Source code for dynamo.preprocessing.gene_selection

import warnings
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from numpy import ndarray

    from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Literal

import anndata
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.sparse
from anndata import AnnData
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, issparse

from ..configuration import DKM
from ..dynamo_logger import (
from .pca import pca
from .utils import (

[docs]def calc_Gini(adata: AnnData, layers: Union[Literal["all"], List[str]] = "all") -> AnnData: """Calculate the Gini coefficient of a numpy array. Args: adata: an AnnData object layers: the layer(s) to be normalized. Defaults to "all". Returns: An updated anndata object with gini score for the layers (include .X) in the corresponding var columns (layer + '_gini'). """ # From: # based on bottom eq: # from: layers = DKM.get_available_layer_keys(adata, layers) def _compute_gini(CM): # convert to dense array if sparse if issparse(CM): CM = CM.A # shift all values to be non-negative CM -= np.min(CM) # add small constant to avoid zeros CM = CM.astype(float) + 0.0000001 # values cannot be 0 # sort values along axis 0 CM = np.sort(CM, axis=0) # compute index array n = CM.shape[0] index = 2 * (np.arange(1, n + 1)) - n - 1 # compute Gini coefficient for each feature gini = (np.sum(index[:, np.newaxis] * CM, axis=0)) / (n * np.sum(CM, axis=0)) return gini for layer in layers: if layer == "raw": CM = adata.raw.X elif layer == "X": CM = adata.X elif layer == "protein": if "protein" in adata.obsm_keys(): CM = adata.obsm[layer] else: continue else: CM = adata.layers[layer] var_gini = _compute_gini(CM) adata.var[layer + "_gini"] = var_gini return adata
[docs]def select_genes_monocle( adata: AnnData, layer: str = DKM.X_LAYER, keep_filtered: bool = True, n_top_genes: int = 2000, sort_by: Literal["gini", "cv_dispersion", "fano_dispersion"] = "cv_dispersion", exprs_frac_for_gene_exclusion: float = 1, genes_to_exclude: Union[List[str], None] = None, SVRs_kwargs: dict = {}, ): """Select genes based on monocle recipe. This version is here for modularization of preprocessing, so that users may try combinations of different preprocessing procedures in Preprocessor. Args: adata: an AnnData object. layer: The data from a particular layer (include X) used for feature selection. Defaults to "X". keep_filtered: Whether to keep genes that don't pass the filtering in the adata object. Defaults to True. n_top_genes: the number of top genes based on scoring method (specified by sort_by) will be selected as feature genes. Defaults to 2000. sort_by: the sorting methods to be used to select genes. Should be one of the gini index or dispersion of coefficient variation or fano. Defaults to cv_dispersion. exprs_frac_for_gene_exclusion: threshold of fractions for high fraction genes. Defaults to 1. genes_to_exclude: genes that are excluded from evaluation. Defaults to None. SVRs_kwargs: kwargs for `SVRs`. Defaults to {}. Raises: NotImplementedError: the 'sort_by' algorithm is invalid/unsupported. """ filter_bool = ( adata.var["pass_basic_filter"] if "pass_basic_filter" in adata.var.columns else np.ones(adata.shape[1], dtype=bool) ) if adata.shape[1] <= n_top_genes: filter_bool = np.ones(adata.shape[1], dtype=bool) else: if sort_by == "gini": if layer + "_gini" is not adata.var.keys(): calc_Gini(adata) filter_bool = get_gene_selection_filter( adata.var[layer + "_gini"][filter_bool], n_top_genes=n_top_genes, basic_filter=filter_bool ) elif sort_by == "cv_dispersion" or sort_by == "fano_dispersion": if not any("velocyto_SVR" in key for key in adata.uns.keys()): calc_dispersion_by_svr( adata, layers=layer, filter_bool=filter_bool, algorithm=sort_by, **SVRs_kwargs, ) filter_bool = get_svr_filter(adata, layer=layer, n_top_genes=n_top_genes, return_adata=False) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"The algorithm {sort_by} is invalid/unsupported") invalid_ids = [] # filter genes by gene expression fraction as well if "frac" not in adata.var.keys(): adata.var["frac"], invalid_ids = compute_gene_exp_fraction(X=adata.X, threshold=exprs_frac_for_gene_exclusion) genes_to_exclude = ( list(adata.var_names[invalid_ids]) if genes_to_exclude is None else genes_to_exclude + list(adata.var_names[invalid_ids]) ) if genes_to_exclude is not None and len(genes_to_exclude) > 0: adata_exclude_genes = adata.var.index.intersection(genes_to_exclude) adata.var.loc[adata_exclude_genes, "use_for_pca"] = False if keep_filtered: adata.var["use_for_pca"] = filter_bool else: adata._inplace_subset_var(filter_bool) adata.var["use_for_pca"] = True adata.uns["feature_selection"] = sort_by
