Source code for dynamo.preprocessing.preprocess

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import warnings
from scipy.sparse import issparse, csr_matrix
from sklearn.decomposition import FastICA
from sklearn.utils import sparsefuncs

from import update_dict
from .utils import (
from .cell_cycle import cell_cycle_scores

def szFactor(
    """Calculate the size factor of the each cell using geometric mean of total UMI across cells for a AnnData object.
    This function is partly based on Monocle R package (

        adata_ori: :class:`~anndata.AnnData`.
            AnnData object.
        layers: str or list (default: `all`)
            The layer(s) to be normalized. Default is `all`, including RNA (X, raw) or spliced, unspliced, protein, etc.
        total_layers: list or None (default `None`)
            The layer(s) that can be summed up to get the total mRNA. for example, ["spliced", "unspliced"], ["uu", "ul", "su", "sl"] or ["new", "old"], etc.
        locfunc: `function` (default: `np.nanmean`)
            The function to normalize the data.
        round_exprs: `bool` (default: `False`)
            A logic flag to determine whether the gene expression should be rounded into integers.
        method: `str` (default: `mean-geometric-mean-total`)
            The method used to calculate the expected total reads / UMI used in size factor calculation.
            Only `mean-geometric-mean-total` / `geometric` and `median` are supported. When `median` is used, `locfunc` will be replaced with
        use_all_genes_cells: `bool` (default: `True`)
            A logic flag to determine whether all cells and genes should be used for the size factor calculation.

        adata: :AnnData
            A updated anndata object that are updated with the `Size_Factor` (`layer_` + `Size_Factor`) column(s) in the obs attribute.
    if use_all_genes_cells:
        adata = adata_ori
        cell_inds = adata_ori.obs.use_for_pca if 'use_for_pca' in adata_ori.obs.columns else adata_ori.obs.index
        filter_list = ['use_for_pca', 'pass_basic_filter']
        filter_checker = [i in adata_ori.var.columns for i in filter_list]
        which_filter = np.where(filter_checker)[0]

        gene_inds = adata_ori.var[filter_list[which_filter[0]]] if len(which_filter) > 0 else adata_ori.var.index

        adata = adata_ori[cell_inds, :][:, gene_inds]

    if total_layers is not None:
        if not isinstance(total_layers, list): total_layers = [total_layers]
        if len(set(total_layers).difference(adata.layers.keys())) == 0:
            total = None
            for t_key in total_layers:
                total = (
                    adata.layers[t_key] if total is None else total + adata.layers[t_key]
            adata.layers["_total_"] = total

    layers = get_layer_keys(adata, layers)
    if "raw" in layers and adata.raw is None:
        adata.raw = adata.copy()

    for layer in layers:
        sfs, cell_total = sz_util(adata, layer, round_exprs, method, locfunc, total_layers=total_layers)

        sfs[~np.isfinite(sfs)] = 1
        if layer == "raw":
            adata.obs[layer + "_Size_Factor"] = sfs
            adata.obs["Size_Factor"] = sfs
            adata.obs["initial_cell_size"] = cell_total
        elif layer == "X":
            adata.obs["Size_Factor"] = sfs
            adata.obs["initial_cell_size"] = cell_total
        elif layer == "_total_":
            adata.obs["total_Size_Factor"] = sfs
            adata.obs["initial" + layer + "cell_size"] = cell_total
            del adata.layers["_total_"]
            adata.obs[layer + "_Size_Factor"] = sfs
            adata.obs["initial_" + layer + "_cell_size"] = cell_total

    adata_ori = merge_adata_attrs(adata_ori, adata, attr='obs')

    return adata_ori

def normalize_expr_data(
    """Normalize the gene expression value for the AnnData object
    This function is partly based on Monocle R package (

        adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData`
            AnnData object.
        layers: `str` (default: `all`)
            The layer(s) to be normalized. Default is all, including RNA (X, raw) or spliced, unspliced, protein, etc.
        total_szfactor: `str` (default: `total_Size_Factor`)
            The column name in the .obs attribute that corresponds to the size factor for the total mRNA.
        norm_method: `function` or None (default: `None`)
            The method used to normalize data. Can be either function `np.log1p, np.log2 or any other functions or string
            `clr`. By default, only .X will be size normalized and log1p transformed while data in other layers will only
            be size normalized.
        pseudo_expr: `int` (default: `1`)
            A pseudocount added to the gene expression value before log/log2 normalization.
        relative_expr: `bool` (default: `True`)
            A logic flag to determine whether we need to divide gene expression values first by size factor before normalization.
        keep_filtered: `bool` (default: `True`)
            A logic flag to determine whether we will only store feature genes in the adata object. If it is False, size factor
            will be recalculated only for the selected feature genes.
        recalc_sz: `bool` (default: `False`)
            A logic flag to determine whether we need to recalculate size factor based on selected genes before normalization.
        sz_method: `str` (default: `mean-geometric-mean-total`)
            The method used to calculate the expected total reads / UMI used in size factor calculation.
            Only `mean-geometric-mean-total` / `geometric` and `median` are supported. When `median` is used, `locfunc` will be replaced with
        adata: :AnnData
            A updated anndata object that are updated with normalized expression values for different layers.

    if recalc_sz:
        if "use_for_pca" in adata.var.columns and keep_filtered is False:
            adata = adata[:, adata.var.loc[:, "use_for_pca"]]

        adata.obs = adata.obs.loc[:, ~adata.obs.columns.str.contains("Size_Factor")]

    layers = get_layer_keys(adata, layers)

    layer_sz_column_names = [i + "_Size_Factor" for i in set(layers).difference("X")]
    layers_to_sz = list(set(layer_sz_column_names).difference(adata.obs.keys()))

    if len(layers_to_sz) > 0:
        layers = (
            .str.split("_Size_Factor", expand=True)
            .iloc[:, 0]
        if "Size_Factor" in layers:
            layers[np.where(np.array(layers) == "Size_Factor")[0][0]] = "X"

    for layer in layers:
        szfactors, CM = get_sz_exprs(adata, layer, total_szfactor=total_szfactor)
        if norm_method is None and layer == 'X':
            CM = normalize_util(CM, szfactors, relative_expr, pseudo_expr, np.log1p)
        elif norm_method in [np.log1p, np.log, np.log2, Freeman_Tukey, None] and layer != "protein":
            CM = normalize_util(CM, szfactors, relative_expr, pseudo_expr, norm_method)

        elif layer == "protein":  # norm_method == 'clr':
            if norm_method != "clr":
                    "For protein data, log transformation is not recommended. Using clr normalization by default."
            """This normalization implements the centered log-ratio (CLR) normalization from Seurat which is computed for
            each gene (M Stoeckius, ‎2017).
            CM = CM.T
            n_feature = CM.shape[1]

            for i in range(CM.shape[0]):
                x = CM[i].A if issparse(CM) else CM[i]
                res = np.log1p(x / (np.exp(np.nansum(np.log1p(x[x > 0])) / n_feature)))
                res[np.isnan(res)] = 0
                # res[res > 100] = 100
                ] = res  # no .A is required #

