Source code for dynamo.preprocessing.QC

import warnings
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

    from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Literal

import anndata
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from anndata import AnnData
from scipy.sparse import issparse, spmatrix

from ..configuration import DKM
from ..dynamo_logger import (
from .utils import get_inrange_shared_counts_mask

def _parallel_wrapper(func: Callable, args_list, n_cores: Optional[int] = None):
    """A wrapper for parallel operation to regress out of the input variables.

        func: The function to be conducted the multiprocessing.
        args_list: The iterable of arguments to be passed to the function.
        n_cores: The number of CPU cores to be used for parallel processing. Default to be None.

        results: The list of results returned by the function for each element of the iterable.
    import multiprocessing as mp
    import sys

    if sys.platform != "win32":
        ctx = mp.get_context("fork")  # this fixes loop on MacOS
        ctx = mp.get_context("spawn")

    with ctx.Pool(n_cores) as pool:
        results =, args_list)

    return results

def _regress_out_chunk(
    obs_feature: Union[np.ndarray, spmatrix, list], gene_expr: Union[np.ndarray, spmatrix, list]
) -> Union[np.ndarray, spmatrix, list]:
    """Perform a linear regression to remove the effects of cell features (percentage of mitochondria, etc.)

        obs_feature: list of observation keys used to regress out their effect to gene expression.
        gene_expr : the current gene expression values of the target variables.

        numpy array: the residuals that are predicted the effects of the variables.
    from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

    # Fit a linear regression model to the variables to remove
    reg = LinearRegression().fit(obs_feature, gene_expr)

    # Predict the effects of the variables to remove
    return reg.predict(obs_feature)

def basic_stats(adata: anndata.AnnData) -> None:
    """Generate basic stats of the adata, including number of genes, number of cells, and number of mitochondria genes.

        adata: an AnnData object.

    adata.obs["nGenes"], adata.obs["nCounts"] = np.array((adata.X > 0).sum(1)), np.array((adata.X).sum(1))
    adata.var["nCells"], adata.var["nCounts"] = np.array((adata.X > 0).sum(0).T), np.array((adata.X).sum(0).T)
    if adata.var_names.inferred_type == "bytes":
        adata.var_names = adata.var_names.astype("str")
    mito_genes = adata.var_names.str.upper().str.startswith("MT-")

    if sum(mito_genes) > 0:
            adata.obs["pMito"] = np.array(adata.X[:, mito_genes].sum(1) / adata.obs["nCounts"].values.reshape((-1, 1)))
        except:  # noqa E722
                "no mitochondria genes detected; looks like your var_names may be corrupted (i.e. "
                "include nan values). If you don't believe so, please report to us on github or "
        adata.obs["pMito"] = 0

def clusters_stats(
    U: pd.DataFrame, S: pd.DataFrame, clusters_uid: np.ndarray, cluster_ix: np.ndarray, size_limit: int = 40
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    """Calculate the averages per cluster for unspliced and spliced data.

        U: the unspliced DataFrame.
        S: the spliced DataFrame.
        clusters_uid: the uid of the clusters.
        cluster_ix: the indices of the clusters in adata.obs.
        size_limit: the max number of members to be considered in a cluster during calculation. Defaults to 40.

        U_avgs: the average of clusters for unspliced data.
        S_avgs: the average of clusters for spliced data.

    U_avgs = np.zeros((S.shape[1], len(clusters_uid)))
    S_avgs = np.zeros((S.shape[1], len(clusters_uid)))
    # avgU_div_avgS = np.zeros((S.shape[1], len(clusters_uid)))
    # slopes_by_clust = np.zeros((S.shape[1], len(clusters_uid)))

    for i, uid in enumerate(clusters_uid):
        cluster_filter = cluster_ix == i
        n_cells = np.sum(cluster_filter)
        if n_cells > size_limit:
            U_avgs[:, i], S_avgs[:, i] = (
                U[cluster_filter, :].mean(0),
                S[cluster_filter, :].mean(0),
            U_avgs[:, i], S_avgs[:, i] = U.mean(0), S.mean(0)

