Source code for

import numpy as np
import numpy.matlib as matlib

import scipy.spatial as ss
import scipy.sparse

from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigs

# from scikits.sparse.cholmod import cholesky

# use for convert list of list to a list (
import functools
import operator

def sqdist(a, b):
    """calculate the square distance between a, b	
        a: 'np.ndarray'	
            A matrix with :math:`D \times N` dimension	
        b: 'np.ndarray'	
            A matrix with :math:`D \times N` dimension	
    dist: 'np.ndarray'	
        A numeric value for the different between a and b	
    aa = np.sum(a ** 2, axis=0)
    bb = np.sum(b ** 2, axis=0)
    ab =

    aa_repmat = matlib.repmat(aa[:, None], 1, b.shape[1])
    bb_repmat = matlib.repmat(bb[None, :], a.shape[1], 1)

    dist = abs(aa_repmat + bb_repmat - 2 * ab)

    return dist

def repmat(X, m, n):
    """This function returns an array containing m (n) copies of A in the row (column) dimensions. The size of B is	
    size(A)*n when A is a matrix.For example, repmat(np.matrix(1:4), 2, 3) returns a 4-by-6 matrix.	
        X: 'np.ndarray'	
            An array like matrix.	
        m: 'int'	
            Number of copies on row dimension	
        n: 'int'	
            Number of copies on column dimension	
    xy_rep: 'np.ndarray'	
        A matrix of repmat	
    xy_rep = matlib.repmat(X, m, n)

    return xy_rep

def eye(m, n):
    """Equivalent of eye (matlab)	
        m: 'int'	
            Number of rows	
        n: 'int'	
            Number of columns	
    mat: 'np.ndarray'	
        A matrix of eye	
    mat = np.eye(m, n)
    return mat

def diag_mat(values):
    """Equivalent of diag (matlab)	
        values: 'int'	
            dim of the matrix	
        mat: 'np.ndarray'	
            A diag_matrix	
    # mat = np.zeros((len(values),len(values)))
    # for i in range(len(values)):
    #     mat[i][i] = values[i]
    mat = np.zeros((len(values), len(values)))
    np.fill_diagonal(mat, values)

