Source code for dynamo.vectorfield.Bhattacharya

import numpy as np

# from scipy.integrate import odeint
from scipy.interpolate import griddata

[docs]def path_integral( VecFnc, x_lim, y_lim, xyGridSpacing, dt=1e-2, tol=1e-2, numTimeSteps=1400 ): """A deterministic map of Waddington’s epigenetic landscape for cell fate specification Sudin Bhattacharya, Qiang Zhang and Melvin E. Andersen Parameters ---------- VecFnc x_lim: `list` Lower or upper limit of x-axis. y_lim: `list` Lower or upper limit of y-axis xyGridSpacing: `float` Grid spacing for "starting points" for each "path" on the pot. surface dt: `float` Time step for the path integral. tol: `float` (default: 1.0e-2) Tolerance to test for convergence. numTimeSteps: `int` A high-enough number for convergence with given dt. Returns ------- numAttractors: `int` Number of attractors identified by the path integral approach. attractors_num_X_Y: `numpy.ndarray` Attractor number and the corresponding x, y coordinates. sepx_old_new_pathNum: `numpy.ndarray` The IDs of the two attractors for each separaxis per row. numPaths_att `numpy.ndarray` Number of paths per attractor numPaths: `int` Total Number of paths for defined grid spacing. numTimeSteps: `int` A high-enough number for convergence with given dt. pot_path: `numpy.ndarray` (dimension: numPaths x numTimeSteps) Potential along the path. path_tag: `numpy.ndarray` (dimension: numPaths x 1) Tag for given path (to denote basin of attraction). attractors_pot: `numpy.ndarray` Potential value of each identified attractors by the path integral approach. x_path: `numpy.ndarray` x-coord. along path. y_path: `numpy.ndarray` y-coord. along path. """ # -- First, generate potential surface from deterministic rate equations – # Define grid spacing for "starting points" for each "path" on the pot. surface # Define grid spacing for "starting points" for each "path" on the pot. surface # No. of time steps for integrating along each path (to ensure uniform arrays) # Time step and tolerance to test for convergence # Calculate total no. of paths for defined grid spacing numPaths = int(np.diff(x_lim) / xyGridSpacing + 1) ** 2 # Initialize "path" variable matrices x_path = np.zeros((numPaths, numTimeSteps)) # x-coord. along path y_path = np.zeros((numPaths, numTimeSteps)) # y-coord. along path pot_path = np.zeros((numPaths, numTimeSteps)) # pot. along path path_tag = np.ones( (numPaths, 1), dtype="int" ) # tag for given path (to denote basin of attraction) # ** initialized to 1 for all paths ** # Initialize "Path counter" to 1 path_counter = 0 # Initialize no. of attractors and separatrices (basin boundaries) num_attractors = 0 num_sepx = 0 # Assign array to keep track of attractors and their coordinates; and pot. attractors_num_X_Y = None attractors_pot = None # Assign array to keep track of no. of paths per attractor numPaths_att = None # Assign array to keep track of separatrices sepx_old_new_pathNum = None # %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% # Loop over x-y grid for i in np.arange(x_lim[0], x_lim[1] + xyGridSpacing, xyGridSpacing): for j in np.arange(y_lim[0], y_lim[1] + xyGridSpacing, xyGridSpacing): # *** Init conds for given (x,y) *** # Initialize coords. x0 = i y0 = j # ** Set initial value of "potential" to 0 ** p0 = 0 # (to facilitate comparison of "potential drop") # Initialize "path" variables x_p = x0 y_p = y0 # Initialize accumulators for "potential" along path Pot = p0 Pot_old = 1.0e7 # initialize to large number # Initialize global arrays (time t = 0 counts as "time step #1") x_path[path_counter, 0] = x_p y_path[path_counter, 0] = y_p pot_path[path_counter, 0] = Pot # Evaluate potential (Integrate) over trajectory from init cond to stable steady state for n_steps in np.arange(1, numTimeSteps): # record "old" values of variables # x_old = x_p; # y_old = y_p; # v_old = v; Pot_old = Pot # update dxdt, dydt dxdt, dydt = VecFnc([x_p, y_p]) # update x, y dx = dxdt * dt dy = dydt * dt x_p = x_p + dx y_p = y_p + dy x_path[path_counter, n_steps] = x_p y_path[path_counter, n_steps] = y_p # update "potential" dPot = ( -(dxdt) * dx - (dydt) * dy ) # signs ensure that "potential" decreases as "velocity" increases Pot = Pot_old + dPot pot_path[path_counter, n_steps] = Pot # ################################################################################################################ # # just use odeint for integration: # Pot_func = lambda x_p, y_p: -VecFnc([x_p, y_p])**2 # y_path=odeint(Pot_func, x_p, y_p, t=0) # ################################################################################################################ # check for convergence if abs(Pot - Pot_old) > tol: print(1, "Warning: not converged!