            CM = CM.T
            warnings.warn(norm_method + " is not implemented yet")

        if layer in ["raw", "X"]:
            adata.X = CM
        elif layer == "protein" and "protein" in adata.obsm_keys():
            adata.obsm["X_protein"] = CM
            adata.layers["X_" + layer] = CM

        adata.uns["pp_norm_method"] = norm_method.__name__ if callable(norm_method) else norm_method

    return adata

def Gini(adata, layers="all"):
    """Calculate the Gini coefficient of a numpy array.

        adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData`
            AnnData object
        layers: str (default: None)
            The layer(s) to be normalized. Default is all, including RNA (X, raw) or spliced, unspliced, protein, etc.

        adata: :AnnData
            A updated anndata object with gini score for the layers (include .X) in the corresponding var columns (layer + '_gini').

    # From:
    # based on bottom eq:
    # from:

    layers = get_layer_keys(adata, layers)

    for layer in layers:
        if layer == "raw":
            CM = adata.raw.X
        elif layer == "X":
            CM = adata.X
        elif layer == "protein":
            if "protein" in adata.obsm_keys():
                CM = adata.obsm[layer]
            CM = adata.layers[layer]

        n_features = adata.shape[1]
        gini = np.zeros(n_features)

        for i in np.arange(n_features):
            cur_cm = (
                CM[:, i].A if issparse(CM) else CM[:, i]
            )  # all values are treated equally, arrays must be 1d
            if np.amin(CM) < 0:
                cur_cm -= np.amin(cur_cm)  # values cannot be negative
            cur_cm += 0.0000001  # np.min(array[array!=0]) #values cannot be 0
            cur_cm = np.sort(cur_cm)  # values must be sorted
            index = np.arange(1, cur_cm.shape[0] + 1)  # index per array element
            n = cur_cm.shape[0]  # number of array elements
            gini[i] = (np.sum((2 * index - n - 1) * cur_cm)) / (
                n * np.sum(cur_cm)
            )  # Gini coefficient

        if layer in ["raw", "X"]:
            adata.var["gini"] = gini
            adata.var[layer + "_gini"] = gini

    return adata

def parametricDispersionFit(disp_table, initial_coefs=np.array([1e-6, 1])):
    """fThis function is partly based on Monocle R package (

        disp_table: :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`
            AnnData object
        initial_coefs: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
            Initial parameters for the gamma fit of the dispersion parameters.

        fit: :class:`~statsmodels.api.formula.glm`
            A statsmodels fitting object.
        coefs: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
            The two resulting gamma fitting coefficients.
        good: :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`
            The subsetted dispersion table that is subjected to Gamma fitting.
    import statsmodels.api as sm

    coefs = initial_coefs
    iter = 0
    while True:
        residuals = disp_table["disp"] / (coefs[0] + coefs[1] / disp_table["mu"])
        good = disp_table.loc[(residuals > initial_coefs[0]) & (residuals < 10000), :]
        fit = sm.formula.glm(
            "disp ~ I(1 / mu)",

        oldcoefs = coefs
        coefs = fit.params

        if coefs[0] < initial_coefs[0]:
            coefs[0] = initial_coefs[0]
        if coefs[1] < 0:
            warnings.warn("Parametric dispersion fit may be failed.")

        if np.sum(np.log(coefs / oldcoefs) ** 2 < coefs[0]):
        iter += 1

        if iter > 10:
            warnings.warn("Dispersion fit didn't converge")
        if not np.all(coefs > 0):
            warnings.warn("Parametric dispersion fit may be failed.")

    return fit, coefs, good

def disp_calc_helper_NB(adata, layers="X", min_cells_detected=1):
    """ This function is partly based on Monocle R package (

        adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData`
            AnnData object
        min_cells_detected: `int` (default: None)
            The mimimal required number of cells with expression for selecting gene for dispersion fitting.
        layer: `str`
            The layer of data used for dispersion fitting.

        res: :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`
            A pandas dataframe with mu, dispersion for each gene that passes filters.
    layers = get_layer_keys(adata, layers=layers, include_protein=False)

    res_list = []
    for layer in layers:
        if layer == "raw":
            CM = adata.raw.X
            szfactors = adata.obs[layer + "Size_Factor"][:, None]
        elif layer == "X":
            CM = adata.X
            szfactors = adata.obs["Size_Factor"][:, None]
            CM = adata.layers[layer]
            szfactors = adata.obs[layer + "Size_Factor"][:, None]

        if issparse(CM):
   = np.round(, 0)
            rounded = CM
            rounded = CM.round().astype("int")

        lowerDetectedLimit = (
            if "lowerDetectedLimit" in adata.uns.keys()
            else 1
        nzGenes = (rounded > lowerDetectedLimit).sum(axis=0)
        nzGenes = nzGenes > min_cells_detected

        nzGenes = nzGenes.A1 if issparse(rounded) else nzGenes
        if layer.startswith("X_"):
            x = rounded[:, nzGenes]
            x = (
                rounded[:, nzGenes].multiply(csr_matrix(1 / szfactors))
                if issparse(rounded)
                else rounded[:, nzGenes] / szfactors

        xim = np.mean(1 / szfactors) if szfactors is not None else 1

        f_expression_mean = x.mean(axis=0)

