0.5

    # the following code is modified from scanpy

    # dpi options (mpl default: 100, 100)
    rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 100
    rcParams["savefig.dpi"] = 300

    # figure (default: 0.125, 0.96, 0.15, 0.91)
    rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (6, 4)
    rcParams["figure.subplot.left"] = 0.18
    rcParams["figure.subplot.right"] = 0.96
    rcParams["figure.subplot.bottom"] = 0.15
    rcParams[""] = 0.91

    # lines (defaults:  1.5, 6, 1)
    rcParams["lines.linewidth"] = 1.5  # the line width of the frame
    rcParams["lines.markersize"] = 6
    rcParams["lines.markeredgewidth"] = 1

    # font
    rcParams["font.sans-serif"] = [
        "DejaVu Sans",
        "Bitstream Vera Sans",
    fontsize = fontsize
    labelsize = 0.90 * fontsize

    # fonsizes (default: 10, medium, large, medium)
    rcParams["font.size"] = fontsize
    rcParams["legend.fontsize"] = labelsize
    rcParams["axes.titlesize"] = fontsize
    rcParams["axes.labelsize"] = labelsize

    # legend (default: 1, 1, 2, 0.8)
    rcParams["legend.numpoints"] = 1
    rcParams["legend.scatterpoints"] = 1
    rcParams["legend.handlelength"] = 0.5
    rcParams["legend.handletextpad"] = 0.4

    # color cycle
    rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"] = cycler(color=prop_cycle)  # use tab20c by default

    # lines
    rcParams["axes.linewidth"] = 0.8
    rcParams["axes.edgecolor"] = "black"
    rcParams["axes.facecolor"] = "white"

    # ticks (default: k, k, medium, medium)
    rcParams["xtick.color"] = "k"
    rcParams["ytick.color"] = "k"
    rcParams["xtick.labelsize"] = labelsize
    rcParams["ytick.labelsize"] = labelsize

