Source code for dynamo.plot.topography

import warnings
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

    from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Literal

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import pandas as pd
import scipy
from anndata import AnnData
from matplotlib.axes import Axes

from ..configuration import _themes
from ..dynamo_logger import LoggerManager
from import cell_velocities
from import nearest_neighbors, update_dict
from ..vectorfield.scVectorField import BaseVectorField
from ..vectorfield.topography import (  # , compute_separatrices
from ..vectorfield.topography import topography as _topology  # , compute_separatrices
from ..vectorfield.utils import vecfld_from_adata
from ..vectorfield.vector_calculus import curl, divergence
from .scatters import docstrings, scatters, scatters_interactive
from .utils import (

[docs]def plot_flow_field( vecfld: VectorField2D, x_range: npt.ArrayLike, y_range: npt.ArrayLike, n_grid: int = 100, start_points: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, integration_direction: Literal["forward", "backward", "both"] = "both", background: Optional[str] = None, density: float = 1, linewidth: float = 1, streamline_color: Optional[str] = None, streamline_alpha: float = 0.4, color_start_points: Optional[float] = None, save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return"] = "return", save_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ax: Optional[Axes] = None, **streamline_kwargs, ) -> Optional[Axes]: """Plots the flow field with line thickness proportional to speed. Code adapted from: Args: vecfld: an instance of the vector_field class. x_range: the range of values for x-axis. y_range: the range of values for y-axis. n_grid: the number of grid points to use in computing derivatives on phase portrait. Defaults to 100. start_points: the initial points from which the streamline will be drawn. Defaults to None. integration_direction: integrate the streamline in forward, backward or both directions. default is 'both'. Defaults to "both". background: the background color of the plot. Defaults to None. density: the density of the plt.streamplot function. Defaults to 1. linewidth: the multiplier of automatically calculated linewidth passed to the plt.streamplot function. Defaults to 1. streamline_color: the color of the vector field streamlines. Defaults to None. streamline_alpha: the alpha value applied to the vector field streamlines. Defaults to 0.4. color_start_points: the color of the starting point that will be used to predict cell fates. Defaults to None. save_show_or_return: whether to save, show or return the figure. Defaults to "return". save_kwargs: a dictionary that will be passed to the save_show_ret function. By default, it is an empty dictionary and the save_show_ret function will use the {"path": None, "prefix": 'plot_flow_field', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf', "transparent": True, "close": True, "verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise, you can provide a dictionary that properly modify those keys according to your needs. Defaults to {}. ax: the Axis on which to make the plot. Defaults to None. Returns: None would be returned by default. If `save_show_or_return` is set to be 'return', the Axes of the generated figure would be returned. """ from matplotlib import patches, rcParams from matplotlib.colors import to_hex if background is None: _background = rcParams.get("figure.facecolor") _background = to_hex(_background) if type(_background) is tuple else _background else: _background = background if _background in ["#ffffff", "black"]: color, color_start_points = ( "white" if streamline_color is None else streamline_color, "red" if color_start_points is None else color_start_points, ) else: color, color_start_points = ( "black" if streamline_color is None else streamline_color, "red" if color_start_points is None else color_start_points, ) # Set up u,v space u = np.linspace(x_range[0], x_range[1], n_grid) v = np.linspace(y_range[0], y_range[1], n_grid) uu, vv = np.meshgrid(u, v) # Compute derivatives u_vel = np.empty_like(uu) v_vel = np.empty_like(vv) for i in range(uu.shape[0]): for j in range(uu.shape[1]): u_vel[i, j], v_vel[i, j] = vecfld(np.array([uu[i, j], vv[i, j]])) # Compute speed speed = np.sqrt(u_vel**2 + v_vel**2) # Make linewidths proportional to speed, # with minimal line width of 0.5 and max of 3 # lw = lw_min + (lw_max - lw_min) * speed / speed.max() streamplot_kwargs = { "density": density * 2, "linewidth": None, "cmap": None, "norm": None, "arrowsize": 1, "arrowstyle": "fancy", "minlength": 0.1, "transform": None, "maxlength": 4.0, "zorder": 3, } linewidth *= 2 * speed / speed[~np.isnan(speed)].max() streamplot_kwargs.update({"linewidth": linewidth}) streamplot_kwargs = update_dict(streamplot_kwargs, streamline_kwargs) # Make stream plot if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if start_points is None: s = ax.streamplot( uu, vv, u_vel, v_vel, color=color, **streamplot_kwargs, ) set_arrow_alpha(ax, streamline_alpha) set_stream_line_alpha(s, streamline_alpha) else: if len(start_points.shape) == 1: start_points.reshape((1, 2)) ax.scatter(*start_points, marker="*", zorder=4) s = ax.streamplot( uu, vv, u_vel, v_vel, start_points=start_points, integration_direction=integration_direction, color=color_start_points, **streamplot_kwargs, ) set_arrow_alpha(ax, streamline_alpha) set_stream_line_alpha(s, streamline_alpha) return save_show_ret("plot_flow_field", save_show_or_return, save_kwargs, ax)
[docs]def plot_nullclines( vecfld: VectorField2D, vecfld_dict: Dict[str, Any] = None, lw: float = 3, background: Optional[float] = None, save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return"] = "return", save_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ax: Optional[Axes] = None, ) -> Optional[Axes]: """Plot nullclines stored in the VectorField2D class. Args: vecfld: an instance of the VectorField2D class which presumably has fixed points computed and stored. vecfld_dict: a dict with entries to create a `VectorField2D` instance. Defaults to None. lw: the linewidth of the nullcline. Defaults to 3. background: the background color of the plot. Defaults to None. save_show_or_return: whether to save, show, or return the figure. Defaults to "return". save_kwargs: a dictionary that will be passed to the save_show_ret function. By default, it is an empty dictionary and the save_show_ret function will use the {"path": None, "prefix": 'plot_nullclines', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf', "transparent": True, "close": True, "verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise, you can provide a dictionary that properly modify those keys according to your needs. Defaults to {}. ax: the matplotlib axes used for plotting. Default is to use the current axis. Defaults to None. Returns: None would be returned by default. If `save_show_or_return` is set to be 'return', the Axes of the generated figure would be returned. """ from matplotlib import rcParams from matplotlib.colors import to_hex if background is None: _background = rcParams.get("figure.facecolor") _background = to_hex(_background) if type(_background) is tuple else _background else: _background = background if _background in ["#ffffff", "black"]: colors = ["#189e1a", "#1f77b4"] else: colors = ["#189e1a", "#1f77b4"] NCx, NCy = None, None # if nullcline is not previously calculated, calculate and plot them if vecfld_dict is None or "NCx" not in vecfld_dict.keys() or "NCy" not in vecfld_dict.keys(): if vecfld_dict is not None: X_basis = vecfld_dict["X"][:, :2] min_, max_ = X_basis.min(0), X_basis.max(0) xlim = [ min_[0] - (max_[0] - min_[0]) * 0.1, max_[0] + (max_[0] - min_[0]) * 0.1, ] ylim = [ min_[1] - (max_[1] - min_[1]) * 0.1, max_[1] + (max_[1] - min_[1]) * 0.1, ] vecfld2d = VectorField2D(vecfld, X_data=vecfld_dict["X"]) vecfld2d.find_fixed_points_by_sampling(25, xlim, ylim) if vecfld2d.get_num_fixed_points() > 0: vecfld2d.compute_nullclines(xlim, ylim, find_new_fixed_points=True) NCx, NCy = vecfld2d.NCx, vecfld.NCy else: NCx, NCy = ( [vecfld_dict["NCx"][index] for index in vecfld_dict["NCx"]], [vecfld_dict["NCy"][index] for index in vecfld_dict["NCy"]], ) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if NCx is not None and NCy is not None: for ncx in NCx: ax.plot(*ncx.T, c=colors[0], lw=lw) for ncy in NCy: ax.plot(*ncy.T, c=colors[1], lw=lw) return save_show_ret("plot_nullclines", save_show_or_return, save_kwargs, ax)