        # For NB: Var(Y) = mu * (1 + mu / k)
        # x.A.var(axis=0, ddof=1)
        f_expression_var = (
            (x.multiply(x).mean(0).A1 - f_expression_mean.A1 ** 2)
            * x.shape[0]
            / (x.shape[0] - 1)
            if issparse(x)
            else x.var(axis=0, ddof=0) ** 2
        )  # np.mean(np.power(x - f_expression_mean, 2), axis=0) # variance with n - 1
        # method of moments
        disp_guess_meth_moments = (
            f_expression_var - xim * f_expression_mean
        )  # variance - mu

        disp_guess_meth_moments = disp_guess_meth_moments / np.power(
            f_expression_mean, 2
        )  # this is dispersion parameter (1/k)

        res = pd.DataFrame(
                "mu": np.array(f_expression_mean).flatten(),
                "disp": np.array(disp_guess_meth_moments).flatten(),
        res.loc[res["mu"] == 0, "mu"] = None
        res.loc[res["mu"] == 0, "disp"] = None
        res.loc[res["disp"] < 0, "disp"] = 0

        res["gene_id"] = adata.var_names[nzGenes]


    return layers, res_list

def topTable(adata, layer="X", mode="dispersion"):
    """ This function is partly based on Monocle R package (

        adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData`
            AnnData object

        disp_df: :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`
            The data frame with the gene_id, mean_expression, dispersion_fit and dispersion_empirical as the columns.
    layer = get_layer_keys(adata, layers=layer, include_protein=False)[0]

    if layer in ["X"]:
        key = "dispFitInfo"
        key = layer + "_dispFitInfo"

    if mode == "dispersion":
        if adata.uns[key] is None:
            raise KeyError(
                "Error: no dispersion model found. Please call estimateDispersions() before calling this function"

        top_df = pd.DataFrame(
                "gene_id": adata.uns[key]["disp_table"]["gene_id"],
                "mean_expression": adata.uns[key]["disp_table"]["mu"],
                "dispersion_fit": adata.uns[key]["disp_func"](
                "dispersion_empirical": adata.uns[key]["disp_table"]["disp"],
        top_df = top_df.set_index("gene_id")

    elif mode == "gini":
        top_df = adata.var[layer + "_gini"]

    return top_df

def vstExprs(adata, expr_matrix=None, round_vals=True):
    """ This function is partly based on Monocle R package (

        adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData`
            AnnData object
        dispModelName: `str`
            The name of the dispersion function to use for VST.
        expr_matrix: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
            An matrix of values to transform. Must be normalized (e.g. by size factors) already. This function doesn't do this for you.
        round_vals: `bool`
            Whether to round expression values to the nearest integer before applying the transformation.

        res: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
            A numpy array of the gene expression after VST.

    fitInfo = adata.uns["dispFitInfo"]

    coefs = fitInfo["coefs"]
    if expr_matrix is None:
        ncounts = adata.X
        if round_vals:
            if issparse(ncounts):
       = np.round(, 0)
                ncounts = ncounts.round().astype("int")
        ncounts = expr_matrix

    def vst(q):  # c( "asymptDisp", "extraPois" )
        return np.log(
                + coefs[1]
                + 2 * coefs[0] * q
                + 2 * np.sqrt(coefs[0] * q * (1 + coefs[1] + coefs[0] * q))
            / (4 * coefs[0])
        ) / np.log(2)

    res = vst(ncounts.toarray()) if issparse(ncounts) else vst(ncounts)

    return res

def Dispersion(
    adata, layers="X", modelFormulaStr="~ 1", min_cells_detected=1, removeOutliers=False
    """ This function is partly based on Monocle R package (

        adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData`
            AnnData object
        layers: `str` (default: 'X')
            The layer(s) to be used for calculating dispersion. Default is X if there is no spliced layers.
        modelFormulaStr: `str`
            The model formula used to calculate dispersion parameters. Not used.
        min_cells_detected: `int`
            The minimum number of cells detected for calculating the dispersion.
        removeOutliers: `bool` (default: True)
            Whether to remove outliers when performing dispersion fitting.

        adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData`
            A updated annData object with dispFitInfo added to uns attribute as a new key.
    import re

    mu = None
    model_terms = [x.strip() for x in re.compile("~|\\*|\\+").split(modelFormulaStr)]
    model_terms = list(set(model_terms) - set([""]))

    cds_pdata = adata.obs  # .loc[:, model_terms]
    cds_pdata["rowname"] = cds_pdata.index.values
    layers, disp_tables = disp_calc_helper_NB(adata[:, :], layers, min_cells_detected)
    # disp_table['disp'] = np.random.uniform(0, 10, 11)
    # disp_table = cds_pdata.apply(disp_calc_helper_NB(adata[:, :], min_cells_detected))

    # cds_pdata <- dplyr::group_by_(dplyr::select_(rownames_to_column(pData(cds)), "rowname", .dots=model_terms), .dots=model_terms)
    # disp_table <- %>% do(disp_calc_helper_NB(cds[,.$rowname], cds@expressionFamily, min_cells_detected)))
    for ind in range(len(layers)):
        layer, disp_table = layers[ind], disp_tables[ind]

        if disp_table is None:
            raise Exception(
                "Parametric dispersion fitting failed, please set a different lowerDetectionLimit"

        disp_table = disp_table.loc[np.where(disp_table["mu"] != np.nan)[0], :]

        res = parametricDispersionFit(disp_table)
        fit, coefs, good = res[0], res[1], res[2]

        if removeOutliers:
            # influence = fit.get_influence().cooks_distance()
            # #CD is the distance and p is p-value
            # (CD, p) = influence.cooks_distance

            CD = cook_dist(fit, 1 / good["mu"][:, None], good)
            cooksCutoff = 4 / good.shape[0]
            print("Removing ", len(CD[CD > cooksCutoff]), " outliers")
            outliers = CD > cooksCutoff
            # use CD.index.values? remove genes that lost when doing parameter fitting
            lost_gene = set(good.index.values).difference(set(range(len(CD))))
            outliers[lost_gene] = True
            res = parametricDispersionFit(good.loc[~outliers, :])

            fit, coefs = res[0], res[1]

        def ans(q):
            return coefs[0] + coefs[1] / q

        if layer == "X":
            adata.uns["dispFitInfo"] = {
                "disp_table": good,
                "disp_func": ans,
                "coefs": coefs,
            adata.uns[layer + "_dispFitInfo"] = {
                "disp_table": good,
                "disp_func": ans,
                "coefs": coefs,