def calc_dispersion_by_svr( adata_ori: AnnData, filter_bool: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, layers: str = "X", algorithm: Literal["cv_dispersion", "fano_dispersion"] = "cv_dispersion", use_all_genes_cells: bool = False, **SVRs_kwargs, ) -> AnnData: """Support Vector Regression to identify highly variable genes. This function is modified from Args: adata_ori: an AnnData object filter_bool: A boolean array from the user to select genes for downstream analysis. Defaults to None. layers: The layer(s) to be used for calculating dispersion score via support vector regression (SVR). Defaults to "X". algorithm: Method of calculating mean and coefficient of variation, either "cv_dispersion" or "fano_dispersion" sort_inverse: whether to sort genes from less noisy to more noisy (to use for size estimation not for feature selection). Defaults to False. use_all_genes_cells: A logic flag to determine whether all cells and genes should be used for the size factor calculation. Defaults to False. Returns: An updated annData object with `log_m`, `log_cv`, `score` added to .obs columns and `SVR` added to uns attribute as a new key. """ layers = DKM.get_available_layer_keys(adata_ori, layers) winsorize = SVRs_kwargs.get("winsorize", False) winsor_perc = SVRs_kwargs.get("winsor_perc", (1, 99.5)) svr_gamma = SVRs_kwargs.pop("svr_gamma", None) sort_inverse = SVRs_kwargs.pop("sort_inverse", False) if use_all_genes_cells: # let us ignore the `inplace` parameter in pandas.Categorical.remove_unused_categories warning. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") adata = adata_ori[:, filter_bool].copy() if filter_bool is not None else adata_ori else: cell_inds = adata_ori.obs.use_for_pca if "use_for_pca" in adata_ori.obs.columns else adata_ori.obs.index filter_list = ["use_for_pca", "pass_basic_filter"] filter_checker = [i in adata_ori.var.columns for i in filter_list] which_filter = np.where(filter_checker)[0] gene_inds = adata_ori.var[filter_list[which_filter[0]]] if len(which_filter) > 0 else adata_ori.var.index # let us ignore the `inplace` parameter in pandas.Categorical.remove_unused_categories warning. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") adata = adata_ori[cell_inds, gene_inds].copy() for layer in layers: valid_CM, detected_bool = get_vaild_CM(adata, layer, **SVRs_kwargs) if valid_CM is None: continue mean, cv = get_mean_cv(adata, valid_CM, algorithm, winsorize, winsor_perc) fitted_fun, svr_gamma = get_prediction_by_svr(mean, cv, svr_gamma) score = cv - fitted_fun(mean) if sort_inverse: score = -score # Now we can get "SVR" from get_prediction_by_svr key = "velocyto_SVR" if layer == "raw" or layer == "X" else layer + "_velocyto_SVR" adata_ori.uns[key] = {"mean": mean, "cv": cv, "svr_gamma": svr_gamma} prefix = "" if layer == "X" else layer + "_" (adata.var[prefix + "log_m"], adata.var[prefix + "log_cv"], adata.var[prefix + "score"],) = ( np.nan, np.nan, -np.inf, ) ( adata.var.loc[detected_bool, prefix + "log_m"], adata.var.loc[detected_bool, prefix + "log_cv"], adata.var.loc[detected_bool, prefix + "score"], ) = ( np.array(mean).flatten(), np.array(cv).flatten(), np.array(score).flatten(), ) adata_ori = merge_adata_attrs(adata_ori, adata, attr="var") return adata_ori def get_vaild_CM( adata: AnnData, layer: str = "X", relative_expr: bool = True, total_szfactor: str = "total_Size_Factor", min_expr_cells: int = 0, min_expr_avg: int = 0, max_expr_avg: int = np.inf, winsorize: bool = False, winsor_perc: Tuple[float, float] = (1, 99.5), ): """Find a valid CM that is the data of the layer corresponding to the size factor. Args: adata: an AnnData object. layer: The data from a particular layer (include X) used for feature selection. Defaults to "X". relative_expr: A logic flag to determine whether we need to divide gene expression values first by size factor before run SVR. Defaults to True. total_szfactor: The column name in the .obs attribute that corresponds to the size factor for the total mRNA. Defaults to "total_Size_Factor". min_expr_cells: minimum number of cells that express the gene for it to be considered in the fit. Defaults to 0. min_expr_avg: The minimum average of genes across cells required for gene to be selected for SVR analyses. Defaults to 0. max_expr_avg: The maximum average of genes across cells required for gene to be selected for SVR analyses. Genes with average gene expression larger than this value will be treated as house-keeping/outlier genes. Defaults to np.inf. winsorize: Weather to winsorize the data for the cv vs mean model. Defaults to False. winsor_perc: the up and lower bound of the winsorization. Defaults to (1, 99.5). Returns: An updated annData object with `log_m`, `log_cv`, `score` added to .obs columns and `SVR` added to uns attribute as a new key. """ CM = None if layer == "raw": CM = adata.X.copy() if adata.raw is None else adata.raw