[docs]def plot_fixed_points_2d( vecfld: VectorField2D, marker: str = "o", markersize: float = 200, cmap: Optional[str] = None, filltype: List[str] = ["full", "top", "none"], background: Optional[str] = None, save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return"] = "return", save_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ax: Optional[Axes] = None, ) -> Optional[Axes]: """Plot fixed points stored in the VectorField2D class. Args: vecfld: an instance of the VectorField2D class which presumably has fixed points computed and stored. marker: the marker type. Any string supported by matplotlib.markers. Defaults to "o". markersize: the size of the marker. Defaults to 200. cmap: the name of a matplotlib colormap to use for coloring or shading the confidence of fixed points. If None, the default color map will set to be viridis (inferno) when the background is white (black). Defaults to None. filltype: the fill type used for stable, saddle, and unstable fixed points. Default is 'full', 'top' and 'none', respectively. Defaults to ["full", "top", "none"]. background: the background color of the plot. Defaults to None. save_show_or_return: whether to save, show or return the figure. Defaults to "return". save_kwargs: a dictionary that will be passed to the save_show_ret function. By default, it is an empty dictionary and the save_show_ret function will use the {"path": None, "prefix": 'plot_fixed_points', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf', "transparent": True, "close": True, "verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise, you can provide a dictionary that properly modify those keys according to your needs. Defaults to {}. ax: the matplotlib axes used for plotting. Default is to use the current axis. Defaults to None. Returns: None would be returned by default. If `save_show_or_return` is set to be 'return', the Axes of the generated figure would be returned. """ import matplotlib import matplotlib.patheffects as PathEffects from matplotlib import markers, rcParams from matplotlib.colors import to_hex if background is None: _background = rcParams.get("figure.facecolor") _background = to_hex(_background) if type(_background) is tuple else _background else: _background = background if _background in ["#ffffff", "black"]: _theme_ = "inferno" else: _theme_ = "viridis" _cmap = _themes[_theme_]["cmap"] if cmap is None else cmap Xss, ftype = vecfld.get_fixed_points(get_types=True) confidence = vecfld.get_Xss_confidence() if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() cm = if type(_cmap) is str else _cmap for i in range(len(Xss)): cur_ftype = ftype[i] marker_ = markers.MarkerStyle(marker=marker, fillstyle=filltype[int(cur_ftype + 1)]) ax.scatter( *Xss[i], marker=marker_, s=markersize, c=np.array(cm(confidence[i])).reshape(1, -1), edgecolor=_select_font_color(_background), linewidths=1, cmap=_cmap, vmin=0, zorder=5, ) txt = ax.text( *Xss[i], repr(i), c=("black" if cur_ftype == -1 else "blue" if cur_ftype == 0 else "red"), horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", zorder=6, weight="bold", ) txt.set_path_effects( [ PathEffects.Stroke(linewidth=1.5, foreground=_background, alpha=0.8), PathEffects.Normal(), ] ) return save_show_ret("plot_fixed_points", save_show_or_return, save_kwargs, ax)
[docs]def plot_fixed_points( vecfld: VectorField2D, vecfld_dict: Dict[str, Any] = None, marker: str = "o", markersize: int = 200, c: str = "w", cmap: Optional[str] = None, filltype: List[str] = ["full", "top", "none"], background: Optional[str] = None, save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return"] = "return", save_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}, plot_method: Literal["pv", "matplotlib"] = "matplotlib", ax: Optional[Axes] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Optional[Axes]: """Plot fixed points stored in the VectorField class. Args: vecfld: an instance of the vector_field class. vecfld_dict: a dict with entries to create a `VectorField2D` instance. Defaults to None. marker: the marker type. Any string supported by matplotlib.markers. Defaults to "o". markersize: the size of the marker. Defaults to 200. c: the marker colors. Defaults to "w". cmap: the name of a matplotlib colormap to use for coloring or shading the confidence of fixed points. If None, the default color map will set to be viridis (inferno) when the background is white (black). Defaults to None. filltype: the fill type used for stable, saddle, and unstable fixed points. Default is 'full', 'top' and 'none', respectively. Defaults to ["full", "top", "none"]. background: the background color of the plot. Defaults to None. save_show_or_return: whether to save, show or return the figure. Defaults to "return". save_kwargs: a dictionary that will be passed to the save_show_ret function. By default, it is an empty dictionary and the save_show_ret function will use the {"path": None, "prefix": 'plot_fixed_points', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf', "transparent": True, "close": True, "verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise, you can provide a dictionary that properly modify those keys according to your needs. Defaults to {}. plot_method: the method to plot 3D points. Options include `pv` (pyvista) and `matplotlib`. ax: the matplotlib axes or pyvista plotter used for plotting. Default is to use the current axis. Defaults to None. Returns: None would be returned by default. If `save_show_or_return` is set to be 'return', the Axes of the generated figure would be returned. """ import matplotlib import matplotlib.patheffects as PathEffects from matplotlib import markers, rcParams from matplotlib.colors import to_hex if background is None: _background = rcParams.get("figure.facecolor") _background = to_hex(_background) if type(_background) is tuple else _background else: _background = background if _background in ["#ffffff", "black"]: _theme_ = "inferno" else: _theme_ = "viridis" _cmap = _themes[_theme_]["cmap"] if cmap is None else cmap if vecfld_dict is None or any(("Xss" not in vecfld_dict.keys(), "ftype" not in vecfld_dict.keys())): if vecfld_dict is not None: if vecfld_dict["X"].shape[1] == 2: min_, max_ = vecfld_dict["X"].min(0), vecfld_dict["X"].max(0) xlim = [ min_[0] - (max_[0] - min_[0]) * 0.1, max_[0] + (max_[0] - min_[0]) * 0.1, ] ylim = [ min_[1] - (max_[1] - min_[1]) * 0.1, max_[1] + (max_[1] - min_[1]) * 0.1, ] vecfld = VectorField2D(vecfld, X_data=vecfld_dict["X"]) vecfld.find_fixed_points_by_sampling(25, xlim, ylim) if vecfld.get_num_fixed_points() > 0: vecfld.compute_nullclines(xlim, ylim, find_new_fixed_points=True) Xss, ftype = vecfld.get_fixed_points(get_types=True) confidence = vecfld.get_Xss_confidence() else: confidence = None vecfld = BaseVectorField( X=vecfld_dict["X"][vecfld_dict["valid_ind"], :], V=vecfld_dict["Y"][vecfld_dict["valid_ind"], :], func=vecfld, ) Xss, ftype = vecfld.get_fixed_points(**kwargs) if Xss.ndim > 1 and Xss.shape[1] > 2: fp_ind = nearest_neighbors(Xss,["X"], 1).flatten() # need to use "X_basis" to plot on the scatter point space Xss = vecfld_dict["X_basis"][fp_ind] else: Xss, ftype, confidence = ( vecfld_dict["Xss"], vecfld_dict["ftype"], vecfld_dict["confidence"], ) cm = if type(_cmap) is str else _cmap colors = [c if confidence is None else np.array(cm(confidence[i])) for i in range(len(confidence))] text_colors = ["black" if cur_ftype == -1 else "blue" if cur_ftype == 0 else "red" for cur_ftype in ftype] if plot_method == "pv": try: import pyvista as pv except ImportError: raise ImportError("Please install pyvista first.") emitting_indices = [index for index, color in enumerate(text_colors) if color == "red"] unstable_indices = [index for index, color in enumerate(text_colors) if color == "blue"] absorbing_indices = [index for index, color in enumerate(text_colors) if color == "black"] fps_type_indices = [emitting_indices, unstable_indices, absorbing_indices] r, c = ax.shape[0], ax.shape[1] subplot_indices = [[i, j] for i in range(r) for j in range(c)] cur_subplot = 0 for i in range(r * c): if r * c != 1: ax.subplot(subplot_indices[cur_subplot][0], subplot_indices[cur_subplot][1]) cur_subplot += 1 for indices in fps_type_indices: points = pv.PolyData(Xss[indices]) points.point_data["colors"] = np.array(colors)[indices] points["Labels"] = [str(idx) for idx in indices] ax.add_points(points, render_points_as_spheres=True, rgba=True, point_size=15) ax.add_point_labels( points, "Labels", text_color=text_colors[indices[0]], font_size=24, shape_opacity=0, show_points=False, always_visible=True, ) return save_pyvista_plotter( pl=ax, save_show_or_return=save_show_or_return, save_kwargs=save_kwargs, ) elif plot_method == "plotly": try: import plotly.graph_objects as go except ImportError: raise ImportError("Please install plotly first.") r, c = ax._get_subplot_rows_columns() r, c = list(r)[-1], list(c)[-1] subplot_indices = [[i, j] for i in range(r) for j in range(c)] cur_subplot = 0 for i in range(r * c): ax.add_trace( go.Scatter3d( x=Xss[:, 0], y=Xss[:, 1], z=Xss[:, 2], mode="markers+text", marker=dict( color=colors, size=15, ), text=[str(i) for i in range(len(Xss))], textfont=dict( color=text_colors, size=15, ), **kwargs, ), row=subplot_indices[cur_subplot][0] + 1, col=subplot_indices[cur_subplot][1] + 1, ) return save_plotly_figure( pl=ax, save_show_or_return=save_show_or_return, save_kwargs=save_kwargs, ) else: if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() for i in range(len(Xss)): cur_ftype = ftype[i] marker_ = markers.MarkerStyle(marker=marker, fillstyle=filltype[int(cur_ftype + 1)]) ax.scatter( *Xss[i], marker=marker_, s=markersize, c=c if confidence is None else np.array(cm(confidence[i])).reshape(1, -1), edgecolor=_select_font_color(_background), linewidths=1, cmap=_cmap, vmin=0, zorder=5, ) # TODO: Figure out the user warning that no data for colormapping provided via 'c'. txt = ax.text( *Xss[i], repr(i), c=("black" if cur_ftype == -1 else "blue" if cur_ftype == 0 else "red"), horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", zorder=6, weight="bold", ) txt.set_path_effects( [ PathEffects.Stroke(linewidth=1.5, foreground=_background, alpha=0.8), PathEffects.Normal(), ] ) return save_show_ret("plot_fixed_points", save_show_or_return, save_kwargs, ax)
[docs]def plot_traj( f: Callable, y0: npt.ArrayLike, t: npt.ArrayLike, args: Sequence[Any] = (), lw: float = 2, background: Optional[str] = None, integration_direction: Literal["forward", "backward", "both"] = "both", save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return"] = "return", save_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ax: Optional[Axes] = None, ) -> Optional[Axes]: """Plots a trajectory on a phase portrait. Code adapted from: Args: f: the function for form f(y, t, *args). It would work as the right-hand-side of the dynamical system. Must return a 2-array. y0: the initial condition. t: the time points for trajectory. args: additional arguments to be passed to f. Defaults to (). lw: the line width of the trajectory. Defaults to 2. background: the background color of the plot. Defaults to None. integration_direction: Determines whether to integrate the trajectory in the forward, backward, or both direction. Default to "both". save_show_or_return: whether to save, show or return the figure. Defaults to "return". save_kwargs: a dictionary that will be passed to the save_show_ret function. By default, it is an empty dictionary and the save_show_ret function will use the {"path": None, "prefix": 'plot_traj', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf', "transparent": True, "close": True, "verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise, you can provide a dictionary that properly modify those keys according to your needs. Defaults to {}. ax: the axis on which to make the plot. If None, new axis would be created. Defaults to None. Returns: None would be returned by default. If `save_show_or_return` is set to be 'return', the Axes of the generated figure would be returned. """ from matplotlib import rcParams from matplotlib.colors import to_hex if background is None: _background = rcParams.get("figure.facecolor") _background = to_hex(_background) if type(_background) is tuple else _background else: _background = background if background in ["#ffffff", "black"]: color = ["#ffffff"] else: color = "black" if len(y0.shape) == 1: ax = _plot_traj(y0, t, args, integration_direction, ax, color, lw, f) else: for i in range(y0.shape[0]): cur_y0 = y0[i, None] # don't drop dimension ax = _plot_traj(cur_y0, t, args, integration_direction, ax, color, lw, f) return save_show_ret("plot_traj", save_show_or_return, save_kwargs, ax)
[docs]def plot_separatrix( vecfld: VectorField2D, x_range: npt.ArrayLike, y_range: npt.ArrayLike, t: npt.ArrayLike, noise: float = 1e-6, lw: float = 3, vecfld_dict: Dict[str, Any] = None, background: Optional[str] = None, save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return"] = "return", save_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ax: Optional[Axes] = None, ) -> Optional[Axes]: """Plot separatrix on phase portrait. Args: vecfld: an instance of the VectorField2D class which presumably has fixed points computed and stored. x_range: the range of values for x-axis. y_range: the range of values for y-axis. t: the time points for trajectory. noise: a small noise added to steady states for drawing the separatrix. Defaults to 1e-6. lw: the line width of the trajectory. Defaults to 3. vecfld_dict: a dict with entries to create a `VectorField2D` instance. Defaults to None. background: the background color of the plot. Defaults to None. save_show_or_return: whether to save, show, or return the generated figure. Defaults to "return". save_kwargs: a dictionary that will be passed to the save_show_ret function. By default, it is an empty dictionary and the save_show_ret function will use the {"path": None, "prefix": 'plot_separatrix', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf', "transparent": True, "close": True, "verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise, you can provide a dictionary that properly modify those keys according to your needs. Defaults to {}. ax: the axis on which to make the plot. Defaults to None. Returns: None would be returned by default. If `save_show_or_return` is set to be 'return', the Axes of the generated figure would get returned. """ from matplotlib import rcParams from matplotlib.colors import to_hex if background is None: _background = rcParams.get("figure.facecolor") _background = to_hex(_background) if type(_background) is tuple else _background else: _background = background if _background in ["#ffffff", "black"]: color = ["#ffffff"] else: color = "tomato" # No saddle point, no separatrix. if vecfld_dict is None or "separatrix" not in vecfld_dict.keys(): if vecfld_dict is not None: X_basis = vecfld_dict["X"][:, :2] min_, max_ = X_basis.min(0), X_basis.max(0) xlim = [ min_[0] - (max_[0] - min_[0]) * 0.1, max_[0] + (max_[0] - min_[0]) * 0.1, ] ylim = [ min_[1] - (max_[1] - min_[1]) * 0.1, max_[1] + (max_[1] - min_[1]) * 0.1, ] vecfld2d = VectorField2D(vecfld, X_data=vecfld_dict["X"]) vecfld2d.find_fixed_points_by_sampling(25, xlim, ylim) fps, ftypes = vecfld2d.get_fixed_points(get_types=True) J = vecfld2d.Xss.get_J() saddle = fps[ftypes == 0] Jacobian = J[[ftypes == 0]] if len(saddle) > 0: # Negative time function to integrate to compute separatrix def rhs(ab, t): # Unpack variables a, b = ab # Stop integrating if we get the edge of where we want to integrate if x_range[0] < a < x_range[1] and y_range[0] < b < y_range[1]: return -vecfld2d(ab) else: return np.array([0, 0]) # Parameters for building separatrix # t = np.linspace(0, t_max, 400) all_sep_a, all_sep_b = None, None if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() for i in range(len(saddle)): fps = saddle[i] J = Jacobian[i] # Build upper right branch of separatrix ab0 = fps + noise ab_upper = scipy.integrate.odeint(rhs, ab0, t) # Build lower left branch of separatrix ab0 = fps - noise ab_lower = scipy.integrate.odeint(rhs, ab0, t) # Concatenate, reversing lower so points are sequential sep_a = np.concatenate((ab_lower[::-1, 0], ab_upper[:, 0])) sep_b = np.concatenate((ab_lower[::-1, 1], ab_upper[:, 1])) # Plot ax.plot(sep_a, sep_b, "-", color=color, lw=lw) all_sep_a = sep_a if all_sep_a is None else np.concatenate((all_sep_a, sep_a)) all_sep_b = sep_b if all_sep_b is None else np.concatenate((all_sep_b, sep_b)) return save_show_ret("plot_separatrix", save_show_or_return, save_kwargs, ax)
[docs]@docstrings.with_indent(4) def topography( adata: AnnData, basis: str = "umap", fps_basis: str = "umap", x: int = 0, y: int = 1, color: str = "ntr", layer: str = "X", highlights: Optional[list] = None, labels: Optional[list] = None, values: Optional[list] = None, theme: Optional[ Literal[ "blue", "red", "green", "inferno", "fire", "viridis", "darkblue", "darkred", "darkgreen", ] ] = None, cmap: Optional[str] = None, color_key: Union[Dict[str, str], List[str], None] = None, color_key_cmap: Optional[str] = None, background: Optional[str] = "white", ncols: int = 4, pointsize: Optional[float] = None, figsize: Tuple[float, float] = (6, 4), show_legend: str = "on data", use_smoothed: bool = True, xlim: np.ndarray = None, ylim: np.ndarray = None, t: Optional[npt.ArrayLike] = None, terms: List[str] = ["streamline", "fixed_points"], init_cells: List[int] = None, init_states: np.ndarray = None, quiver_source: Literal["raw", "reconstructed"] = "raw", fate: Literal["history", "future", "both"] = "both", approx: bool = False, quiver_size: Optional[float] = None, quiver_length: Optional[float] = None, density: float = 1, linewidth: float = 1, streamline_color: Optional[str] = None, streamline_alpha: float = 0.4, color_start_points: Optional[str] = None, markersize: float = 200, marker_cmap: Optional[str] = None, save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return"] = "show", save_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}, aggregate: Optional[str] = None, show_arrowed_spines: bool = False, ax: Optional[Axes] = None, sort: Literal["raw", "abs", "neg"] = "raw", frontier: bool = False, s_kwargs_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {}, q_kwargs_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {}, n: int = 25, **streamline_kwargs_dict, ) -> Union[Axes, List[Axes], None]: """Plot the streamline, fixed points (attractor / saddles), nullcline, separatrices of a recovered dynamic system for single cells. The plot is created on two dimensional space. Topography function plots the full vector field topology including streamline, fixed points, characteristic lines. A key difference between dynamo and Velocyto or scVelo is that we learn a functional form of a vector field which can be used to predict cell fate over arbitrary time and space. On states near observed cells, it retrieves the key kinetics dynamics from the data observed and smoothes them. When time and state is far from your observed single cell RNA-seq datasets, the accuracy of prediction will decay. Vector field can be efficiently reconstructed in high dimension or lower pca/umap space. Since we learn a vector field function, we can plot the full vector via streamline on the entire domain as well as predicts cell fates by providing a set of initial cell states (via `init_cells`, `init_states`). The nullcline and separatrix provide topological information about the reconstructed vector field. By definition, the x/y-nullcline is a set of points in the phase plane so that dx/dt = 0 or dy/dt=0. Geometrically, these are the points where the vectors are either straight up or straight down. Algebraically, we find the x-nullcline by solving f(x,y) = 0. The boundary different attractor basis is the separatrix because it separates the regions into different subregions with a specific behavior. To find them is a very difficult problem and separatrix calculated by dynamo requires manual inspection. Here is more details on the fixed points drawn on the vector field: Fixed points are concepts introduced in dynamic systems theory. There are three types of fixed points: 1) repeller: a repelling state that only has outflows, which may correspond to a pluripotent cell state (ESC) that tends to differentiate into other cell states automatically or under small perturbation; 2) unstable fixed points or saddle points. Those states have attraction on some dimension (genes or reduced dimensions) but diverge in at least one other dimension. Saddle may correspond to progenitors, which are differentiated from ESC/pluripotent cells and relatively stable, but can further differentiate into multiple terminal cell types / states; 3) lastly, stable fixed points / cell type or attractors, which only have inflows and attract all cell states nearby, which may correspond to stable cell types and can only be kicked out of its cell state under extreme perturbation or in very rare situation. Fixed points are numbered with each number color coded. The mapping of the color of the number to the type of fixed point are: red: repellers; blue: saddle points; black: attractors. The scatter point itself also has filled color, which corresponds to confidence of the estimated fixed point. The lighter, the more confident or the fixed points are closer to the sequenced single cells. Confidence of each fixed points can be used in conjunction with the Jacobian analysis for investigating regulatory network with spatiotemporal resolution. By default, we plot a figure with three subplots, each colors cells either with `potential`, `curl` or `divergence`. `potential` is related to the intrinsic time, where a small potential is related to smaller intrinsic time and vice versa. Divergence can be used to indicate the state of each cell is in. Negative values correspond to potential sink while positive corresponds to potential source. Curl may be related to cell cycle or other cycling cell dynamics. On 2d, negative values correspond to clockwise rotation while positive corresponds to anticlockwise rotation. In conjunction with cell cycle score (dyn.pp.cell_cycle_scores), curl can be used to identify cells under active cell cycle progression. Args: adata: an AnnData object. basis: the reduced dimension stored in adata.obsm. The specific basis key will be constructed in the following priority if exits: 1) specific layer input + basis 2) X_ + basis 3) basis. E.g. if basis is PCA, `scatters` is going to look for 1) if specific layer is spliced, `spliced_pca` 2) `X_pca` (dynamo convention) 3) `pca`. Defaults to "umap". fps_basis: the basis that will be used for identifying or retrieving fixed points. Note that if `fps_basis` is different from `basis`, the nearest cells of the fixed point from the `fps_basis` will be found and used to visualize the position of the fixed point on `basis` embedding. Defaults to "umap". x: the column index of the low dimensional embedding for the x-axis. Defaults to 0. y: the column index of the low dimensional embedding for the y-axis. Defaults to 1. color: any column names or gene expression, etc. that will be used for coloring cells. Defaults to "ntr". layer: the layer of data to use for the scatter plot. Defaults to "X". highlights: the color group that will be highlighted. If highligts is a list of lists, each list is relate to each color element. Defaults to None. labels: an array of labels (assumed integer or categorical), one for each data sample. This will be used for coloring the points in the plot according to their label. Note that this option is mutually exclusive to the `values` option. Defaults to None. values: an array of values (assumed float or continuous), one for each sample. This will be used for coloring the points in the plot according to a colorscale associated to the total range of values. Note that this option is mutually exclusive to the `labels` option. Defaults to None. theme: A color theme to use for plotting. A small set of predefined themes are provided which have relatively good aesthetics. Available themes are: {'blue', 'red', 'green', 'inferno', 'fire', 'viridis', 'darkblue', 'darkred', 'darkgreen'}. Defaults to None. cmap: The name of a matplotlib colormap to use for coloring or shading points. If no labels or values are passed this will be used for shading points according to density (largely only of relevance for very large datasets). If values are passed this will be used for shading according the value. Note that if theme is passed then this value will be overridden by the corresponding option of the theme. Defaults to None. color_key: the method to assign colors to categoricals. This can either be an explicit dict mapping labels to colors (as strings of form '#RRGGBB'), or an array like object providing one color for each distinct category being provided in `labels`. Either way this mapping will be used to color points according to the label. Note that if theme is passed then this value will be overridden by the corresponding option of the theme. Defaults to None. color_key_cmap: the name of a matplotlib colormap to use for categorical coloring. If an explicit `color_key` is not given a color mapping for categories can be generated from the label list and selecting a matching list of colors from the given colormap. Note that if theme is passed then this value will be overridden by the corresponding option of the theme. Defaults to None. background: the color of the background. Usually this will be either 'white' or 'black', but any color name will work. Ideally one wants to match this appropriately to the colors being used for points etc. This is one of the things that themes handle for you. Note that if theme is passed then this value will be overridden by the corresponding option of the theme. Defaults to None. ncols: the number of columns for the figure. Defaults to 4. pointsize: the scale of the point size. Actual point cell size is calculated as `500.0 / np.sqrt(adata.shape[0]) * pointsize`. Defaults to None. figsize: the width and height of a figure. Defaults to (6, 4). show_legend: whether to display a legend of the labels. Defaults to "on data". use_smoothed: whether to use smoothed values (i.e. M_s / M_u instead of spliced / unspliced, etc.). Defaults to True. xlim: the range of x-coordinate. Defaults to None. ylim: the range of y-coordinate. Defaults to None. t: the length of the time period from which to predict cell state forward or backward over time. This is used by the odeint function. Defaults to None. terms: a tuple of plotting items to include in the final topography figure. ('streamline', 'nullcline', 'fixed_points', 'separatrix', 'trajectory', 'quiver') are all the items that we can support. Defaults to ["streamline", "fixed_points"]. init_cells: cell name or indices of the initial cell states for the historical or future cell state prediction with numerical integration. If the names in init_cells are not find in the adata.obs_name, it will be treated as cell indices and must be integers. Defaults to None. init_states: the initial cell states for the historical or future cell state prediction with numerical integration. It can be either a one-dimensional array or N x 2 dimension array. The `init_state` will be replaced to that defined by init_cells if init_cells are not None. Defaults to None. quiver_source: the data source that will be used to draw the quiver plot. If `init_cells` is provided, this will set to be the projected RNA velocity before vector field reconstruction automatically. If `init_cells` is not provided, this will set to be the velocity vectors calculated from the reconstructed vector field function automatically. If quiver_source is `reconstructed`, the velocity vectors calculated from the reconstructed vector field function will be used. Defaults to "raw". fate: predict the historial, future or both cell fates. This corresponds to integrating the trajectory in forward, backward or both directions defined by the reconstructed vector field function. Defaults to "both". approx: whether to use streamplot to draw the integration line from the init_state. Defaults to False. quiver_size: the size of quiver. If None, we will use set quiver_size to be 1. Note that quiver quiver_size is used to calculate the head_width (10 x quiver_size), head_length (12 x quiver_size) and headaxislength (8 x quiver_size) of the quiver. This is done via the `default_quiver_args` function which also calculate the scale of the quiver (1 / quiver_length). Defaults to None. quiver_length: the length of quiver. The quiver length which will be used to calculate scale of quiver. Note that befoe applying `default_quiver_args` velocity values are first rescaled via the quiver_autoscaler function. Scale of quiver indicates the number of data units per arrow length unit, e.g., m/s per plot width; a smaller scale parameter makes the arrow longer. Defaults to None. density: the density of the plt.streamplot function. Defaults to 1. linewidth: the multiplier of automatically calculated linewidth passed to the plt.streamplot function. Defaults to 1. streamline_color: the color of the vector field streamlines. Defaults to None. streamline_alpha: the alpha value applied to the vector field streamlines. Defaults to 0.4. color_start_points: the color of the starting point that will be used to predict cell fates. Defaults to None. markersize: the size of the marker. Defaults to 200. marker_cmap: the name of a matplotlib colormap to use for coloring or shading the confidence of fixed points. If None, the default color map will set to be viridis (inferno) when the background is white (black). Defaults to None. save_show_or_return: whether to save, show or return the figure. Defaults to "show". save_kwargs: a dictionary that will be passed to the save_show_ret function. By default, it is an empty dictionary and the save_show_ret function will use the {"path": None, "prefix": 'topography', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf', "transparent": True, "close": True, "verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise, you can provide a dictionary that properly modify those keys according to your needs. Defaults to {}. aggregate: the column in adata.obs that will be used to aggregate data points. Defaults to None. show_arrowed_spines: whether to show a pair of arrowed spines representing the basis of the scatter is currently using. Defaults to False. ax: the axis on which to make the plot. Defaults to None. sort: the method to reorder data so that high values points will be on top of background points. Can be one of {'raw', 'abs', 'neg'}, i.e. sorted by raw data, sort by absolute values or sort by negative values. Defaults to "raw". Defaults to "raw". frontier: whether to add the frontier. Scatter plots can be enhanced by using transparency (alpha) in order to show area of high density and multiple scatter plots can be used to delineate a frontier. See matplotlib tips & tricks cheatsheet ( Originally inspired by figures from scEU-seq paper: Defaults to False. s_kwargs_dict: the dictionary of the scatter arguments. Defaults to {}. q_kwargs_dict: additional parameters that will be passed to plt.quiver