    return adata

def SVRs(
    winsor_perc=(1, 99.5),
    """This function is modified from

        adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData`
            AnnData object.
        filter_bool: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (default: None)
            A boolean array from the user to select genes for downstream analysis.
        layers: `str` (default: 'X')
            The layer(s) to be used for calculating dispersion score via support vector regression (SVR). Default is X if there is no spliced layers.
        relative_expr: `bool` (default: `True`)
            A logic flag to determine whether we need to divide gene expression values first by size factor before run SVR.
        total_szfactor: `str` (default: `total_Size_Factor`)
            The column name in the .obs attribute that corresponds to the size factor for the total mRNA.
        min_expr_cells: `int` (default: `2`)
            minimum number of cells that express that gene for it to be considered in the fit.
        min_expr_avg: `int` (default: `0`)
            The minimum average of genes across cells accepted.
        max_expr_avg: `float` (defaul: `20`)
            The maximum average of genes across cells accepted before treating house-keeping/outliers for removal.
        svr_gamma: `float` or None (default: `None`)
            the gamma hyper-parameter of the SVR.
        winsorize: `bool` (default: `False`)
            Wether to winsorize the data for the cv vs mean model.
        winsor_perc: `tuple` (default: `(1, 99.5)`)
            the up and lower bound of the winsorization.
        sort_inverse: `bool` (default: `False`)
            if True it sorts genes from less noisy to more noisy (to use for size estimation not for feature selection).
        use_all_genes_cells: `bool` (default: `False`)
            A logic flag to determine whether all cells and genes should be used for the size factor calculation.

        adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData`
            A updated annData object with `log_m`, `log_cv`, `score` added to .obs columns and `SVR` added to uns attribute
            as a new key.
    from sklearn.svm import SVR

    layers = get_layer_keys(adata_ori, layers)

    if use_all_genes_cells:
        adata = adata_ori[:, filter_bool].copy() if filter_bool is not None else adata_ori
        cell_inds = adata_ori.obs.use_for_pca if 'use_for_pca' in adata_ori.obs.columns else adata_ori.obs.index
        filter_list = ['use_for_pca', 'pass_basic_filter']
        filter_checker = [i in adata_ori.var.columns for i in filter_list]
        which_filter = np.where(filter_checker)[0]

        gene_inds = adata_ori.var[filter_list[which_filter[0]]] if len(which_filter) > 0 else adata_ori.var.index

        adata = adata_ori[cell_inds, gene_inds].copy()
        filter_bool = filter_bool[gene_inds]

    for layer in layers:
        if layer == "raw":
            CM = adata.X.copy() if adata.raw is None else adata.raw
            szfactors = (
                adata.obs[layer + "_Size_Factor"].values[:, None]
                if adata.raw.X is not None
                else adata.obs["Size_Factor"].values[:, None]
        elif layer == "X":
            CM = adata.X.copy()
            szfactors = adata.obs["Size_Factor"].values[:, None]
        elif layer == "protein":
            if "protein" in adata.obsm_keys():
                CM = adata.obsm["protein"].copy()
                szfactors = adata.obs[layer + "_Size_Factor"].values[:, None]
            CM = adata.layers[layer].copy()
            szfactors = (
                adata.obs[layer + "_Size_Factor"].values[:, None]
                if layer + "_Size_Factor" in adata.obs.columns
                else None

        if total_szfactor is not None and total_szfactor in adata.obs.keys():
            szfactors = (
                adata.obs[total_szfactor].values[:, None]
                if total_szfactor in adata.obs.columns
                else None

        if szfactors is not None and relative_expr:
            if issparse(CM):
                sparsefuncs.inplace_row_scale(CM, 1 / szfactors)
                CM /= szfactors

        if winsorize:
            if min_expr_cells <= ((100 - winsor_perc[1]) * CM.shape[0] * 0.01):
                min_expr_cells = (
                    int(np.ceil((100 - winsor_perc[1]) * CM.shape[1] * 0.01)) + 2

        detected_bool = np.array(
            ((CM > 0).sum(0) >= min_expr_cells)
            & (CM.mean(0) <= max_expr_avg)
            & (CM.mean(0) >= min_expr_avg)

        valid_CM = CM[:, detected_bool]
        if winsorize:
            down, up = (
                np.percentile(valid_CM.A, winsor_perc, 0)
                if issparse(valid_CM)
                else np.percentile(valid_CM, winsor_perc, 0)
            Sfw = (
                np.clip(valid_CM.A, down[None, :], up[None, :])
                if issparse(valid_CM)
                else np.percentile(valid_CM, winsor_perc, 0)
            mu = Sfw.mean(0)
            sigma = Sfw.std(0, ddof=1)
            mu = np.array(valid_CM.mean(0)).flatten()
            sigma = (
                        (valid_CM.multiply(valid_CM).mean(0).A1 - (mu) ** 2)
                        # * (adata.n_obs)
                        # / (adata.n_obs - 1)
                if issparse(valid_CM)
                else valid_CM.std(0, ddof=1)

        cv = sigma / mu
        log_m = np.array(np.log2(mu)).flatten()
        log_cv = np.array(np.log2(cv)).flatten()
        log_m[mu == 0], log_cv[mu == 0] = 0, 0

        if svr_gamma is None:
            svr_gamma = 150.0 / len(mu)
        # Fit the Support Vector Regression
        clf = SVR(gamma=svr_gamma)[:, None], log_cv)
        fitted_fun = clf.predict
        ff = fitted_fun(log_m[:, None])
        score = log_cv - ff
        if sort_inverse:
            score = -score

        prefix = "" if layer == "X" else layer + "_"
            adata.var[prefix + "log_m"],
            adata.var[prefix + "log_cv"],
            adata.var[prefix + "score"],
        ) = (np.nan, np.nan, -np.inf)
            adata.var.loc[detected_bool, prefix + "log_m"],
            adata.var.loc[detected_bool, prefix + "log_cv"],
            adata.var.loc[detected_bool, prefix + "score"],
        ) = (

        key = (
            if layer == "raw" or layer == "X"
            else layer + "_velocyto_SVR"
        adata_ori.uns[key] = {"SVR": fitted_fun}

    adata_ori = merge_adata_attrs(adata_ori, adata, attr='var')

    return adata_ori

def filter_cells(
    """Select valid cells based on a collection of filters.

        adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData`
            AnnData object.
        filter_bool: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (default: `None`)
            A boolean array from the user to select cells for downstream analysis.
        layer: `str` (default: `all`)
            The data from a particular layer (include X) used for feature selection.
        keep_filtered: `bool` (default: `False`)
            Whether to keep cells that don't pass the filtering in the adata object.
        min_expr_genes_s: `int` (default: `50`)
            Minimal number of genes with expression for a cell in the data from the spliced layer (also used for X).
        min_expr_genes_u: `int` (default: `25`)
            Minimal number of genes with expression for a cell in the data from the unspliced layer.
        min_expr_genes_p: `int` (default: `1`)
            Minimal number of genes with expression for a cell in the data from in the protein layer.
        max_expr_genes_s: `float` (default: `np.inf`)
            Maximal number of genes with expression for a cell in the data from the spliced layer (also used for X).
        max_expr_genes_u: `float` (default: `np.inf`)
            Maximal number of genes with expression for a cell in the data from the unspliced layer.
        max_expr_genes_p: `float` (default: `np.inf`)
            Maximal number of protein with expression for a cell in the data from the protein layer.
        shared_count: `float` (default: `30`)
            The minimal shared number of counts for each cell across genes between layers.

        adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData`
            An updated AnnData object with use_for_pca as a new column in obs to indicate the selection of cells for
            downstream analysis. adata will be subsetted with only the cells pass filtering if keep_filtered is set to be

    detected_bool = np.ones(adata.X.shape[0], dtype=bool)
    detected_bool = (detected_bool) & (
        ((adata.X > 0).sum(1) >= min_expr_genes_s)
        & ((adata.X > 0).sum(1) <= max_expr_genes_s)

    if ("spliced" in adata.layers.keys()) & (layer == "spliced" or layer == "all"):
        detected_bool = (
            & (
                ((adata.layers["spliced"] > 0).sum(1) >= min_expr_genes_s)
                & ((adata.layers["spliced"] > 0).sum(1) <= max_expr_genes_s)
    if ("unspliced" in adata.layers.keys()) & (layer == "unspliced" or layer == "all"):
        detected_bool = (
            & (
                ((adata.layers["unspliced"] > 0).sum(1) >= min_expr_genes_u)
                & ((adata.layers["unspliced"] > 0).sum(1) <= max_expr_genes_u)
    if ("protein" in adata.obsm.keys()) & (layer == "protein" or layer == "all"):
        detected_bool = (
            & (
                ((adata.obsm["protein"] > 0).sum(1) >= min_expr_genes_p)
                & ((adata.obsm["protein"] > 0).sum(1) <= max_expr_genes_p)

    if shared_count is not None:
        layers = get_layer_keys(adata, layer, False)
        detected_bool = detected_bool & get_shared_counts(
            adata, layers, shared_count, "cell"

    filter_bool = (
        filter_bool & detected_bool if filter_bool is not None else detected_bool

    filter_bool = np.array(filter_bool).flatten()
    if keep_filtered:
        adata.obs["use_for_pca"] = filter_bool
        adata.obs["use_for_pca"] = True

    return adata

def filter_genes_by_clusters_(
    adata, cluster, min_avg_U=0.02, min_avg_S=0.08, size_limit=40
    """Prepare filtering genes on the basis of cluster-wise expression threshold
        This function is taken from velocyto in order to reproduce velocyto's DentateGyrus notebook.

            adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData`
                AnnData object.
            cluster: `str`
                A column in the adata.obs attribute which will be used for cluster specific expression filtering.
            min_avg_U: float
                Include genes that have unspliced average bigger than `min_avg_U` in at least one of the clusters
            min_avg_S: float
                Include genes that have spliced average bigger than `min_avg_U` in at least one of the clusters
            Note: the two conditions are combined by and "&" logical operator.

        Nothing but it creates the attribute
        clu_avg_selected: np.ndarray bool
            The gene cluster that is selected
        To perform the filtering use the method `filter_genes`
    U, S, cluster_uid = (
    cluster_uid, cluster_ix = np.unique(cluster_uid, return_inverse=True)

    U_avgs, S_avgs = clusters_stats(
        U, S, cluster_uid, cluster_ix, size_limit=size_limit
    clu_avg_selected = (U_avgs.max(1) > min_avg_U) & (S_avgs.max(1) > min_avg_S)

    return clu_avg_selected

def filter_genes(
    """Basic filter of genes based a collection of expression filters.

        adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData`
            AnnData object.
        filter_bool: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (default: None)
            A boolean array from the user to select genes for downstream analysis.
        layer: `str` (default: `X`)
            The data from a particular layer (include X) used for feature selection.
        min_cell_s: `int` (default: `5`)
            Minimal number of cells with expression for the data in the spliced layer (also used for X).
        min_cell_u: `int` (default: `5`)
            Minimal number of cells with expression for the data in the unspliced layer.
        min_cell_p: `int` (default: `5`)
            Minimal number of cells with expression for the data in the protein layer.
        min_avg_exp_s: `float` (default: `1e-2`)
            Minimal average expression across cells for the data in the spliced layer (also used for X).
        min_avg_exp_u: `float` (default: `1e-4`)
            Minimal average expression across cells for the data in the unspliced layer.
        min_avg_exp_p: `float` (default: `1e-4`)
            Minimal average expression across cells for the data in the protein layer.
        max_avg_exp: `float` (default: `100`.)
            Maximal average expression across cells for the data in all layers (also used for X).
        min_cell_s: `int` (default: `5`)
            Minimal number of counts (UMI/expression) for the data in the spliced layer (also used for X).
        min_cell_u: `int` (default: `5`)
            Minimal number of counts (UMI/expression) for the data in the unspliced layer.
        min_cell_p: `int` (default: `5`)
            Minimal number of counts (UMI/expression) for the data in the protein layer.
        shared_count: `float` (default: `30`)
            The minimal shared number of counts for each genes across cell between layers.
        adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData`
            An updated AnnData object with use_for_pca as a new column in .var attributes to indicate the selection of genes for
            downstream analysis. adata will be subsetted with only the genes pass filter if keep_unflitered is set to be False.

    detected_bool = np.ones(adata.shape[1], dtype=bool)
    detected_bool = (detected_bool) & np.array(
        ((adata.X > 0).sum(0) >= min_cell_s)
        & (adata.X.mean(0) >= min_avg_exp_s)
        & (adata.X.mean(0) <= max_avg_exp)
        & (adata.X.sum(0) >= min_count_s)

    if "spliced" in adata.layers.keys() and (layer == "spliced" or layer == "all"):
        detected_bool = (
            & np.array(
                ((adata.layers["spliced"] > 0).sum(0) >= min_cell_s)
                & (adata.layers["spliced"].mean(0) >= min_avg_exp_s)
                & (adata.layers["spliced"].mean(0) <= max_avg_exp)
                & (adata.layers["spliced"].sum(0) >= min_count_s)
    if "unspliced" in adata.layers.keys() and (layer == "unspliced" or layer == "all"):
        detected_bool = (
            & np.array(
                ((adata.layers["unspliced"] > 0).sum(0) >= min_cell_u)
                & (adata.layers["unspliced"].mean(0) >= min_avg_exp_u)
                & (adata.layers["unspliced"].mean(0) <= max_avg_exp)
                & (adata.layers["unspliced"].sum(0) >= min_count_u)
    if shared_count is not None:
        layers = get_layer_keys(adata, "all", False)
        detected_bool = detected_bool & get_shared_counts(
            adata, layers, shared_count, "gene"

