Source code for dynamo.preprocessing.cell_cycle

# This file is adapted from the perturbseq library by Thomas Norman

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
from scipy.sparse import issparse
from import einsum_correlation, log1p_

def group_corr(adata, layer, gene_list):
    """Measures the correlation of all genes within a list to the average expression of all genes within that
    list (used for cell cycle position calling)

        adata: an anndata object.
        layer: `str` or None (default: `None`)
            The layer of data to use for calculating correlation. If None, use adata.X.
        gene_list: list of gene names

        (valid_gene_list, corr): A tuple of valid gene names and the correlation coefficient of each gene with
        the mean expression of all.

    # returns list of correlations of each gene within a list of genes with the total expression of the group
    intersect_genes = adata.var_names.intersection(gene_list)
    if len(intersect_genes) == 0:
        raise Exception(f"your adata doesn't have any gene from the gene_list {gene_list}.")

    if layer is None:
        expression_matrix = adata[:, intersect_genes].X  
        expression_matrix = adata[:, intersect_genes].layers[layer]
        expression_matrix = log1p_(adata, expression_matrix)

    avg_exp = expression_matrix.mean(axis=1)
    cor = einsum_correlation(np.array(expression_matrix.A.T, dtype='float'), np.array(avg_exp.A1, dtype='float')) if issparse(expression_matrix) \
        else einsum_correlation(np.array(expression_matrix.T, dtype='float'), np.array(avg_exp, dtype='float'))

    return np.array(intersect_genes), cor.flatten()

def refine_gene_list(adata, layer, gene_list, threshold, return_corrs=False):
    """Refines a list of genes by removing those that don't correlate well with the average expression of
    those genes

        adata: an anndata object.
        layer: `str` or None (default: `None`)
            The layer of data to use for calculating correlation. If None, use adata.X.
        gene_list: list of gene names
        threshold: threshold on correlation coefficient used to discard genes (expression of each gene is
            compared to the bulk expression of the group and any gene with a correlation coefficient less
            than this is discarded)
        return_corrs: whether to return the correlations along with the gene names (default: False)

        Refined list of genes that are well correlated with the average expression trend

    gene_list, corrs = group_corr(adata, layer, gene_list)
    if (return_corrs):
        return corrs[corrs >= threshold]
        return gene_list[corrs >= threshold]

def group_score(adata, layer, gene_list):
    """Scores cells within population for expression of a set of genes. Raw expression data are first
    log transformed, then the values are summed, and then scores are Z-normalized across all cells.

        adata: an anndata object.
        layer: `str` or None (default: `None`)
            The layer of data to use for calculating correlation. If None, use adata.X.
        gene_list: list of gene names

        Z-scored expression data

    intersect_genes = adata.var_names.intersection(gene_list)
    if len(intersect_genes) == 0:
        raise Exception(f"your adata doesn't have any gene from the gene_list {gene_list}.")

    if layer is None:
        expression_matrix = adata[:, intersect_genes].X  
        expression_matrix = adata[:, intersect_genes].layers[layer]
        expression_matrix = log1p_(adata, expression_matrix)

    if layer is None or layer.startswith('X_'):
        scores = expression_matrix.sum(1).A1 if issparse(expression_matrix) \
            else expression_matrix.sum(1)
        if issparse(expression_matrix):
   = np.log( + 1)
            scores = expression_matrix.sum(1).A1
            scores = np.log(expression_matrix + 1).sum(1)

    scores = (scores - scores.mean())/scores.std()

    return scores

def batch_group_score(adata, layer, gene_lists):
    """Scores cells within population for expression of sets of genes. Raw expression data are first
    log transformed, then the values are summed, and then scores are Z-normalized across all cells.
    Returns an OrderedDict of each score.

        adata: an anndata object.
        layer: `str` or None (default: `None`)
            The layer of data to use for calculating correlation. If None, use adata.X.
        gene_lists: list of lists of gene names

        an OrderedDict of each score.

    batch_scores = OrderedDict()
    for gene_list in gene_lists:
        batch_scores[gene_list] = group_score(adata, layer, gene_lists[gene_list])
    return batch_scores

def get_cell_phase_genes(adata, layer, refine=True, threshold=0.3):
    """Returns a list of cell-cycle-regulated marker genes, filtered for coherence

        adata: an anndata object.
        layer: `str` or None (default: `None`)
            The layer of data to use for calculating correlation. If None, use adata.X.
        refine: `bool` (default: `True`)
            whether to refine the gene lists based on how consistent the expression is among
            the groups
        threshold: `float` or None (default: `0.3`)
            threshold on correlation coefficient used to discard genes (expression of each
            gene is compared to the bulk expression of the group and any gene with a correlation
            coefficient less than this is discarded)

