Source code for dynamo.preprocessing.external.integration

from typing import List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from anndata import AnnData
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, isspmatrix

# Convert sparse matrix to dense matrix.
to_dense_matrix = lambda X: np.array(X.todense()) if isspmatrix(X) else np.asarray(X)

[docs]def integrate( adatas: List[AnnData], batch_key: str = "slices", fill_value: Union[int, float] = 0, ) -> AnnData: """Concatenating all anndata objects. Args: adatas: AnnData matrices to concatenate with. batch_key: the key to add the batch annotation to :attr:`obs`. fill_value: Scalar value to fill newly missing values in arrays with. Returns: The concatenated AnnData, where adata.obs[batch_key] stores a categorical variable labeling the batch. """ batch_ca = [adata.obs[batch_key][0] for adata in adatas] # Merge the obsm, varm and uns data of all anndata objcets separately. obsm_dict, varm_dict, uns_dict = {}, {}, {} obsm_keys, varm_keys, uns_keys = [], [], [] for adata in adatas: obsm_keys.extend(list(adata.obsm.keys())) varm_keys.extend(list(adata.varm.keys())) uns_keys.extend(list(adata.uns_keys())) obsm_keys, varm_keys, uns_keys = list(set(obsm_keys)), list(set(varm_keys)), list(set(uns_keys)) n_obsm_keys, n_varm_keys, n_uns_keys = len(obsm_keys), len(varm_keys), len(uns_keys) if n_obsm_keys > 0: for key in obsm_keys: obsm_dict[key] = np.concatenate([to_dense_matrix(adata.obsm[key]) for adata in adatas], axis=0) if n_varm_keys > 0: for key in varm_keys: varm_dict[key] = np.concatenate([to_dense_matrix(adata.varm[key]) for adata in adatas], axis=0) if n_uns_keys > 0: for key in uns_keys: if "__type" in uns_keys and key == "__type": uns_dict["__type"] = adatas[0].uns["__type"] else: uns_dict[key] = { ca: adata.uns[key] if key in adata.uns_keys() else None for ca, adata in zip(batch_ca, adatas) } # Delete obsm, varm and uns data. for adata in adatas: del adata.obsm, adata.varm, adata.uns # Concatenating obs and var data which will ignore the uns, obsm, varm attributes. integrated_adata = adatas[0].concatenate( *adatas[1:], batch_key=batch_key, batch_categories=batch_ca, join="outer", fill_value=fill_value, uns_merge=None, ) # Add Concatenated obsm data and varm data to integrated anndata object. if n_obsm_keys > 0: for key, value in obsm_dict.items(): integrated_adata.obsm[key] = value if n_varm_keys > 0: for key, value in varm_dict.items(): integrated_adata.varm[key] = value if n_uns_keys > 0: for key, value in uns_dict.items(): integrated_adata.uns[key] = value return integrated_adata
[docs]def harmony_debatch( adata: AnnData, key: str, basis: str = "X_pca", adjusted_basis: str = "X_pca_harmony", max_iter_harmony: int = 10, copy: bool = False, ) -> Optional[AnnData]: """Use harmonypy [Korunsky19]_ to remove batch effects. This function should be run after performing PCA but before computing the neighbor graph. Original Code Repository is Interesting example: Args: adata: An Anndata object. key: The name of the column in ``adata.obs`` that differentiates among experiments/batches. basis: The name of the field in ``adata.obsm`` where the PCA table is stored. adjusted_basis: The name of the field in ``adata.obsm`` where the adjusted PCA table will be stored after running this function. max_iter_harmony: Maximum number of rounds to run Harmony. One round of Harmony involves one clustering and one correction step. copy: Whether to copy `adata` or modify it inplace. Returns: Updates adata with the field ``adata.obsm[adjusted_basis]``, containing principal components adjusted by Harmony. """ try: import harmonypy except ImportError: raise ImportError("\nplease install harmonypy:\n\n\tpip install harmonypy") adata = adata.copy() if copy else adata # Convert sparse matrix to dense matrix. matrix = to_dense_matrix(adata.obsm[basis]) # Use Harmony to adjust the PCs. harmony_out = harmonypy.run_harmony(matrix, adata.obs, key, max_iter_harmony=max_iter_harmony) adjusted_matrix = harmony_out.Z_corr.T # Convert dense matrix to sparse matrix. if isspmatrix(adata.obsm[basis]): adjusted_matrix = csr_matrix(adjusted_matrix) adata.obsm[adjusted_basis] = adjusted_matrix return adata if copy else None