    return U_avgs, S_avgs

[docs]def filter_genes_by_clusters( adata: anndata.AnnData, cluster: str, min_avg_U: float = 0.02, min_avg_S: float = 0.08, size_limit: int = 40, ) -> np.ndarray: """Prepare filtering genes on the basis of cluster-wise expression threshold. This function is taken from velocyto in order to reproduce velocyto's DentateGyrus notebook. Args: adata: an Anndata object. cluster: a column name in the adata.obs attribute which will be used for cluster specific expression filtering. min_avg_U: include genes that have unspliced average bigger than `min_avg_U` in at least one of the clusters. Defaults to 0.02. min_avg_S: include genes that have spliced average bigger than `min_avg_U` in at least one of the clusters. Defaults to 0.08. size_limit: the max number of members to be considered in a cluster during calculation. Defaults to 40. Returns: A boolean array corresponding to genes selected. """ U, S, cluster_uid = ( adata.layers["unspliced"], adata.layers["spliced"], adata.obs[cluster], ) cluster_uid, cluster_ix = np.unique(cluster_uid, return_inverse=True) U_avgs, S_avgs = clusters_stats(U, S, cluster_uid, cluster_ix, size_limit=size_limit) clu_avg_selected = (U_avgs.max(1) > min_avg_U) & (S_avgs.max(1) > min_avg_S) return clu_avg_selected
[docs]def filter_cells_by_outliers( adata: AnnData, filter_bool: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, layer: str = "all", keep_filtered: bool = False, min_expr_genes_s: int = 50, min_expr_genes_u: int = 25, min_expr_genes_p: int = 1, max_expr_genes_s: float = np.inf, max_expr_genes_u: float = np.inf, max_expr_genes_p: float = np.inf, max_pmito_s: Optional[float] = None, shared_count: Optional[int] = None, spliced_key="spliced", unspliced_key="unspliced", protein_key="protein", obs_store_key="pass_basic_filter", ) -> AnnData: """Select valid cells based on a collection of filters including spliced, unspliced and protein min/max vals. Args: adata: an AnnData object. filter_bool: a boolean array from the user to select cells for downstream analysis. Defaults to None. layer: the layer (include X) used for feature selection. Defaults to "all". keep_filtered: whether to keep cells that don't pass the filtering in the adata object. Defaults to False. min_expr_genes_s: minimal number of genes with expression for a cell in the data from the spliced layer (also used for X). Defaults to 50. min_expr_genes_u: minimal number of genes with expression for a cell in the data from the unspliced layer. Defaults to 25. min_expr_genes_p: minimal number of genes with expression for a cell in the data from in the protein layer. Defaults to 1. max_expr_genes_s: maximal number of genes with expression for a cell in the data from the spliced layer (also used for X). Defaults to np.inf. max_expr_genes_u: maximal number of genes with expression for a cell in the data from the unspliced layer. Defaults to np.inf. max_expr_genes_p: maximal number of protein with expression for a cell in the data from the protein layer. Defaults to np.inf. max_pmito_s: maximal percentage of mitochondrial genes for a cell in the data from the spliced layer. shared_count: the minimal shared number of counts for each cell across genes between layers. Defaults to None. spliced_key: name of the layer storing spliced data. Defaults to "spliced". unspliced_key: name of the layer storing unspliced data. Defaults to "unspliced". protein_key: name of the layer storing protein data. Defaults to "protein". obs_store_key: name of the layer to store the filtered data. Defaults to "pass_basic_filter". Raises: ValueError: the layer provided is invalid. Returns: An updated AnnData object indicating the selection of cells for downstream analysis. adata will be subsetted with only the cells pass filtering if keep_filtered is set to be False. """ predefined_layers_for_filtering = [DKM.X_LAYER, spliced_key, unspliced_key, protein_key] predefined_range_dict = { DKM.X_LAYER: (min_expr_genes_s, max_expr_genes_s), spliced_key: (min_expr_genes_s, max_expr_genes_s), unspliced_key: (min_expr_genes_u, max_expr_genes_u), protein_key: (min_expr_genes_p, max_expr_genes_p), } layer_keys_used_for_filtering = [] if layer == "all": layer_keys_used_for_filtering = predefined_layers_for_filtering elif isinstance(layer, str) and layer in predefined_layers_for_filtering: layer_keys_used_for_filtering = [layer] elif isinstance(layer, list) and set(layer) <= set(predefined_layers_for_filtering): layer_keys_used_for_filtering = layer else: raise ValueError( "layer should be str or list, and layer should be one of or a subset of " + str(predefined_layers_for_filtering) ) detected_bool = get_filter_mask_cells_by_outliers( adata, layer_keys_used_for_filtering, predefined_range_dict, shared_count ) if max_pmito_s is not None: detected_bool = detected_bool & (adata.obs["pMito"] < max_pmito_s) main_info( "filtered out %d cells by %f%% of mitochondrial genes for a cell." % (adata.n_obs - (adata.obs["pMito"] < max_pmito_s).sum(), max_pmito_s), indent_level=2, ) filter_bool = detected_bool if filter_bool is None else np.array(filter_bool) & detected_bool main_info("filtered out %d outlier cells" % (adata.n_obs - sum(filter_bool)), indent_level=2) main_info_insert_adata_obs(obs_store_key) adata.obs[obs_store_key] = filter_bool if not keep_filtered: main_debug("inplace subsetting adata by filtered cells", indent_level=2) adata._inplace_subset_obs(filter_bool) return adata
def filter_cells_by_highly_variable_genes( adata: anndata.AnnData, keep_filtered: bool = False, select_genes_layer: str = DKM.X_LAYER, high_var_genes_key: str = DKM.VAR_USE_FOR_PCA, obs_store_key: str = "pass_basic_filter", ) -> anndata.AnnData: """Filter cells based on the expression of highly variable genes. Args: adata: an AnnData object. keep_filtered: whether to keep cells that don't pass the filtering in the adata object. select_genes_layer: the layer used for genes selection. high_var_genes_key: the key in adata.var to store the highly variable genes. obs_store_key: the key in adata.obs to store the filtered data. Returns: An updated AnnData object indicating the selection of cells for downstream analysis. """ if high_var_genes_key not in adata.var.keys(): raise ValueError( "The key %s is not found in adata.var. Please run genes selection methods first." % high_var_genes_key ) if obs_store_key not in adata.obs.keys(): adata.obs[obs_store_key] = True filter_bool = adata.var[high_var_genes_key].values X = DKM.select_layer_data(adata, layer=select_genes_layer) X = X[:, filter_bool].A if issparse(X) else X[:, filter_bool] nan_columns_index = np.where(np.sum(X, axis=1) == 0)[0] adata.obs[obs_store_key].iloc[nan_columns_index] = False if not keep_filtered: main_debug("inplace subsetting adata by filtered cells", indent_level=2) adata._inplace_subset_obs(adata.obs[obs_store_key]) return adata
[docs]def filter_genes_by_outliers( adata: anndata.AnnData, filter_bool: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, layer: str = "all", min_cell_s: int = 1, min_cell_u: int = 1, min_cell_p: int = 1, min_avg_exp_s: float = 1e-10, min_avg_exp_u: float = 0, min_avg_exp_p: float = 0, max_avg_exp: float = np.inf, min_count_s: int = 0, min_count_u: int = 0, min_count_p: int = 0, shared_count: int = 30, inplace: bool = False, ) -> Union[anndata.AnnData, pd.DataFrame]: """Basic filter of genes based a collection of expression filters. Args: adata: an AnnData object. filter_bool: A boolean array from the user to select genes for downstream analysis. Defaults to None. layer: the data from a particular layer (include X) used for feature selection. Defaults to "all". min_cell_s: minimal number of cells with expression for the data in the spliced layer (also used for X). Defaults to 1. min_cell_u: minimal number of cells with expression for the data in the unspliced layer. Defaults to 1. min_cell_p: minimal number of cells with expression for the data in the protein layer. Defaults to 1. min_avg_exp_s: minimal average expression across cells for the data in the spliced layer (also used for X). Defaults to 1e-10. min_avg_exp_u: minimal average expression across cells for the data in the unspliced layer. Defaults to 0. min_avg_exp_p: minimal average expression across cells for the data in the protein layer. Defaults to 0. max_avg_exp: maximal average expression across cells for the data in all layers (also used for X). Defaults to np.inf. min_count_s: minimal number of counts (UMI/expression) for the data in the spliced layer (also used for X). Defaults to 0. min_count_u: minimal number of counts (UMI/expression) for the data in the unspliced layer. Defaults to 0. min_count_p: minimal number of counts (UMI/expression) for the data in the protein layer. Defaults to 0. shared_count: the minimal shared number of counts for each genes across cell between layers. Defaults to 30. inplace: whether to update the layer