\n") # --- assign path tag (to track multiple basins of attraction) --- if path_counter == 0: # record attractor of first path and its coords num_attractors = num_attractors + 1 current_att_num_X_Y = np.array( [num_attractors, x_p, y_p] ) # create array attractors_num_X_Y = ( np.vstack((attractors_num_X_Y, current_att_num_X_Y)) if attractors_num_X_Y is not None else np.array([current_att_num_X_Y]) ) # append array (vertically) attractors_pot = ( np.vstack((attractors_pot, Pot)) if attractors_pot is not None else np.array([Pot]) ) # append attractor potentials to array (vertically) path_tag[path_counter] = num_attractors - 1 # initialize path tag numPaths_att = ( np.vstack((numPaths_att, 1)) if numPaths_att is not None else np.array([1]) ) # append to array (vertically) else: # i.e. if path counter > 1 # set path tag to that of previous path (default) path_tag[path_counter] = path_tag[path_counter - 1] # record info of previous path x0_lastPath = x_path[(path_counter - 1), 0] y0_lastPath = y_path[(path_counter - 1), 0] xp_lastPath = x_path[(path_counter - 1), numTimeSteps - 1] yp_lastPath = y_path[(path_counter - 1), numTimeSteps - 1] pot_p_lastPath = pot_path[(path_counter - 1), numTimeSteps - 1] # calculate distance between "start points" of current and previous paths startPt_dist_sqr = (x0 - x0_lastPath) ** 2 + (y0 - y0_lastPath) ** 2 # calculate distance between "end points" of current and previous paths endPt_dist_sqr = (x_p - xp_lastPath) ** 2 + (y_p - yp_lastPath) ** 2 # check if the current path *ended* in a different point compared to previous path (x-y grid spacing used # as a "tolerance" for distance) if endPt_dist_sqr > (2 * (xyGridSpacing ** 2)): # --- check if this "different" attractor has been identified before new_attr_found = 1 for k in range(num_attractors): x_att = attractors_num_X_Y[k, 1] y_att = attractors_num_X_Y[k, 2] if (abs(x_p - x_att) < xyGridSpacing) and ( abs(y_p - y_att) < xyGridSpacing ): # this attractor has been identified before new_attr_found = 0 path_tag[path_counter] = k # DOUBLE CHECK *** numPaths_att[k] = numPaths_att[k] + 1 break # exit for-loop if new_attr_found == 1: num_attractors = num_attractors + 1 current_att_num_X_Y = [num_attractors, x_p, y_p] # create array attractors_num_X_Y = np.vstack( (attractors_num_X_Y, current_att_num_X_Y) ) # append array (vertically) path_tag[path_counter] = num_attractors - 1 # DOUBLE CHECK ** numPaths_att = np.vstack( (numPaths_att, 1) ) # append to array (vertically) attractors_pot = np.vstack( (attractors_pot, Pot) ) # append attractor potentials to array (vertically) # check if start points of current and previous paths are "adjacent" - if so, assign separatrix if startPt_dist_sqr < (2 * (xyGridSpacing ** 2)): curr_sepx = [ path_tag[path_counter - 1], path_tag[path_counter], (path_counter - 1), ] # create array sepx_old_new_pathNum = ( np.vstack((sepx_old_new_pathNum, curr_sepx)) if sepx_old_new_pathNum is not None else np.array([curr_sepx]) ) # append array (vertically) # attractors_pot = np.vstack((attractors_pot, Pot)) # append attractor potentials to array (vertically) #???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? num_sepx = num_sepx + 1 # increment no. of separatrices else: # --- check if the attractor of the *previous* path # has been encountered in a separatrix before --- # (note that current path tag has already been set # above) prev_attr_new = 1 for k in range(num_sepx): attr1 = sepx_old_new_pathNum[k, 0] attr2 = sepx_old_new_pathNum[k, 1] if (path_tag[path_counter - 1] == attr1) or ( path_tag[path_counter - 1] == attr2 ): # this attractor has been identified before prev_attr_new = 0 break # exit for-loop if prev_attr_new == 1: # check if start points of current and previous paths are "adjacent" - if so, assign separatrix if startPt_dist_sqr < (2 * (xyGridSpacing ** 2)): curr_sepx = [ path_tag[path_counter - 1], path_tag[path_counter], (path_counter - 1), ] # create array sepx_old_new_pathNum = ( np.vstack((sepx_old_new_pathNum, curr_sepx)) if sepx_old_new_pathNum is not None else np.array([curr_sepx]) ) # append array (vertically) # attractors_pot = np.vstack((attractors_pot, pot_p_lastPath)) # append attractor potentials to array vertically) #???