    # axes grid (default: False, #b0b0b0)
    rcParams["axes.grid"] = False
    rcParams["grid.color"] = ".8"

    # color map
    rcParams["image.cmap"] = "RdBu_r" if color_map is None else color_map


    # frame (default: True)
    frameon = False if frameon is None else frameon
    global _frameon
    _frameon = frameon

[docs]def set_figure_params( dynamo=True, background="white", fontsize=8, figsize=(6, 4), dpi=None, dpi_save=None, frameon=None, vector_friendly=True, color_map=None, format="pdf", transparent=False, ipython_format="png2x", ): """Set resolution/size, styling and format of figures. This function is adapted from: Arguments --------- dynamo: `bool` (default: `True`) Init default values for :obj:`matplotlib.rcParams` suited for dynamo. background: `str` (default: `white`) The background color of the plot. By default we use the white ground which is suitable for producing figures for publication. Setting it to `black` background will be great for presentation. fontsize: `[float, float]` or None (default: `6`) figsize: `(float, float)` (default: `(6.5, 5)`) Width and height for default figure size. dpi: `int` or None (default: `None`) Resolution of rendered figures - this influences the size of figures in notebooks. dpi_save: `int` or None (default: `None`) Resolution of saved figures. This should typically be higher to achieve publication quality. frameon: `bool` or None (default: `None`) Add frames and axes labels to scatter plots. vector_friendly: `bool` (default: `True`) Plot scatter plots using `png` backend even when exporting as `pdf` or `svg`. color_map: `str` (default: `None`) Convenience method for setting the default color map. format: {'png', 'pdf', 'svg', etc.} (default: 'pdf') This sets the default format for saving figures: `file_format_figs`. transparent: `bool` (default: `False`) Save figures with transparent back ground. Sets `rcParams['savefig.transparent']`. ipython_format : list of `str` (default: 'png2x') Only concerns the notebook/IPython environment; see `IPython.core.display.set_matplotlib_formats` for more details. """ try: import IPython if isinstance(ipython_format, str): ipython_format = [ipython_format] IPython.display.set_matplotlib_formats(*ipython_format) except Exception: pass from matplotlib import rcParams global _vector_friendly, file_format_figs _vector_friendly = vector_friendly file_format_figs = format if dynamo: config_dynamo_rcParams(background=background, fontsize=fontsize, color_map=color_map) if figsize is not None: rcParams["figure.figsize"] = figsize if dpi is not None: rcParams["figure.dpi"] = dpi if dpi_save is not None: rcParams["savefig.dpi"] = dpi_save if transparent is not None: rcParams["savefig.transparent"] = transparent if frameon is not None: global _frameon _frameon = frameon
def reset_rcParams(): """Reset `matplotlib.rcParams` to defaults.""" from matplotlib import rcParamsDefault rcParams.update(rcParamsDefault)
[docs]def set_pub_style(scaler=1): """formatting helper function that can be used to save publishable figures""" set_figure_params("dynamo", background="white") matplotlib.use("cairo") matplotlib.rcParams.update({"font.size": 4 * scaler}) params = { "font.size": 4 * scaler, "legend.fontsize": 4 * scaler, "legend.handlelength": 0.5 * scaler, "axes.labelsize": 6 * scaler, "axes.titlesize": 6 * scaler, "xtick.labelsize": 6 * scaler, "ytick.labelsize": 6 * scaler, "axes.titlepad": 1 * scaler, "axes.labelpad": 1 * scaler, } matplotlib.rcParams.update(params)
def set_pub_style_mpltex(): """formatting helper function based on mpltex package that can be used to save publishable figures""" set_figure_params("dynamo", background="white") matplotlib.use("cairo") # the following code is adapted from # latex_preamble = r"\usepackage{siunitx}\sisetup{detect-all}\usepackage{helvet}\usepackage[eulergreek,EULERGREEK]{sansmath}\sansmath" params = { "": "sans-serif", "font.serif": ["Times", "Computer Modern Roman"], "font.sans-serif": [ "Arial", "sans-serif", "Helvetica", "Computer Modern Sans serif", ], "font.size": 4, # "text.usetex": True, # "text.latex.preamble": latex_preamble, # To force LaTeX use Helvetica # "axes.prop_cycle": default_color_cycler, "axes.titlesize": 6, "axes.labelsize": 6, "axes.linewidth": 1, "figure.subplot.left": 0.125, "figure.subplot.right": 0.95, "figure.subplot.bottom": 0.1, "": 0.95, "savefig.dpi": 300, "savefig.format": "pdf", # "savefig.bbox": "tight", # this will crop white spaces around images that will make # width/height no longer the same as the specified one. "legend.fontsize": 4, "legend.frameon": False, "legend.numpoints": 1, "legend.handlelength": 0.5, "legend.scatterpoints": 1, "legend.labelspacing": 0.5, "legend.markerscale": 0.9, "legend.handletextpad": 0.5, # pad between handle and text "legend.borderaxespad": 0.5, # pad between legend and axes "legend.borderpad": 0.5, # pad between legend and legend content "legend.columnspacing": 1, # pad between each legend column # "text.fontsize" : 4, "xtick.labelsize": 4, "ytick.labelsize": 4, "lines.linewidth": 1, "lines.markersize": 4, # "lines.markeredgewidth": 0, # 0 will make line-type markers, such as "+", "x", invisible # Revert some properties to mpl v1 which is more suitable for publishing "axes.autolimit_mode": "round_numbers", "axes.xmargin": 0, "axes.ymargin": 0, "xtick.direction": "in", "": True, "ytick.direction": "in", "ytick.right": True, "axes.titlepad": 1, "axes.labelpad": 1, } matplotlib.rcParams.update(params) # initialize DynamoSaveConfig and DynamoVisConfig mode defaults DynamoAdataConfig.update_data_store_mode("full") main_debug("setting visualization default mode in dynamo. Your customized matplotlib settings might be overwritten.") DynamoVisConfig.set_default_mode()