function. Defaults to {}. n: Number of samples for calculating the fixed points. **streamline_kwargs_dict: any other kwargs that would be passed to `pyplot.streamline`. Returns: None would be returned by default. If `save_show_or_return` is set to be 'return', the Axes of the generated subplots would be returned. """ from ..external.hodge import ddhodge logger = LoggerManager.gen_logger("dynamo-topography-plot") logger.log_time() from matplotlib import rcParams from matplotlib.colors import to_hex if type(color) == str: color = [color] elif color is None: obs_keys = adata.obs.keys() if np.array([key.endswith("potential") for key in obs_keys]).sum() == 0: ddhodge(adata, basis=basis) prefix = "" if basis is None else basis + "_" color = [prefix + "ddhodge_potential"] else: color = [np.array(obs_keys)[[key.endswith("potential") for key in obs_keys]][0]] if np.array([key.endswith("curl") for key in obs_keys]).sum() == 0: curl(adata, basis=basis) color.append("curl_" + basis) else: color.append(np.array(obs_keys)[[key.endswith("curl") for key in obs_keys]][0]) if np.array([key.endswith("divergence") for key in obs_keys]).sum() == 0: divergence(adata, basis=basis) color.append("divergence_" + basis) else: color.append(np.array(obs_keys)[[key.endswith("divergence") for key in obs_keys]][0]) if background is None: _background = rcParams.get("figure.facecolor") _background = to_hex(_background) if type(_background) is tuple else _background else: _background = background terms = list(terms) if type(terms) is tuple else [terms] if type(terms) is str else terms if approx: if "streamline" not in terms: terms.append("streamline") if "trajectory" in terms: terms = list(set(terms).difference("trajectory")) if init_cells is not None or init_states is not None: terms.append("trajectory") uns_key = "VecFld" if basis == "X" else "VecFld_" + basis fps_uns_key = "VecFld" if fps_basis == "X" else "VecFld_" + fps_basis if uns_key not in adata.uns.keys(): if "velocity_" + basis not in adata.obsm_keys(): f"velocity_{basis} is computed yet. " f"Projecting the velocity vector to {basis} basis now ...", indent_level=1, ) cell_velocities(adata, basis=basis) f"Vector field for {basis} is not constructed. Constructing it now ...", indent_level=1, ) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") if basis == fps_basis: f"`basis` and `fps_basis` are all {basis}. Will also map topography ...", indent_level=2, ) VectorField(adata, basis, map_topography=True, n=n) else: VectorField(adata, basis) if fps_uns_key not in adata.uns.keys(): if "velocity_" + basis not in adata.obsm_keys(): f"velocity_{basis} is computed yet. " f"Projecting the velocity vector to {basis} basis now ...", indent_level=1, ) cell_velocities(adata, basis=basis) f"Vector field for {fps_basis} is not constructed. " f"Constructing it and mapping its topography now ...", indent_level=1, ) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") VectorField(adata, fps_basis, map_topography=True, n=n) # elif "VecFld2D" not in adata.uns[uns_key].keys(): # with warnings.catch_warnings(): # warnings.simplefilter("ignore") # # _topology(adata, basis, VecFld=None) # elif "VecFld2D" in adata.uns[uns_key].keys() and type(adata.uns[uns_key]["VecFld2D"]) == str: # with warnings.catch_warnings(): # warnings.simplefilter("ignore") # # _topology(adata, basis, VecFld=None) vecfld_dict, vecfld = vecfld_from_adata(adata, basis) if vecfld_dict["Y"].shape[1] > 2: f"Vector field for {fps_basis} is but its topography is not mapped. " f"Mapping topography now ...", indent_level=1, ) new_basis = f"{basis}_{x}_{y}" adata.obsm["X_" + new_basis], adata.obsm["velocity_" + new_basis] = ( adata.obsm["X_" + basis][:, [x, y]], adata.obsm["velocity_" + basis][:, [x, y]], ) VectorField(adata, new_basis, dims=[x, y]) vecfld_dict, vecfld = vecfld_from_adata(adata, new_basis) fps_vecfld_dict, fps_vecfld = vecfld_from_adata(adata, fps_basis) # need to use "X_basis" to plot on the scatter point space if "Xss" not in fps_vecfld_dict: # if topology is not mapped for this basis, calculate it now. f"Vector field for {fps_basis} is but its topography is not mapped. " f"Mapping topography now ...", indent_level=1, ) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") _topology(adata, fps_basis, VecFld=None, n=n) else: if fps_vecfld_dict["Xss"].size > 0 and fps_vecfld_dict["Xss"].shape[1] > 2: fps_vecfld_dict["X_basis"], fps_vecfld_dict["Xss"] = ( vecfld_dict["X"][:, :2], vecfld_dict["X"][fps_vecfld_dict["fp_ind"], :2], ) xlim, ylim = ( adata.uns[fps_uns_key]["xlim"] if xlim is None else xlim, adata.uns[fps_uns_key]["ylim"] if ylim is None else ylim, ) if xlim is None or ylim is None: X_basis = vecfld_dict["X"][:, :2] min_, max_ = X_basis.min(0), X_basis.max(0) xlim = [ min_[0] - (max_[0] - min_[0]) * 0.1, max_[0] + (max_[0] - min_[0]) * 0.1, ] ylim = [ min_[1] - (max_[1] - min_[1]) * 0.1, max_[1] + (max_[1] - min_[1]) * 0.1, ] if init_cells is not None: if init_states is None: intersect_cell_names = list(set(init_cells).intersection(adata.obs_names)) _init_states = ( adata.obsm["X_" + basis][init_cells, :] if len(intersect_cell_names) == 0 else adata[intersect_cell_names].obsm["X_" + basis].copy() ) V = ( adata.obsm["velocity_" + basis][init_cells, :] if len(intersect_cell_names) == 0 else adata[intersect_cell_names].obsm["velocity_" + basis].copy() ) init_states = _init_states if quiver_source == "reconstructed" or (init_states is not None and init_cells is None): from import vector_field_function V = vector_field_function(init_states, vecfld_dict, [0, 1]) # plt.figure(facecolor=_background) axes_list, color_list, font_color = scatters( adata=adata, basis=basis, x=x, y=y, color=color, layer=layer, highlights=highlights, labels=labels, values=values, theme=theme, cmap=cmap, color_key=color_key, color_key_cmap=color_key_cmap, background=_background, ncols=ncols, pointsize=pointsize, figsize=figsize, show_legend=show_legend, use_smoothed=use_smoothed, aggregate=aggregate, show_arrowed_spines=show_arrowed_spines, ax=ax, sort=sort, save_show_or_return="return", frontier=frontier, **s_kwargs_dict, return_all=True, ) if type(axes_list) != list: axes_list, color_list, font_color = ( [axes_list], [color_list], [font_color], ) for i in range(len(axes_list)): # ax = axes_list[i] axes_list[i].set_xlabel(basis + "_1") axes_list[i].set_ylabel(basis + "_2") # axes_list[i].set_aspect("equal") # Build the plot axes_list[i].set_xlim(xlim) axes_list[i].set_ylim(ylim) axes_list[i].set_facecolor(background) if t is None: if vecfld_dict["grid_V"] is None: max_t = np.max((np.diff(xlim), np.diff(ylim))) / np.min(np.abs(vecfld_dict["V"][:, :2])) else: max_t = np.max((np.diff(xlim), np.diff(ylim))) / np.min(np.abs(vecfld_dict["grid_V"])) t = np.linspace(0, max_t, 10 ** (np.min((int(np.log10(max_t)), 8)))) integration_direction = ( "both" if fate == "both" else "forward" if fate == "future" else "backward" if fate == "history" else "both" ) if "streamline" in terms: if approx: axes_list[i] = plot_flow_field( vecfld, xlim, ylim, background=_background, start_points=init_states, integration_direction=integration_direction, density=density, linewidth=linewidth, streamline_color=streamline_color, streamline_alpha=streamline_alpha, color_start_points=color_start_points, ax=axes_list[i], **streamline_kwargs_dict, ) else: axes_list[i] = plot_flow_field( vecfld, xlim, ylim, background=_background, density=density, linewidth=linewidth, streamline_color=streamline_color, streamline_alpha=streamline_alpha, color_start_points=color_start_points, ax=axes_list[i], **streamline_kwargs_dict, ) if "nullcline" in terms: axes_list[i] = plot_nullclines(vecfld, vecfld_dict, background=_background, ax=axes_list[i]) if "fixed_points" in terms: axes_list[i] = plot_fixed_points( fps_vecfld, fps_vecfld_dict, background=_background, ax=axes_list[i], markersize=markersize, cmap=marker_cmap, ) if "separatrices" in terms: axes_list[i] = plot_separatrix(vecfld, xlim, ylim, t=t, background=_background, ax=axes_list[i]) if