    return mat

[docs]def psl( Y, sG=None, dist=None, K=10, C=1e3, param_gamma=1e-3, d=2, maxIter=10, verbose=False ): """This function is a pure Python implementation of the PSL algorithm. Reference: Li Wang and Qi Mao, Probabilistic Dimensionality Reduction via Structure Learning. T-PAMI, VOL. 41, NO. 1, JANUARY 2019 Arguments --------- Y: 'numpy.ndarray' data list sG: 'scipy.sparse.csr_matrix' a prior kNN graph passed to the algorithm dist: 'numpy.ndarray' a dense distance matrix between all vertices. If no distance matrix passed, we will use the kNN based algorithm, otherwise we will use the original algorithm reported in the manuscript. K: 'int' number of nearest neighbors used to build the neighborhood graph. Large k can obtain less sparse structures. Ignored if sG is used. C: 'int' The penalty parameter for loss term. It controls the preservation of distances. The larger it is, the distance is more strictly preserve. If the structure is very clear, a larger C is preferred. param_gamma: 'int' param_gamma is trying to make a matrix A nonsingular, it is like a round-off parameter. 1e-4 or 1e-5 is good. It corresponds to the variance of prior embedding. d: 'int' embedding dimension maxIter: 'int' Number of maximum iterations verbose: 'bool' Whether to print running information Returns ------- (S,Z): 'tuple' a tuple of the adjacency matrix and the reduced low dimension embedding. """ if sG is None: if not dist: tree = ss.cKDTree(Y) dist_mat, idx_mat = tree.query(Y, k=K + 1) N = Y.shape[0] distances = dist_mat[:, 1:] indices = idx_mat[:, 1:] rows = np.zeros(N * K) cols = np.zeros(N * K) dists = np.zeros(N * K) location = 0 for i in range(N): rows[location : location + K] = i cols[location : location + K] = indices[i] dists[location : location + K] = distances[i] location = location + K sG = csr_matrix((np.array(dists) ** 2, (rows, cols)), shape=(N, N)) sG = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix.maximum(sG, sG.T) # symmetrize the matrix else: N = Y.shape[0] sidx = np.argsort(dist) # flatten first rows and then cols i = repmat(sidx[:, 0][:, None], K, 1).flatten() # .reshape(1, -1)[0] j = sidx[:, 1 : K + 1].T.flatten() # .reshape(1, -1)[0] sG = csr_matrix( (np.repeat(1, N * K), (i, j)), shape=(N, N) ) # [1 for k in range(N * K)] if not dist: if list(set( == [1]: print( "Error: sG should not just be an adjacency graph and has to include the distance information between vertices!" ) exit() else: dist = sG N, D = Y.shape G = sG rows, cols, s0 = scipy.sparse.find(scipy.sparse.tril(G)) # idx_map = np.vstack((rows, cols)).T s = np.ones(s0.shape) m = len(s) ############################################# objs = np.zeros(maxIter) for iter in range(maxIter): S = csr_matrix((s, (rows, cols)), shape=(N, N)) # .toarray() S = S + S.T Q = ( scipy.sparse.diags( functools.reduce(operator.concat, S.sum(axis=1)[:, 0].tolist()) ) - S + 0.25 * (param_gamma + 1) * scipy.sparse.eye(N, N) ) ################## R = scipy.linalg.cholesky( Q.toarray() ) # Cholesky Decomposition of a Sparse Matrix invR = scipy.sparse.linalg.inv(csr_matrix(R)) # R:solve(R) # invR = np.matrix(invR) # invQ = invR*invR.T # left = invR.T*np.matrix(Y) invQ = left = # res = scipy.sparse.linalg.svds(left, k = d) res = scipy.linalg.svd(left) Lambda = res[1][:d] W = res[2][:, :2] invQY = invQYW = P = 0.5 * D * invQ + 0.125 * param_gamma ** 2 * logdet_Q = 2 * sum(np.log(np.diag(np.linalg.cholesky(Q.toarray()).T))) # log(det(Q)) obj = ( 0.5 * D * logdet_Q - scipy.sparse.csr_matrix.sum(scipy.sparse.csr_matrix.multiply(S, dist)) + 0.25 / C * scipy.sparse.csr_matrix.sum(scipy.sparse.csr_matrix.multiply(S, S)) - 0.125 * param_gamma ** 2 * sum(np.diag(,, invQYW)))) ) # trace: #sum(diag(m)) objs[iter] = obj if verbose: if iter == 0: print("i = ", iter + 1, ", obj = ", obj) else: rel_obj_diff = abs(obj - objs[iter - 1]) / abs(objs[iter - 1]) print("i = ", iter, ", obj = ", obj, ", rel_obj_diff = ", rel_obj_diff) subgrad = np.zeros(m) for i in range(len(rows)): subgrad[i] = ( P[rows[i], rows[i]] + P[cols[i], cols[i]] - P[rows[i], cols[i]] - P[cols[i], rows[i]] - 1 / C * S[rows[i], cols[i]] - 2 * dist[rows[i], cols[i]] ) s = s + 1 / (iter + 1) * subgrad s[s < 0] = 0 # print("print s:",s) if param_gamma != 0: # print("print invQY:",invQY) # print("print W:",W) Z = 0.25 * (param_gamma + 1) *, W) else: # centeralized kernel A = scipy.sparse.linalg.inv(Q) column_sums = np.array(np.sum(A, 0) / N) J =[:, None], np.array(column_sums)) K = A - J - J.T + sum(column_sums) / N # eigendecomposition V, U = eigs(K, d) v = V[0:d] tmp = np.zeros(shape=(d, d)) np.fill_diagonal(tmp, np.sqrt(v)) Z =, tmp) return (S, Z)
def logdet(A): """ Here, A should be a square matrix of double or single class. If A is singular, it will returns -inf. Theoretically, this function should be functionally equivalent to log(det(A)). However, it avoids the overflow/underflow problems that are likely to happen when applying det to large matrices. """ v = 2 * sum(np.log(np.diag(np.linalg.cholesky(A)))) return v