    ############################## The following code need to be updated ##############################
    # just remove genes that are not following the protein criteria
    if "protein" in adata.obsm.keys() and layer == "protein":
        detected_bool = (
            & np.array(
                ((adata.obsm["protein"] > 0).sum(0) >= min_cell_p)
                & (adata.obsm["protein"].mean(0) >= min_avg_exp_p)
                & (adata.obsm["protein"].mean(0) <= max_avg_exp)
                & (adata.layers["protein"].sum(0) >= min_count_p)

    filter_bool = (
        filter_bool & detected_bool if filter_bool is not None else detected_bool

    adata.var["pass_basic_filter"] = np.array(filter_bool).flatten()

    return adata

def select_genes(
    """Select feature genes based on a collection of filters.

        adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData`
            AnnData object.
        layer: `str` (default: `X`)
            The data from a particular layer (include X) used for feature selection.
        total_szfactor: `str` (default: `total_Size_Factor`)
            The column name in the .obs attribute that corresponds to the size factor for the total mRNA.
        keep_filtered: `bool` (default: `True`)
            Whether to keep genes that don't pass the filtering in the adata object.
        sort_by: `str` (default: `SVR`)
            Which soring method, either SVR, dispersion or Gini index, to be used to select genes.
        n_top_genes: `int` (default: `int`)
            How many top genes based on scoring method (specified by sort_by) will be selected as feature genes.

        adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData`
            An updated AnnData object with use_for_pca as a new column in .var attributes to indicate the selection of genes for
            downstream analysis. adata will be subsetted with only the genes pass filter if keep_unflitered is set to be False.

    filter_bool = adata.var["pass_basic_filter"] if "pass_basic_filter" in adata.var.columns \
        else np.ones(adata.shape[1], dtype=bool)

    if adata.shape[1] <= n_top_genes:
        filter_bool = np.ones(adata.shape[1], dtype=bool)
        if sort_by == "dispersion":
            table = topTable(adata, layer, mode="dispersion")
            valid_table = table.query("dispersion_empirical > dispersion_fit")
            valid_table = valid_table.loc[
                set(adata.var.index[filter_bool]).intersection(valid_table.index), :
            gene_id = np.argsort(-valid_table.loc[:, "dispersion_empirical"])[
            gene_id = valid_table.iloc[gene_id, :].index
            filter_bool = adata.var.index.isin(gene_id)
        elif sort_by == "gini":
            table = topTable(adata, layer, mode="gini")
            valid_table = table.loc[filter_bool, :]
            gene_id = np.argsort(-valid_table.loc[:, "gini"])[:n_top_genes]
            gene_id = valid_table.index[gene_id]
            filter_bool = gene_id.isin(adata.var.index)
        elif sort_by == "SVR":
            SVRs_args = {
                "min_expr_cells": 0,
                "min_expr_avg": 0,
                "max_expr_avg": np.inf,
                "svr_gamma": None,
                "winsorize": False,
                "winsor_perc": (1, 99.5),
                "sort_inverse": False,
            SVRs_args = update_dict(SVRs_args, SVRs_kwargs)
            adata = SVRs(

            filter_bool = get_svr_filter(adata, layer=layer, n_top_genes=n_top_genes, return_adata=False)

    if keep_filtered:
        adata.var["use_for_pca"] = filter_bool
        adata.var["use_for_pca"] = True