inplace. Defaults to False. Returns: An updated AnnData object with genes filtered if `inplace` is true. Otherwise, an array containing filtered genes. """ detected_bool = np.ones(adata.shape[1], dtype=bool) detected_bool = (detected_bool) & np.array( ((adata.X > 0).sum(0) >= min_cell_s) & (adata.X.mean(0) >= min_avg_exp_s) & (adata.X.mean(0) <= max_avg_exp) & (adata.X.sum(0) >= min_count_s) ).flatten() # add our filtering for labeling data below # TODO refactor with get_in_range_mask if "spliced" in adata.layers.keys() and (layer == "spliced" or layer == "all"): detected_bool = ( detected_bool & np.array( ((adata.layers["spliced"] > 0).sum(0) >= min_cell_s) & (adata.layers["spliced"].mean(0) >= min_avg_exp_s) & (adata.layers["spliced"].mean(0) <= max_avg_exp) & (adata.layers["spliced"].sum(0) >= min_count_s) ).flatten() ) if "unspliced" in adata.layers.keys() and (layer == "unspliced" or layer == "all"): detected_bool = ( detected_bool & np.array( ((adata.layers["unspliced"] > 0).sum(0) >= min_cell_u) & (adata.layers["unspliced"].mean(0) >= min_avg_exp_u) & (adata.layers["unspliced"].mean(0) <= max_avg_exp) & (adata.layers["unspliced"].sum(0) >= min_count_u) ).flatten() ) if shared_count is not None: # layers = DKM.get_available_layer_keys(adata, "all", False) layers = DKM.get_raw_data_layers(adata) tmp = get_inrange_shared_counts_mask(adata, layers, shared_count, "gene") if tmp.sum() > 2000: detected_bool &= tmp else: # in case the labeling time is very short for pulse experiment or # chase time is very long for degradation experiment. tmp = get_inrange_shared_counts_mask( adata, list(set(layers).difference(["new", "labelled", "labeled"])), shared_count, "gene", ) detected_bool &= tmp # The following code need to be updated # just remove genes that are not following the protein criteria if "protein" in adata.obsm.keys() and layer == "protein": detected_bool = ( detected_bool & np.array( ((adata.obsm["protein"] > 0).sum(0) >= min_cell_p) & (adata.obsm["protein"].mean(0) >= min_avg_exp_p) & (adata.obsm["protein"].mean(0) <= max_avg_exp) & (adata.layers["protein"].sum(0) >= min_count_p) # TODO potential bug confirmation: obsm? ).flatten() ) filter_bool = filter_bool & detected_bool if filter_bool is not None else detected_bool adata.var["pass_basic_filter"] = np.array(filter_bool).flatten() main_info("filtered out %d outlier genes" % (adata.n_vars - sum(filter_bool)), indent_level=2) if inplace: adata._inplace_subset_var(adata.var["pass_basic_filter"]) return adata return adata.var["pass_basic_filter"]
[docs]def filter_genes_by_pattern( adata: anndata.AnnData, patterns: Tuple[str] = ("MT-", "RPS", "RPL", "MRPS", "MRPL", "ERCC-"), drop_genes: bool = False, ) -> Union[List[bool], None]: """Utility function to filter mitochondria, ribsome protein and ERCC spike-in genes, etc. Args: adata: an AnnData object. patterns: the patterns used to filter genes. Defaults to ("MT-", "RPS", "RPL", "MRPS", "MRPL", "ERCC-"). drop_genes: whether inplace drop the genes from the AnnData object. Defaults to False. Returns: A list of indices of matched genes if `drop_genes` is False. Otherwise, returns none. """ logger = LoggerManager.gen_logger("dynamo-utils") matched_genes = pd.Series(adata.var_names).str.startswith(patterns).to_list() "total matched genes is " + str(sum(matched_genes)), indent_level=1, ) if sum(matched_genes) > 0: if drop_genes: gene_bools = np.ones(adata.n_vars, dtype=bool) gene_bools[matched_genes] = False "inplace subset matched genes ... ", indent_level=1, ) # let us ignore the `inplace` parameter in pandas.Categorical.remove_unused_categories warning. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") adata._inplace_subset_var(gene_bools) logger.finish_progress(progress_name="filter_genes_by_pattern") return None else: logger.finish_progress(progress_name="filter_genes_by_pattern") return matched_genes
