Source code for dynamo.prediction.state_graph

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from tqdm import tqdm

from ..prediction.fate import _fate
from ..vectorfield import vector_field_function
from .utils import (

def classify_clone_cell_type(
    adata, clone, clone_column, cell_type_column, cell_type_to_excluded
    """find the dominant cell type of all the cells that are from the same clone"""
    cell_ids = np.where(adata.obs[clone_column] == clone)[0]

    to_check = (

    cell_type = np.where(to_check)[0]

    return cell_type

[docs]def state_graph( adata, group, approx=True, basis="umap", layer=None, arc_sample=False, sample_num=100, ): """Estimate the transition probability between cell types using method of vector field integrations. Parameters ---------- adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData` AnnData object that will be used to calculate a cell type (group) transition graph. group: `str` The attribute to group cells (column names in the adata.obs). approx: `bool` (default: False) Whether to use streamplot to get the integration lines from each cell. basis: `str` or None (default: `umap`) The embedding data to use for predicting cell fate. If `basis` is either `umap` or `pca`, the reconstructed trajectory will be projected back to high dimensional space via the `inverse_transform` function. layer: `str` or None (default: `None`) Which layer of the data will be used for predicting cell fate with the reconstructed vector field function. The layer once provided, will override the `basis` argument and then predicting cell fate in high dimensional space. sample_num: `int` (default: 100) The number of cells to sample in each group that will be used for calculating the transitoin graph between cell groups. This is required for facilitating the calculation. Returns ------- An updated adata object that is added with the `group + '_graph'` key, including the transition graph and the average transition time. """ groups, uniq_grp = adata.obs[group], adata.obs[group].unique().to_list() grp_graph = np.zeros((len(uniq_grp), len(uniq_grp))) grp_avg_time = np.zeros((len(uniq_grp), len(uniq_grp))) all_X, VecFld, t_end, _ = fetch_states( adata, init_states=None, init_cells=adata.obs_names, basis=basis, layer=layer, average=False, t_end=None, ) kdt = cKDTree(all_X, leafsize=30) for i, cur_grp in enumerate(tqdm(uniq_grp, desc="iterate groups:")): init_cells = adata.obs_names[groups == cur_grp] if sample_num is not None: cell_num = np.min((sample_num, len(init_cells))) ind = np.random.choice(len(init_cells), cell_num, replace=False) init_cells = init_cells[ind] init_states, _, _, _ = fetch_states( adata, init_states=None, init_cells=init_cells, basis=basis, layer=layer, average=False, t_end=None, ) if approx and basis != "pca" and layer is None: X_grid, V_grid = ( adata.uns["VecFld_" + basis]["VecFld"]["grid"], adata.uns["VecFld_" + basis]["VecFld"]["grid_V"], ) N = int(np.sqrt(V_grid.shape[0])) X_grid, V_grid = ( np.array([np.unique(X_grid[:, 0]), np.unique(X_grid[:, 1])]), np.array([V_grid[:, 0].reshape((N, N)), V_grid[:, 1].reshape((N, N))]), ) t, X = integrate_streamline( X_grid[0], X_grid[1], V_grid[0], V_grid[1], integration_direction="forward", init_states=init_states, interpolation_num=250, average=False, ) else: t, X = _fate( lambda x: vector_field_function(x=x, VecFld=VecFld), init_states, t_end=t_end, step_size=None, direction="forward", interpolation_num=250, average=False, ) len_per_cell = len(t) cell_num = int(X.shape[0] / len(t)) knn_dist_, knn_ind_ = kdt.query(init_states, k=2) dist_min, dist_threshold = ( np.max([knn_dist_[:, 1].min(), 1e-3]), np.mean(knn_dist_[:, 1]), ) for j in np.arange(cell_num): cur_ind = np.arange(j * len_per_cell, (j + 1) * len_per_cell) Y, arclength, T_bool = remove_redundant_points_trajectory( X[cur_ind], tol=dist_min, output_discard=True ) if arc_sample: Y, arclength, T = arclength_sampling(Y, arclength / 1000, t=t[~T_bool]) else: T = t[~T_bool] knn_dist, knn_ind = kdt.query(Y, k=1) # set up a dataframe with group and time pass_t = np.where(knn_dist < dist_threshold)[0] pass_df = pd.DataFrame( {"group": adata[knn_ind[pass_t]].obs[group], "t": T[pass_t]} ) # only consider trajectory that pass at least 10 cells in group as confident pass pass_group_counter = pass_groups, confident_pass_check = ( pass_group_counter.index.tolist(), np.where(pass_group_counter > 10)[0], ) # assign the transition matrix and average transition time if len(confident_pass_check) > 0: ind_other_cell_type = [ uniq_grp.index(k) for k in np.array(pass_groups)[confident_pass_check] ] grp_graph[i, ind_other_cell_type] += 1 grp_avg_time[i, ind_other_cell_type] += ( pass_df.groupby("group")["t"].mean()[confident_pass_check].values ) # average across cells grp_avg_time[i, :] /= grp_graph[i, :] grp_graph[i, :] /= cell_num adata.uns[group + "_graph"] = { "group_graph": grp_graph, "group_avg_time": grp_avg_time, } return adata