init_states is not None and "trajectory" in terms: if not approx: axes_list[i] = plot_traj( vecfld, init_states, t, background=_background, integration_direction=integration_direction, ax=axes_list[i], ) # show quivers for the init_states cells if init_states is not None and "quiver" in terms: X = init_states V /= 3 * quiver_autoscaler(X, V) df = pd.DataFrame({"x": X[:, 0], "y": X[:, 1], "u": V[:, 0], "v": V[:, 1]}) if quiver_size is None: quiver_size = 1 if _background in ["#ffffff", "black"]: edgecolors = "white" else: edgecolors = "black" head_w, head_l, ax_l, scale = default_quiver_args(quiver_size, quiver_length) # quiver_kwargs = { "angles": "xy", "scale": scale, "scale_units": "xy", "width": 0.0005, "headwidth": head_w, "headlength": head_l, "headaxislength": ax_l, "minshaft": 1, "minlength": 1, "pivot": "tail", "linewidth": 0.1, "edgecolors": edgecolors, "alpha": 1, "zorder": 7, } quiver_kwargs = update_dict(quiver_kwargs, q_kwargs_dict) # axes_list[i].quiver(X_grid[:, 0], X_grid[:, 1], V_grid[:, 0], V_grid[:, 1], **quiver_kwargs) axes_list[i].quiver( df.iloc[:, 0], df.iloc[:, 1], df.iloc[:, 2], df.iloc[:, 3], **quiver_kwargs, ) # color='red', facecolors='gray' return save_show_ret("topography", save_show_or_return, save_kwargs, axes_list if len(axes_list) > 1 else axes_list[0])
# TODO: Implement more `terms` like streamline and trajectory for 3D topography @docstrings.with_indent(4) def topography_3D( adata: AnnData, basis: str = "umap", fps_basis: str = "umap", x: int = 0, y: int = 1, z: int = 2, color: str = "ntr", layer: str = "X", plot_method: Literal["pv", "matplotlib"] = "matplotlib", highlights: Optional[list] = None, labels: Optional[list] = None, values: Optional[list] = None, theme: Optional[ Literal[ "blue", "red", "green", "inferno", "fire", "viridis", "darkblue", "darkred", "darkgreen", ] ] = None, cmap: Optional[str] = None, color_key: Union[Dict[str, str], List[str], None] = None, color_key_cmap: Optional[str] = None, alpha: Optional[float] = None, background: Optional[str] = "white", ncols: int = 4, pointsize: Optional[float] = None, figsize: Tuple[float, float] = (6, 4), show_legend: str = True, use_smoothed: bool = True, xlim: np.ndarray = None, ylim: np.ndarray = None, zlim: np.ndarray = None, t: Optional[npt.ArrayLike] = None, terms: List[str] = ["fixed_points"], init_cells: List[int] = None, init_states: np.ndarray = None, quiver_source: Literal["raw", "reconstructed"] = "raw", approx: bool = False, markersize: float = 200, marker_cmap: Optional[str] = None, save_show_or_return: Literal["save", "show", "return"] = "show", save_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}, aggregate: Optional[str] = None, show_arrowed_spines: bool = False, ax: Optional[Axes] = None, sort: Literal["raw", "abs", "neg"] = "raw", frontier: bool = False, s_kwargs_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {}, n: int = 25, ) -> Union[Axes, List[Axes], None]: """Plot the topography of the reconstructed vector field in 3D space. Args: adata: AnnData object that contains the reconstructed vector field. basis: The embedding data space that will be used to plot the topography. Defaults to `umap`. fps_basis: The embedding data space that will be used to plot the fixed points. Defaults to `umap`. x: The index of the first dimension of the embedding data space that will be used to plot the topography. Defaults to 0. y: The index of the second dimension of the embedding data space that will be used to plot the topography. Defaults to 1. z: The index of the third dimension of the embedding data space that will be used to plot the topography. Defaults to 2. color: The color of the topography. Defaults to `ntr`. layer: The layer of the data that will be used to plot the topography. Defaults to `X`. plot_method: The method that will be used to plot the topography. Defaults to `matplotlib`. highlights: The list of gene names that will be used to highlight the gene expression on the topography. Defaults to None. labels: The list of gene names that will be used to label the gene expression on the topography. Defaults to None. values: The list of gene names that will be used to color the gene expression on the topography. Defaults to None. theme: The color theme that will be used to plot the topography. Defaults to None. cmap: The name of a matplotlib colormap that will be used to color the topography. Defaults to None. color_key: The color dictionary that will be used to color the topography. Defaults to None. color_key_cmap: The name of a matplotlib colormap that will be used to color the color key. Defaults to None. alpha: The transparency of the topography. Defaults to None. background: The background color of the topography. Defaults to `white`. ncols: The number of columns for the figure. Defaults to 4. pointsize: The scale of the point size. Actual point cell size is calculated as `500.0 / np.sqrt(adata.shape[0]) * pointsize`. Defaults to None. figsize: The width and height of a figure. Defaults to (6, 4). show_legend: Whether to display a legend of the labels. Defaults to `on data`. use_smoothed: Whether to use smoothed values (i.e. M_s / M_u instead of spliced / unspliced, etc.). Defaults to True. xlim: The range of x-coordinate. Defaults to None. ylim: The range of y-coordinate. Defaults to None. zlim: The range of z-coordinate. Defaults to None. t: The length of the time period from which to predict cell state forward or backward over time. This is used by the odeint function. Defaults to None. terms: A list of plotting items to include in the final topography figure. ('streamline', 'nullcline', 'fixed_points', 'separatrix', 'trajectory', 'quiver') are all the items that we can support. Defaults to ["streamline", "fixed_points"]. init_cells: cell name or indices of the initial cell states for the historical or future cell state prediction with numerical integration. If the names in init_cells are not find in the adata.obs_name, it will be treated as cell indices and must be integers. Defaults to None. init_states: the initial cell states for the historical or future cell state prediction with numerical integration. It can be either a one-dimensional array or N x 2 dimension array. The `init_state` will be replaced to that defined by init_cells if init_cells are not None. Defaults to None. quiver_source: the data source that will be used to draw the quiver plot. If `init_cells` is provided, this will set to be the projected RNA velocity before vector field reconstruction automatically. If `init_cells` is not provided, this will set to be the velocity vectors calculated from the reconstructed vector field function automatically. If quiver_source is `reconstructed`, the velocity vectors calculated from the reconstructed vector field function will be used. Defaults to "raw". approx: whether to use streamplot to draw the integration line from the init_state. Defaults to False. markersize: the size of the marker. Defaults to 200. marker_cmap: the name of a matplotlib colormap to use for coloring or shading the confidence of fixed points. If None, the default color map will set to be viridis (inferno) when the background is white (black). Defaults to None. save_show_or_return: Whether to save, show or return the figure. Defaults to `show`. save_kwargs: A dictionary that will be passed to the save_show_ret function. By default, it is an empty dictionary and the save_show_ret function will use the {"path": None, "prefix": 'topography', "dpi": None, "ext": 'pdf', "transparent": True, "close": True, "verbose": True} as its parameters. Otherwise, you can provide a dictionary that properly modify those keys according to your needs. Defaults to {}. aggregate: The column in adata.obs that will be used to aggregate data points. Defaults to None. show_arrowed_spines: Whether to show a pair of arrowed spines representing the basis of the scatter is currently using. Defaults