def get_filter_mask_cells_by_outliers( adata: anndata.AnnData, layers: List[str] = None, layer2range: dict = None, shared_count: Union[int, None] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Select valid cells based on a collection of filters including spliced, unspliced and protein min/max vals. Args: adata: an AnnData object. layers: a list of layers to be operated on. Defaults to None. layer2range: a dict of ranges, layer str to range tuple. Defaults to None. shared_count: the minimal shared number of counts for each cell across genes between layers. Defaults to None. Returns: A bool array indicating valid cells. """ detected_mask = np.full(adata.n_obs, True) if layers is None: main_info("layers for filtering cells are None, reserve all cells.") return detected_mask for i, layer in enumerate(layers): if layer not in layer2range: main_debug( "skip filtering cells by layer: %s as it is not in the layer2range mapping passed in:" % layer, indent_level=2, ) continue if not DKM.check_if_layer_exist(adata, layer): main_debug("skip filtering by layer:%s as it is not in adata." % layer) continue main_debug("filtering cells by layer:%s" % layer, indent_level=2) layer_data = DKM.select_layer_data(adata, layer) detected_mask = detected_mask & get_sum_in_range_mask( layer_data, layer2range[layer][0], layer2range[layer][1], axis=1, data_min_val_threshold=0 ) if shared_count is not None: main_debug("filtering cells by shared counts from all layers", indent_level=2) layers = DKM.get_available_layer_keys(adata, layers, False) detected_mask = detected_mask & get_inrange_shared_counts_mask(adata, layers, shared_count, "cell") detected_mask = np.array(detected_mask).flatten() return detected_mask def get_sum_in_range_mask( data_mat: np.ndarray, min_val: float, max_val: float, axis: int = 0, data_min_val_threshold: float = 0 ) -> np.ndarray: """Check if data_mat's sum is inrange or not along an axis. data_mat's values < data_min_val_threshold are ignored. Args: data_mat: the array to be inspected. min_val: the lower bound of the range. max_val: the upper bound of the range. axis: the axis to sum. Defaults to 0. data_min_val_threshold: the lower threshold for valid data. Defaults to 0. Returns: A bool array indicating whether the sum is inrage or not. """ return ( ((data_mat > data_min_val_threshold).sum(axis) >= min_val) & ((data_mat > data_min_val_threshold).sum(axis) <= max_val) ).flatten() def regress_out_chunk_helper(args): """A helper function for each regressout chunk. Args: args: list of arguments that is used in _regress_out_chunk. Returns: numpy array: predicted the effects of the variables calculated by _regress_out_chunk. """ obs_feature, gene_expr = args return _regress_out_chunk(obs_feature, gene_expr) def regress_out_parallel( adata: AnnData, layer: str = DKM.X_LAYER, obs_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, gene_selection_key: Optional[str] = None, n_cores: Optional[int] = None, ): """Perform linear regression to remove the effects of given variables from a target variable. Args: adata: an AnnData object. Feature matrix of shape (n_samples, n_features). layer: the layer to regress out. Defaults to "X". obs_keys: List of observation keys to be removed. gene_selection_key: the key in adata.var that contains boolean for showing genes` filtering results. For example, "use_for_pca" is selected then it will regress out only for the genes that are True for "use_for_pca". This input will decrease processing time of regressing out data. n_cores: Change this to the number of cores on your system for parallel computing. Default to be None. obsm_store_key: the key to store the regress out result. Defaults to "X_regress_out". """ main_debug("regress out %s by multiprocessing..." % obs_keys) main_log_time() if len(obs_keys) < 1: main_warning("No variable to regress out") return if gene_selection_key is None: regressor = DKM.select_layer_data(adata, layer) else: if gene_selection_key not in adata.var.keys(): raise ValueError(str(gene_selection_key) + " is not a key in adata.var") if not (adata.var[gene_selection_key].dtype == bool): raise ValueError(str(gene_selection_key) + " is not a boolean") subset_adata = adata[:, adata.var.loc[:, gene_selection_key]] regressor = DKM.select_layer_data(subset_adata, layer) import itertools if issparse(regressor): regressor = regressor.toarray() if n_cores is None: n_cores = 1 # Use no parallel computing as default # Split the input data into chunks for parallel processing chunk_size = min(1000, regressor.shape[1] // n_cores + 1) chunk_len = regressor.shape[1] // chunk_size regressor_chunks = np.array_split(regressor, chunk_len, axis=1) # Select the variables to remove remove = adata.obs[obs_keys].to_numpy() res = _parallel_wrapper(regress_out_chunk_helper, zip(itertools.repeat(remove), regressor_chunks), n_cores) # Remove the effects of the variables from the target variable residuals = regressor - np.hstack(res) DKM.set_layer_data(adata, layer, residuals) main_finish_progress("regress out")