        a list of cell-cycle-regulated marker genes that show strong co-expression

    cell_phase_genes = OrderedDict()
    cell_phase_genes['G1-S'] = pd.Series(['ARGLU1', 'BRD7', 'CDC6', 'CLSPN', 'ESD', 'GINS2',
                                          'GMNN', 'LUC7L3', 'MCM5', 'MCM6', 'NASP', 'PCNA',
                                          'PNN', 'SLBP', 'SRSF7', 'SSR3', 'ZRANB2'])
    cell_phase_genes['S'] = pd.Series(['ASF1B', 'CALM2', 'CDC45', 'CDCA5', 'CENPM', 'DHFR',
                                       'EZH2', 'FEN1', 'HIST1H2AC', 'HIST1H4C', 'NEAT1',
                                       'PKMYT1', 'PRIM1', 'RFC2', 'RPA2', 'RRM2', 'RSRC2',
                                       'SRSF5', 'SVIP', 'TOP2A', 'TYMS', 'UBE2T', 'ZWINT'])
    cell_phase_genes['G2-M'] = pd.Series(['AURKB', 'BUB3', 'CCNA2', 'CCNF', 'CDCA2', 'CDCA3',
                                          'CDCA8', 'CDK1', 'CKAP2', 'DCAF7', 'HMGB2', 'HN1',
                                          'KIF5B', 'KIF20B', 'KIF22', 'KIF23', 'KIFC1', 'KPNA2',
                                          'LBR', 'MAD2L1', 'MALAT1', 'MND1', 'NDC80', 'NUCKS1',
                                          'NUSAP1', 'PIF1', 'PSMD11', 'PSRC1', 'SMC4', 'TIMP1',
                                          'TMEM99', 'TOP2A', 'TUBB', 'TUBB4B', 'VPS25'])
    cell_phase_genes['M'] = pd.Series(['ANP32B', 'ANP32E', 'ARL6IP1', 'AURKA', 'BIRC5', 'BUB1',
                                       'CCNA2', 'CCNB2', 'CDC20', 'CDC27', 'CDC42EP1', 'CDCA3',
                                       'CENPA', 'CENPE', 'CENPF', 'CKAP2', 'CKAP5', 'CKS1B',
                                       'CKS2', 'DEPDC1', 'DLGAP5', 'DNAJA1', 'DNAJB1', 'GRK6',
                                       'GTSE1', 'HMG20B', 'HMGB3', 'HMMR', 'HN1', 'HSPA8',
                                       'KIF2C', 'KIF5B', 'KIF20B', 'LBR', 'MKI67', 'MZT1',
                                       'NUF2', 'NUSAP1', 'PBK', 'PLK1', 'PRR11', 'PSMG3', 'PWP1',
                                       'RAD51C', 'RBM8A', 'RNF126', 'RNPS1', 'RRP1', 'SFPQ',
                                       'SGOL2', 'SMARCB1', 'SRSF3', 'TACC3', 'THRAP3', 'TPX2',
                                       'TUBB4B', 'UBE2D3', 'USP16', 'WIBG', 'YWHAH', 'ZNF207'])
    cell_phase_genes['M-G1'] = pd.Series(['AMD1', 'ANP32E', 'CBX3', 'CDC42', 'CNIH4', 'CWC15',
                                          'DKC1', 'DNAJB6', 'DYNLL1', 'EIF4E', 'FXR1', 'GRPEL1',
                                          'GSPT1', 'HMG20B', 'HSPA8', 'ILF2', 'KIF5B', 'KPNB1',
                                          'LARP1', 'LYAR', 'MORF4L2', 'MRPL19', 'MRPS2', 'MRPS18B',
                                          'NUCKS1', 'PRC1', 'PTMS', 'PTTG1', 'RAN', 'RHEB', 'RPL13A',
                                          'SRSF3', 'SYNCRIP', 'TAF9', 'TMEM138', 'TOP1', 'TROAP',
                                          'UBE2D3', 'ZNF593'])

    if (refine):
        for phase in cell_phase_genes:
            cur_cell_phase_genes = cell_phase_genes[phase] if adata.var_names[0].isupper() \
                else [i.capitalize() for i in cell_phase_genes[phase]]

            cell_phase_genes[phase] = refine_gene_list(adata, layer, cur_cell_phase_genes, threshold)

    return cell_phase_genes

def get_cell_phase(adata, layer=None, gene_list=None, refine=True, threshold=0.3):
    """Compute cell cycle phase scores for cells in the population

        adata: an anndata object.
        layer: `str` or None (default: `None`)
            The layer of data to use for calculating correlation. If None, use adata.X.
        gene_list: `OrderedDict` or None (default: `None`)
            OrderedDict of marker genes to use for cell cycle phases. If None, the default
            list will be used.
        refine: `bool` (default: `True`)
            whether to refine the gene lists based on how consistent the expression is among
            the groups
        threshold: `float` or None (default: `0.3`)
            threshold on correlation coefficient used to discard genes (expression of each
            gene is compared to the bulk expression of the group and any gene with a correlation
            coefficient less than this is discarded)