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? num_sepx = num_sepx + 1 # increment no. of separatrices else: # i.e. current path converged at same pt. as previous path # update path tag # path_tag(path_counter) = path_tag(path_counter - 1); # update no. of paths for current attractor # (path tag already updated at start of path-counter loop) tag = path_tag[path_counter] numPaths_att[tag - 1] = numPaths_att[tag - 1] + 1 # increment "path counter" path_counter = path_counter + 1 return ( attractors_num_X_Y, sepx_old_new_pathNum, numPaths_att, num_attractors, numPaths, numTimeSteps, pot_path, path_tag, attractors_pot, x_path, y_path, )
[docs]def alignment( numPaths, numTimeSteps, pot_path, path_tag, attractors_pot, x_path, y_path, grid=100, interpolation_method="linear", ): """ Align potential values so all path-potentials end up at same global min and then generate potential surface with interpolation on a grid. Parameters ---------- numPaths: `int` Total Number of paths for defined grid spacing. numTimeSteps: `int` A high-enough number for convergence with given dt. pot_path: `numpy.ndarray` (dimension: numPaths x numTimeSteps) Potential along the path. path_tag: `numpy.ndarray` (dimension: numPaths x 1) Tag for given path (to denote basin of attraction). attractors_pot: `numpy.ndarray` Potential value of each identified attractors by the path integral approach. x_path: `numpy.ndarray` x-coord. along path. y_path: `numpy.ndarray` y-coord. along path. grid: `int` No. of grid lines in x- and y- directions interpolation_method: `string` Method of interpolation in griddata function. One of ``nearest`` return the value at the data point closest to the point of interpolation. See `NearestNDInterpolator` for more details. ``linear`` tessellate the input point set to n-dimensional simplices, and interpolate linearly on each simplex. See `LinearNDInterpolator` for more details. ``cubic`` (1-D) return the value determined from a cubic spline. ``cubic`` (2-D) return the value determined from a piecewise cubic, continuously differentiable (C1), and approximately curvature-minimizing polynomial surface. See `CloughTocher2DInterpolator` for more details. Returns ------- Xgrid: `numpy.ndarray` x-coordinates of the Grid produced from the meshgrid function. Ygrid: `numpy.ndarray` y-coordinates of the Grid produced from the meshgrid function. Zgrid: `numpy.ndarray` z-coordinates or potential at each of the x/y coordinate. """ # -- need 1-D "lists" (vectors) to plot all x,y, Pot values along paths -- list_size = numPaths * numTimeSteps x_p_list = np.zeros((list_size, 1)) y_p_list = np.zeros((list_size, 1)) pot_p_list = np.zeros((list_size, 1)) n_list = 0 # "Align" potential values so all path-potentials end up at same global min. for n_path in range(numPaths): tag = path_tag[n_path] # print(tag) del_pot = pot_path[n_path, numTimeSteps - 1] - attractors_pot[tag] # align pot. at each time step along path for n_steps in range(numTimeSteps): pot_old = pot_path[n_path, n_steps] pot_path[n_path, n_steps] = pot_old - del_pot # add data point to list x_p_list[n_list] = x_path[n_path, n_steps] y_p_list[n_list] = y_path[n_path, n_steps] pot_p_list[n_list] = pot_path[n_path, n_steps] n_list = n_list + 1 # increment n_list # Generate surface interpolation grid # % To generate log-log surface x_p_list = x_p_list + 0.1 y_p_list = y_p_list + 0.1 # --- Create X,Y grid to interpolate "potential surface" --- xlin = np.linspace(min(x_p_list), max(x_p_list), grid) ylin = np.linspace(min(y_p_list), max(y_p_list), grid) Xgrid, Ygrid = np.meshgrid(xlin, ylin) Zgrid = griddata( np.hstack((x_p_list, y_p_list)), pot_p_list, np.vstack((Xgrid.flatten(), Ygrid.flatten())).T, method=interpolation_method, ) Zgrid = Zgrid.reshape(Xgrid.shape) # print('Ran surface grid-interpolation okay!\n') return Xgrid, Ygrid, Zgrid