to False. ax: The axis on which to make the plot. Defaults to None. sort: The method to reorder data so that high values points will be on top of background points. Can be one of {'raw', 'abs', 'neg'}, i.e. sorted by raw data, sort by absolute values or sort by negative values. Defaults to "raw". Defaults to "raw". frontier: whether to add the frontier. Scatter plots can be enhanced by using transparency (alpha) in order to show area of high density and multiple scatter plots can be used to delineate a frontier. See matplotlib tips & tricks cheatsheet ( Originally inspired by figures from scEU-seq paper: Defaults to False. s_kwargs_dict: The dictionary of the scatter arguments. Defaults to {}. n: Number of samples for calculating the fixed points. Returns: None would be returned by default. If `save_show_or_return` is set to be 'return', the Axes of the generated subplots would be returned. """ logger = LoggerManager.gen_logger("dynamo-topography-plot") logger.log_time() from matplotlib import rcParams from matplotlib.colors import to_hex if type(color) == str: color = [color] if alpha is None: alpha = 0.8 if plot_method in ["pv", "plotly"] else 0.1 if background is None: _background = rcParams.get("figure.facecolor") _background = to_hex(_background) if type(_background) is tuple else _background else: _background = background terms = list(terms) if type(terms) is tuple else [terms] if type(terms) is str else terms if approx: if "streamline" not in terms: terms.append("streamline") if "trajectory" in terms: terms = list(set(terms).difference("trajectory")) if init_cells is not None or init_states is not None: terms.append("trajectory") uns_key = "VecFld" if basis == "X" else "VecFld_" + basis fps_uns_key = "VecFld" if fps_basis == "X" else "VecFld_" + fps_basis if uns_key not in adata.uns.keys(): if "velocity_" + basis not in adata.obsm_keys(): f"velocity_{basis} is computed yet. " f"Projecting the velocity vector to {basis} basis now ...", indent_level=1, ) cell_velocities(adata, basis=basis) f"Vector field for {basis} is not constructed. Constructing it now ...", indent_level=1, ) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") if basis == fps_basis: f"`basis` and `fps_basis` are all {basis}. Will also map topography ...", indent_level=2, ) VectorField(adata, basis, map_topography=True, n=n) else: VectorField(adata, basis) if fps_uns_key not in adata.uns.keys(): if "velocity_" + basis not in adata.obsm_keys(): f"velocity_{basis} is computed yet. " f"Projecting the velocity vector to {basis} basis now ...", indent_level=1, ) cell_velocities(adata, basis=basis) f"Vector field for {fps_basis} is not constructed. " f"Constructing it and mapping its topography now ...", indent_level=1, ) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") VectorField(adata, fps_basis, map_topography=True, n=n) vecfld_dict, vecfld = vecfld_from_adata(adata, basis) fps_vecfld_dict, fps_vecfld = vecfld_from_adata(adata, fps_basis) # need to use "X_basis" to plot on the scatter point space if "Xss" not in fps_vecfld_dict: # if topology is not mapped for this basis, calculate it now. f"Vector field for {fps_basis} is but its topography is not mapped. " f"Mapping topography now ...", indent_level=1, ) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") _topology(adata, fps_basis, VecFld=None, n=n) else: if fps_vecfld_dict["Xss"].size > 0 and fps_vecfld_dict["Xss"].shape[1] > 3: fps_vecfld_dict["X_basis"], fps_vecfld_dict["Xss"] = ( vecfld_dict["X"][:, :3], vecfld_dict["X"][fps_vecfld_dict["fp_ind"], :3], ) xlim, ylim, zlim = ( adata.uns[fps_uns_key]["xlim"] if xlim is None else xlim, adata.uns[fps_uns_key]["ylim"] if ylim is None else ylim, adata.uns[fps_uns_key]["zlim"] if zlim is None else zlim, ) if xlim is None or ylim is None or zlim is None: X_basis = vecfld_dict["X"][:, :3] min_, max_ = X_basis.min(0), X_basis.max(0) xlim = [ min_[0] - (max_[0] - min_[0]) * 0.1, max_[0] + (max_[0] - min_[0]) * 0.1, ] ylim = [ min_[1] - (max_[1] - min_[1]) * 0.1, max_[1] + (max_[1] - min_[1]) * 0.1, ] zlim = [ min_[2] - (max_[2] - min_[2]) * 0.1, max_[2] + (max_[2] - min_[2]) * 0.1, ] if init_cells is not None: if init_states is None: intersect_cell_names = list(set(init_cells).intersection(adata.obs_names)) _init_states = ( adata.obsm["X_" + basis][init_cells, :] if len(intersect_cell_names) == 0 else adata[intersect_cell_names].obsm["X_" + basis].copy() ) V = ( adata.obsm["velocity_" + basis][init_cells, :] if len(intersect_cell_names) == 0 else adata[intersect_cell_names].obsm["velocity_" + basis].copy() ) init_states = _init_states if quiver_source == "reconstructed" or (init_states is not None and init_cells is None): from import vector_field_function V = vector_field_function(init_states, vecfld_dict, [0, 1]) if plot_method == "pv": try: import pyvista as pv except ImportError: raise ImportError("Please install pyvista first.") pl, colors_list = scatters_interactive( adata=adata, basis=basis, x=x, y=y, z=z, color=color, layer=layer, labels=labels, values=values, cmap=cmap, theme=theme, background=background, color_key=color_key, color_key_cmap=color_key_cmap, use_smoothed=use_smoothed, save_show_or_return="return", # style='points_gaussian', opacity=alpha, ) if "fixed_points" in terms: pl = plot_fixed_points( fps_vecfld, fps_vecfld_dict, background=_background, ax=pl, markersize=markersize, cmap=marker_cmap, plot_method="pv", ) return save_pyvista_plotter( pl=pl, colors_list=colors_list, save_show_or_return=save_show_or_return, save_kwargs=save_kwargs, ) elif plot_method == "plotly": try: import plotly.graph_objects as go except ImportError: raise ImportError("Please install plotly first.") pl, colors_list = scatters_interactive( adata=adata, basis=basis, x=x, y=y, z=z, color=color, layer=layer, plot_method="plotly", labels=labels, values=values, cmap=cmap, theme=theme, background=background, color_key=color_key, color_key_cmap=color_key_cmap, use_smoothed=use_smoothed, save_show_or_return="return", opacity=alpha, ) if "fixed_points" in terms: pl = plot_fixed_points( fps_vecfld, fps_vecfld_dict, background=_background, ax=pl, markersize=markersize, cmap=marker_cmap, plot_method="plotly", ) return save_plotly_figure( pl=pl, colors_list=colors_list, save_show_or_return=save_show_or_return, save_kwargs=save_kwargs, ) else: # plt.figure(facecolor=_background) axes_list, color_list, font_color = scatters( adata=adata, basis=basis, x=x, y=y, z=z, color=color, layer=layer, highlights=highlights, labels=labels, values=values, theme=theme, cmap=cmap, color_key=color_key, color_key_cmap=color_key_cmap, alpha=alpha, background=_background, ncols=ncols, pointsize=pointsize, figsize=figsize, show_legend=show_legend, use_smoothed=use_smoothed, aggregate=aggregate, show_arrowed_spines=show_arrowed_spines, ax=ax, sort=sort, save_show_or_return="return", frontier=frontier, projection="3d", **s_kwargs_dict, return_all=True, ) if type(axes_list) != list: axes_list, color_list, font_color = ( [axes_list], [color_list], [font_color], ) for i in range(len(axes_list)): # ax = axes_list[i] axes_list[i].set_xlabel(basis + "_1") axes_list[i].set_ylabel(basis + "_2") axes_list[i].set_zlabel(basis + "_3") # axes_list[i].set_aspect("equal") # Build the plot axes_list[i].set_xlim(xlim) axes_list[i].set_ylim(ylim) axes_list[i].set_zlim(zlim) axes_list[i].set_facecolor(background) if t is None: if vecfld_dict["grid_V"] is None: max_t = np.max((np.diff(xlim), np.diff(ylim))) / np.min(np.abs(vecfld_dict["V"][:, :2])) else: max_t = np.max((np.diff(xlim), np.diff(ylim))) / np.min(np.abs(vecfld_dict["grid_V"])) t = np.linspace(0, max_t, 10 ** (np.min((int(np.log10(max_t)), 8)))) if "fixed_points" in terms: axes_list[i] = plot_fixed_points( fps_vecfld, fps_vecfld_dict, background=_background, ax=axes_list[i], markersize=markersize, cmap=marker_cmap, ) return save_show_ret("topography", save_show_or_return, save_kwargs, axes_list if len(axes_list) > 1 else axes_list[0])