    return adata

[docs]def recipe_monocle( adata, normalized=None, layer=None, total_layers=None, genes_to_use=None, method="pca", num_dim=30, sz_method='median', norm_method=None, pseudo_expr=1, feature_selection="SVR", n_top_genes=2000, relative_expr=True, keep_filtered_cells=True, keep_filtered_genes=True, scopes=None, fc_kwargs=None, fg_kwargs=None, sg_kwargs=None, ): """This function is partly based on Monocle R package ( Parameters ---------- adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData` AnnData object. normalized: `None` or `bool` (default: `None`) If you already normalized your data (or run recipe_monocle already), set this to be `True` to avoid renormalizing your data. By default it is set to be `None` and the first 20 values of adata.X (if adata.X is sparse) or its first column will be checked to determine whether you already normalized your data. This only works for UMI based or read-counts data. layer: str (default: `None`) The layer(s) to be normalized. Default is all, including RNA (X, raw) or spliced, unspliced, protein, etc. total_layers: bool, list or None (default `None`) The layer(s) that can be summed up to get the total mRNA. for example, ["spliced", "unspliced"], ["uu", "ul", "su", "sl"] or ["total"], etc. If total_layers is `True`, total_layers will be set to be `total` or ["uu", "ul", "su", "sl"] depends on whether you have labeling but no splicing or labeling and splicing data. genes_to_use: `list` (default: `None`) A list genes of gene names that will be used to set as the feature genes for downstream analysis. method: `str` (default: `log`) The linear dimension reduction methods to be used. num_dim: `int` (default: `30`) The number of linear dimensions reduced to. sz_method: `str` (default: `mean-geometric-mean-total`) The method used to calculate the expected total reads / UMI used in size factor calculation. Only `mean-geometric-mean-total` / `geometric` and `median` are supported. When `median` is used, `locfunc` will be replaced with `np.nanmedian`. norm_method: `function` or None (default: function `None`) The method to normalize the data. Can be any numpy function or `Freeman_Tukey`. By default, only .X will be size normalized and log1p transformed while data in other layers will only be size factor normalized. pseudo_expr: `int` (default: `1`) A pseudocount added to the gene expression value before log/log2 normalization. feature_selection: `str` (default: `SVR`) Which soring method, either dispersion, SVR or Gini index, to be used to select genes. n_top_genes: `int` (default: `2000`) How many top genes based on scoring method (specified by sort_by) will be selected as feature genes. relative_expr: `bool` (default: `True`) A logic flag to determine whether we need to divide gene expression values first by size factor before normalization. keep_filtered_cells: `bool` (default: `True`) Whether to keep genes that don't pass the filtering in the adata object. keep_filtered_genes: `bool` (default: `True`) Whether to keep genes that don't pass the filtering in the adata object. scopes: `str`, list-like` or `None` (default: `None`) Scopes are needed when you use non-official gene name as your gene indices (or adata.var_name). This arugument corresponds to type of types of identifiers, either a list or a comma-separated fields to specify type of input qterms, e.g. “entrezgene”, “entrezgene,symbol”, [“ensemblgene”, “symbol”]. Refer to official docs ( for full list of fields. fc_kwargs: `dict` or None (default: `None`) Other Parameters passed into the filter_genes function. fg_kwargs: `dict` or None (default: `None`) Other Parameters passed into the filter_cells function. sg_kwargs: `dict` or None (default: `None`) Other Parameters passed into the select_cells function. Returns ------- adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData` A updated anndata object that are updated with Size_Factor, normalized expression values, X and reduced dimensions, etc. """ n_cells, n_genes = adata.n_obs, adata.n_vars if np.all(adata.var_names.str.startswith('ENS')) or scopes is not None: prefix = adata.var_names[0] if scopes is None: if prefix[:4] == 'ENSG' or prefix[:7] == 'ENSMUSG': scopes = 'ensembl.gene' elif prefix[:4] == 'ENST' or prefix[:7] == 'ENSMUST': scopes = 'ensembl.transcript' else: raise Exception('Your adata object uses non-official gene names as gene index. \n' 'Dynamo finds those IDs are neither from ensembl.gene or ensembl.transcript and thus cannot ' 'convert them automatically. \n' 'Please pass the correct scopes or first convert the ensemble ID to gene short name ' '(for example, using mygene package). \n' 'See also dyn.pp.convert2gene_symbol') adata.var['query'] = [i.split('.')[0] for i in adata.var.index] if scopes is str: adata.var[scopes] = adata.var.index else: adata.var['scopes'] = adata.var.index warnings.warn('Your adata object uses non-official gene names as gene index. \n' 'Dynamo is converting those names to official gene names.') official_gene_df = convert2gene_symbol(adata.var_names, scopes) merge_df = adata.var.merge(official_gene_df, left_on='query', right_on='query', how='left').set_index( adata.var.index) adata.var = merge_df valid_ind = np.where(merge_df['notfound'] != True)[0] adata._inplace_subset_var(valid_ind) adata.var.index = adata.var['symbol'].values.copy() if norm_method == 'Freeman_Tukey': norm_method = Freeman_Tukey basic_stats(adata) has_splicing, has_labeling, _ = detect_datatype(adata) if has_splicing and has_labeling and type(total_layers) != list: total_layers = ['uu', 'ul', 'su', 'sl'] if total_layers else None elif has_labeling and not has_splicing and type(total_layers) != list: total_layers = ['total'] if total_layers else None adata = unique_var_obs_adata(adata) adata = layers2csr(adata) adata = collapse_adata(adata) _szFactor, _logged = False, False if normalized is None: if 'raw_data' in adata.uns_keys(): _szFactor, _logged = not adata.uns['raw_data'], not adata.uns['raw_data'] else: # automatically detect whether the data is size-factor normalized -- no integers (only works for readcounts / UMI based data). _szFactor = not np.allclose( ([:20] if issparse(adata.X) else adata.X[:, 0]) % 1, 0, atol=1e-3, ) # check whether total UMI is the same -- if not the same, logged if _szFactor: _logged = not np.allclose( np.sum( adata.X.sum(1)[np.random.choice(adata.n_obs, 10)] - adata.X.sum(1)[0] ), 0, atol=1e-1, ) # filter bad cells filter_cells_kwargs = { "filter_bool": None, "layer": "all", "min_expr_genes_s": min(50, 0.01 * n_genes), "min_expr_genes_u": min(25, 0.01 * n_genes), "min_expr_genes_p": min(2, 0.01 * n_genes), "max_expr_genes_s": np.inf, "max_expr_genes_u": np.inf, "max_expr_genes_p": np.inf, "shared_count": None, } if fc_kwargs is not None: filter_cells_kwargs.update(fc_kwargs) adata = filter_cells( adata, keep_filtered=keep_filtered_cells, **filter_cells_kwargs ) filter_genes_kwargs = { "filter_bool": None, "layer": "all", "min_cell_s": max(5, 0.01 * n_cells), "min_cell_u": max(5, 0.005 * n_cells), "min_cell_p": max(5, 0.005 * n_cells), "min_avg_exp_s": 0, "min_avg_exp_u": 0, "min_avg_exp_p": 0, "max_avg_exp": np.inf, "min_count_s": 0, "min_count_u": 0, "min_count_p": 0, "shared_count": 30, } if fg_kwargs