        Cell cycle scores indicating the likelihood a given cell is in a given cell cycle phase

    # get list of genes if one is not provided
    if gene_list is None:
        cell_phase_genes = get_cell_phase_genes(adata, layer, refine=refine, threshold=threshold)
        cell_phase_genes = gene_list

    # score each cell cycle phase and Z-normalize
    phase_scores = pd.DataFrame(batch_group_score(adata, layer, cell_phase_genes))
    normalized_phase_scores = phase_scores.sub(phase_scores.mean(axis=1), axis=0).div(phase_scores.std(axis=1), axis=0)

    normalized_phase_scores_corr = normalized_phase_scores.transpose()
    normalized_phase_scores_corr['G1-S'] = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    normalized_phase_scores_corr['S'] = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
    normalized_phase_scores_corr['G2-M'] = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
    normalized_phase_scores_corr['M'] = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
    normalized_phase_scores_corr['M-G1'] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]

    phase_list = ['G1-S', 'S', 'G2-M', 'M', 'M-G1']

    # final scores for each phaase are correlation of expression profile with vectors defined above
    cell_cycle_scores = normalized_phase_scores_corr.corr()[-len(phase_list):].transpose()[:-len(phase_list)]

    # pick maximal score as the phase for that cell
    cell_cycle_scores['cell_cycle_phase'] = cell_cycle_scores.idxmax(axis=1)
    cell_cycle_scores['cell_cycle_phase'] = cell_cycle_scores['cell_cycle_phase'].astype('category')
    cell_cycle_scores['cell_cycle_phase'].cat.set_categories(phase_list, inplace=True)

    def progress_ratio(x, phase_list):
        ind = phase_list.index(x['cell_cycle_phase'])
        return x[phase_list[(ind - 1) % len(phase_list)]] - x[phase_list[(ind + 1) % len(phase_list)]]

    # interpolate position within given cell cycle phase
    cell_cycle_scores['cell_cycle_progress'] = cell_cycle_scores.apply(lambda x: progress_ratio(x, list(phase_list)),
    cell_cycle_scores.sort_values(['cell_cycle_phase', 'cell_cycle_progress'],
                                  ascending=[True, False],

    # order of cell within cell cycle phase
    cell_cycle_scores['cell_cycle_order'] = cell_cycle_scores.groupby('cell_cycle_phase').cumcount()
    cell_cycle_scores['cell_cycle_order'] = cell_cycle_scores.groupby('cell_cycle_phase')['cell_cycle_order'].apply(
        lambda x: x / (len(x) - 1))

    return cell_cycle_scores

[docs]def cell_cycle_scores(adata, layer=None, gene_list=None, refine=True, threshold=0.3): """Call cell cycle positions for cells within the population. If more direct control is desired, use get_cell_phase. Arguments --------- adata: an anndata object. layer: `str` or None (default: `None`) The layer of data to use for calculating correlation. If None, use adata.X. gene_list: OrderedDict of marker genes to use for cell cycle phases. If None, the default list will be used. refine: `bool` (default: `True`) whether to refine the gene lists based on how consistent the expression is among the groups threshold: `float` or None (default: `0.3`) threshold on correlation coefficient used to discard genes (expression of each gene is compared to the bulk expression of the group and any gene with a correlation coefficient less than this is discarded) Returns ------- Returns an updated adata object with cell_cycle_phase as new column in .obs and a new data frame with `cell_cycle_scores` key to .obsm where the cell cycle scores indicating the likelihood a given cell is in a given cell cycle phase. """ cell_cycle_scores = get_cell_phase(adata, layer=layer, refine=refine, gene_list=gene_list, threshold=threshold) cell_cycle_scores.index = adata.obs_names[cell_cycle_scores.index.values.astype('int')] adata.obs['cell_cycle_phase'] = cell_cycle_scores['cell_cycle_phase'].astype('category') # adata.obsm['cell_cycle_scores'] = cell_cycle_scores.set_index(adata.obs_names) adata.obsm['cell_cycle_scores'] = cell_cycle_scores.loc[adata.obs_names, :] #.values