Source code for

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import numpy.matlib as matlib
from scipy.linalg import eig
from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans2
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import minimum_spanning_tree
from scipy.sparse.linalg import inv
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix

def cal_ncenter(ncells, ncells_limit=100):

    res = np.round(
        2 * ncells_limit * np.log(ncells) / (np.log(ncells) + np.log(ncells_limit))

    return res

def pca_projection(C, L):
    """solve the problem size(C) = NxN, size(W) = NxL. max_W trace( W' C W ) : W' W = I	
    C: (ndarrya) The matrix of	
    L: (int) The number of Eigenvalues	
    W: The L largest Eigenvalues	

    V, U = eig(C)
    eig_idx = np.argsort(V).tolist()
    W = U.T[eig_idx[0:L]].T
    return W

def sqdist(a, b):
    """calculate the square distance between a, b	
        a: 'np.ndarray'	
            A matrix with :math:`D \times N` dimension	
        b: 'np.ndarray'	
            A matrix with :math:`D \times N` dimension	
    dist: 'np.ndarray'	
        A numeric value for the different between a and b	
    aa = np.sum(a ** 2, axis=0)
    bb = np.sum(b ** 2, axis=0)
    ab =

    aa_repmat = matlib.repmat(aa[:, None], 1, b.shape[1])
    bb_repmat = matlib.repmat(bb[None, :], a.shape[1], 1)

    dist = abs(aa_repmat + bb_repmat - 2 * ab)

    return dist

def repmat(X, m, n):
    """This function returns an array containing m (n) copies of A in the row (column) dimensions. The size of B is	
    size(A)*n when A is a matrix.For example, repmat(np.matrix(1:4), 2, 3) returns a 4-by-6 matrix.	
        X: 'np.ndarray'	
            An array like matrix.	
        m: 'int'	
            Number of copies on row dimension	
        n: 'int'	
            Number of copies on column dimension	
    xy_rep: 'np.ndarray'	
        A matrix of repmat	
    xy_rep = matlib.repmat(X, m, n)

    return xy_rep

def eye(m, n):
    """Equivalent of eye (matlab)	
        m: 'int'	
            Number of rows	
        n: 'int'	
            Number of columns	
    mat: 'np.ndarray'	
        A matrix of eye	
    mat = np.eye(m, n)
    return mat

[docs]def DDRTree( X, maxIter, sigma, gamma, eps=0, dim=2, Lambda=1.0, ncenter=None, keep_history=False ): """ This function is a pure Python implementation of the DDRTree algorithm. Arguments --------- X : DxN:'np.ndarray' data matrix list maxIter : maximum iterations eps: 'int' relative objective difference dim: 'int' reduced dimension Lambda: 'float' regularization parameter for inverse graph embedding sigma: 'float' bandwidth parameter gamma:'float' regularization parameter for k-means ncenter :(int) Returns ------- history: 'DataFrame' the results dataframe of return """ X = np.array(X) (D, N) = X.shape # initialization W = pca_projection(, X.T), dim) Z =, X) if ncenter is None: K = N Y = Z.T[0:K].T else: K = ncenter Y, _ = kmeans2(Z.T, K) Y = Y.T # main loop objs = [] if keep_history: history = pd.DataFrame( index=[i for i in range(maxIter)], columns=["W", "Z", "Y", "stree", "R", "objs"], ) for iter in range(maxIter): # Kruskal method to find optimal B distsqMU = csr_matrix(sqdist(Y, Y)).toarray() stree = minimum_spanning_tree(np.tril(distsqMU)).toarray() stree = stree + stree.T B = stree != 0 L = np.diag(sum(B.T)) - B # compute R using mean-shift update rule distZY = sqdist(Z, Y) tem_min_dist = np.array(np.min(distZY, 1)).reshape(-1, 1) min_dist = repmat(tem_min_dist, 1, K) tmp_distZY = distZY - min_dist tmp_R = np.exp(-tmp_distZY / sigma) R = tmp_R / repmat( np.sum(tmp_R, 1).reshape(-1, 1), 1, K ) ##########################3 Gamma = np.diag(sum(R)) # termination condition obj1 = -sigma * sum( np.log(np.sum(np.exp(-tmp_distZY / sigma), 1)) - tem_min_dist.T[0] / sigma ) xwz = np.linalg.norm(X -, Z), 2) objs.append( (, xwz)) + Lambda * np.trace(,, Y.T))) + gamma * obj1 ) print("iter = ", iter, "obj = ", objs[iter]) if keep_history: history.iloc[iter]["W"] = W history.iloc[iter]["Z"] = Z history.iloc[iter]["Y"] = Y history.iloc[iter]["stree"] = stree history.iloc[iter]["R"] = R if iter > 0: if abs((objs[iter] - objs[iter - 1]) / abs(objs[iter - 1])) < eps: break # compute low dimension projection matrix tmp = R, inv( csr_matrix( ((gamma + 1) / gamma) * ((Lambda / gamma) * L + Gamma) -, R) ) ).toarray(), ) Q = (1 / (gamma + 1)) * (eye(N, N) +, R.T)) C =, Q) tmp1 =, X.T) W = pca_projection((tmp1 + tmp1.T) / 2, dim) Z =, C) Y =, R), inv(csr_matrix((Lambda / gamma) * L + Gamma)).toarray() ) if keep_history: history.iloc[iter]["obs"] = objs return history else: return Z, Y, stree, R, W, Q, C, objs