is not None: filter_genes_kwargs.update(fg_kwargs) # set pass_basic_filter for genes adata = filter_genes( adata, **filter_genes_kwargs, ) # calculate sz factor if not _szFactor or "Size_Factor" not in adata.obs_keys(): adata = szFactor(adata, total_layers=total_layers) if feature_selection.lower() == "dispersion": adata = Dispersion(adata) # set use_for_pca (use basic_filtered data) select_genes_dict = { "min_expr_cells": 0, "min_expr_avg": 0, "max_expr_avg": np.inf, "svr_gamma": None, "winsorize": False, "winsor_perc": (1, 99.5), "sort_inverse": False, } if sg_kwargs is not None: select_genes_dict.update(sg_kwargs) if genes_to_use is None: pass_basic_filter_num = adata.var.pass_basic_filter.sum() if pass_basic_filter_num < n_top_genes: warnings.warn(f'only {pass_basic_filter_num} genes passed basic filtering, but you requested {n_top_genes} ' f'genes for feature selection. Try lowering the gene selection stringency: ' f'{select_genes_dict}') adata = select_genes( adata, sort_by=feature_selection, n_top_genes=n_top_genes, keep_filtered=keep_filtered_genes, SVRs_kwargs=select_genes_dict, ) else: adata.var["use_for_pca"] = adata.var.index.isin(genes_to_use) if not keep_filtered_genes: adata = adata[:, adata.var["use_for_pca"]] # normalized data based on sz factor if not _logged: total_szfactor = "total_Size_Factor" if total_layers is not None else None adata = normalize_expr_data( adata, total_szfactor=total_szfactor, norm_method=norm_method, pseudo_expr=pseudo_expr, relative_expr=relative_expr, keep_filtered=keep_filtered_genes, sz_method=sz_method, ) else: layers = get_layer_keys(adata, "all") for layer in layers: adata.layers["X_" + layer] = adata.layers[layer].copy() adata.uns["pp_norm_method"] = None # only use genes pass filter (based on use_for_pca) to perform dimension reduction. if layer is None: CM = adata.X[:, adata.var.use_for_pca.values] else: if layer == "X": CM = adata.X[:, adata.var.use_for_pca.values] elif layer == "protein": CM = adata.obsm["X_protein"] else: CM = adata.layers["X_" + layer][:, adata.var.use_for_pca.values] cm_genesums = CM.sum(axis=0) valid_ind = np.logical_and(np.isfinite(cm_genesums), cm_genesums != 0) valid_ind = np.array(valid_ind).flatten() adata.var.iloc[ np.where(adata.var.use_for_pca)[0][~valid_ind], adata.var.columns.tolist().index("use_for_pca"), ] = False CM = CM[:, valid_ind] if method == "pca": adata, fit, _ = pca(adata, CM, num_dim, "X_" + method.lower()) adata.uns["explained_variance_ratio_"] = fit.explained_variance_ratio_[1:] adata.obsm['X'] = adata.obsm["X_" + method.lower()] elif method == "ica": fit = FastICA( num_dim, algorithm="deflation", tol=5e-6, fun="logcosh", max_iter=1000 ) reduce_dim = fit.fit_transform(CM.toarray()) adata.obsm["X_" + method.lower()] = reduce_dim adata.obsm['X'] = adata.obsm["X_" + method.lower()] adata.uns[method + "_fit"], adata.uns["feature_selection"] = fit, feature_selection # calculate NTR for every cell: ntr, var_ntr = NTR(adata) if ntr is not None: adata.obs['ntr'] = ntr adata.var['ntr'] = var_ntr try: cell_cycle_scores(adata) except Exception: warnings.warn('Dynamo is not able to perform cell cycle staging for you automatically. \n' 'Since in dynamo by default color cells by its cell-cycle stage, \n' 'you need to set color argument accordingly if confronting errors related to this.') if 'raw_data' in adata.uns_keys(): adata.uns['raw_data'] = False return adata
def recipe_velocyto( adata, total_layers=None, method="pca", num_dim=30, norm_method=None, pseudo_expr=1, feature_selection="SVR", n_top_genes=2000, cluster="Clusters", relative_expr=True, keep_filtered_genes=True, ): """This function is adapted from the velocyto's DentateGyrus notebook. . Parameters ---------- adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData` AnnData object. total_layers: list or None (default `None`) The layer(s) that can be summed up to get the total mRNA. for example, ["spliced", "unspliced"], ["uu", "ul", "su", "sl"] or ["new", "old"], etc. method: `str` (default: `log`) The linear dimension reduction methods to be used. num_dim: `int` (default: `50`) The number of linear dimensions reduced to. norm_method: `function`, `str` or `None` (default: function `None`) The method to normalize the data. pseudo_expr: `int` (default: `1`) A pseudocount added to the gene expression value before log/log2 normalization. feature_selection: `str` (default: `SVR`) Which soring method, either dispersion, SVR or Gini index, to be used to select genes. n_top_genes: `int` (default: `2000`) How many top genes based on scoring method (specified by sort_by) will be selected as feature genes. cluster: `str` A column in the adata.obs attribute which will be used for cluster specific expression filtering. relative_expr: `bool` (default: `True`) A logic flag to determine whether we need to divide gene expression values first by size factor before normalization. keep_filtered_genes: `bool` (default: `True`) Whether to keep genes that don't pass the filtering in the adata object. Returns ------- adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData` A updated anndata object that are updated with Size_Factor, normalized expression values, X and reduced dimensions, etc. """ adata = szFactor(adata, method="mean", total_layers=total_layers) initial_Ucell_size = adata.layers["unspliced"].sum(1) filter_bool = initial_Ucell_size > np.percentile(initial_Ucell_size, 0.4) adata = filter_cells(adata, filter_bool=np.array(filter_bool).flatten()) filter_bool = filter_genes(adata, min_cell_s=30, min_count_s=40, shared_count=None) adata = adata[:, filter_bool] adata = SVRs( adata, layers=["spliced"], min_expr_cells=2, max_expr_avg=35, min_expr_avg=0 ) filter_bool = get_svr_filter(adata, layer="spliced", n_top_genes=n_top_genes) adata = adata[:, filter_bool] filter_bool_gene = filter_genes( adata, min_cell_s=0, min_count_s=0, min_count_u=25, min_cell_u=20, shared_count=None, ) filter_bool_cluster = filter_genes_by_clusters_( adata, min_avg_S=0.08, min_avg_U=0.01, cluster=cluster ) adata = adata[:, filter_bool_gene & filter_bool_cluster] adata = normalize_expr_data( adata, total_szfactor=None, norm_method=norm_method, pseudo_expr=pseudo_expr, relative_expr=relative_expr, keep_filtered=keep_filtered_genes, ) CM = adata.X cm_genesums = CM.sum(axis=0) valid_ind = np.logical_and(np.isfinite(cm_genesums), cm_genesums != 0) valid_ind = np.array(valid_ind).flatten() adata.var.use_for_pca[np.where(adata.var.use_for_pca)[0][~valid_ind]] = False CM = CM[:, valid_ind] if method == "pca": adata, fit, _ = pca(adata, CM, num_dim, "X_" + method.lower()) # adata.obsm['X_' + method.lower()] = reduce_dim elif method == "ica": cm_genesums = CM.sum(axis=0) valid_ind = (np.isfinite(cm_genesums)) + (cm_genesums != 0) valid_ind = np.array(valid_ind).flatten() CM = CM[:, valid_ind] fit = FastICA( num_dim, algorithm="deflation", tol=5e-6, fun="logcosh", max_iter=1000 ) reduce_dim = fit.fit_transform(CM.toarray()) adata.obsm["X_" + method.lower()] = reduce_dim add_noise_to_duplicates(adata, method.lower()) adata.uns[method + "_fit"], adata.uns["feature_selection"] = fit, feature_selection # calculate NTR for every cell: ntr = NTR(adata) if ntr is not None: adata.obs['ntr'] = ntr return adata