szfactors = ( adata.obs[layer + "_Size_Factor"].values[:, None] if adata.raw.X is not None else adata.obs["Size_Factor"].values[:, None] ) elif layer == "X": CM = adata.X.copy() szfactors = adata.obs["Size_Factor"].values[:, None] elif layer == "protein": if "protein" in adata.obsm_keys(): CM = adata.obsm["protein"].copy() szfactors = adata.obs[layer + "_Size_Factor"].values[:, None] else: CM = adata.layers[layer].copy() szfactors = ( adata.obs[layer + "_Size_Factor"].values[:, None] if layer + "_Size_Factor" in adata.obs.columns else None ) if total_szfactor is not None and total_szfactor in adata.obs.keys(): szfactors = adata.obs[total_szfactor].values[:, None] if total_szfactor in adata.obs.columns else None if szfactors is not None and relative_expr: if issparse(CM): from sklearn.utils import sparsefuncs sparsefuncs.inplace_row_scale(CM, 1 / szfactors) else: CM /= szfactors if winsorize: if min_expr_cells <= ((100 - winsor_perc[1]) * CM.shape[0] * 0.01): min_expr_cells = int(np.ceil((100 - winsor_perc[1]) * CM.shape[1] * 0.01)) + 2 detected_bool = np.array( ((CM > 0).sum(0) >= min_expr_cells) & (CM.mean(0) <= max_expr_avg) & (CM.mean(0) >= min_expr_avg) ).flatten() return CM[:, detected_bool], detected_bool def get_mean_cv( adata: AnnData, valid_CM: Union[np.ndarray, scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, scipy.sparse.csc_matrix, scipy.sparse.coo_matrix], algorithm: Literal["cv_dispersion", "fano_dispersion"] = "cv_dispersion", winsorize: bool = False, winsor_perc: Tuple[float, float] = (1, 99.5), ) -> AnnData: """Find the mean and coefficient of variation of gene expression. Args: adata: an AnnData object algorithm: Method of calculating mean and coefficient of variation, either fano_dispersion or cv_dispersion. valid_CM: Gene expression matrix to be used in a downstream analysis. winsorize: Whether to winsorize the data for the cv vs mean model. Defaults to False. winsor_perc: The up and lower bound of the winsorization. Defaults to (1, 99.5). Returns: mean: the array dataset that contains mean values of gene expression. cv: the array dataset with coefficient of variation of gene expression. """ if algorithm == "fano_dispersion": (gene_counts_stats, gene_fano_parameters) = get_highvar_genes_sparse(adata, valid_CM) mean = np.array(gene_counts_stats["mean"]).flatten()[:, None] cv = np.array(gene_counts_stats["fano"]).flatten() return mean, cv elif algorithm == "cv_dispersion": if winsorize: down, up = ( np.percentile(valid_CM.A, winsor_perc, 0) if issparse(valid_CM) else np.percentile(valid_CM, winsor_perc, 0) ) Sfw = ( np.clip(valid_CM.A, down[None, :], up[None, :]) if issparse(valid_CM) else np.percentile(valid_CM, winsor_perc, 0) ) mu = Sfw.mean(0) sigma = Sfw.std(0, ddof=1) else: mu = np.array(valid_CM.mean(0)).flatten() sigma = ( np.array( np.sqrt( (valid_CM.multiply(valid_CM).mean(0).A1 - mu**2) # * (adata.n_obs) # / (adata.n_obs - 1) ) ) if issparse(valid_CM) else valid_CM.std(0, ddof=1) ) cv = sigma / mu log_m = np.array(np.log2(mu)).flatten() log_cv = np.array(np.log2(cv)).flatten() log_m[mu == 0], log_cv[mu == 0] = 0, 0 return log_m[:, None], log_cv else: raise ValueError(f"The algorithm {algorithm} is not existed") def get_prediction_by_svr(ground: np.ndarray, target: np.ndarray, svr_gamma: Optional[float] = None): """This function will return the base class for estimators that use libsvm as backing library. Args: ground: the training array dataset that contains mean values of gene expression. target: the target array dataset with coefficient of variation of gene expression. mean: the mean value to estimate a value of svr_gamma. svr_gamma: the gamma hyperparameter of the SVR. Defaults to None. Returns: A fitted SVM model according to the given training and target data. """ from sklearn.svm import SVR if svr_gamma is None: svr_gamma = 150.0 / len(ground) # Fit the Support Vector Regression clf = SVR(gamma=svr_gamma), target) return clf.predict, svr_gamma # Highly variable gene selection function: def get_highvar_genes_sparse( adata: AnnData, expression: Union[ np.ndarray, scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, scipy.sparse.csc_matrix, scipy.sparse.coo_matrix, ], expected_fano_threshold: Optional[float] = None, numgenes: Optional[int] = None, minimal_mean: float = 0.5, save_key: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, Dict]: """Find highly-variable genes in sparse single-cell data matrices. Args: adata: an AnnData object expression: Gene expression matrix expected_fano_threshold: Optionally can be used to set a manual dispersion threshold (for definition of "highly-variable") numgenes: Optionally can be used to find the n most variable genes minimal_mean: Sets a threshold on the minimum mean expression to consider save_key: the key to store the fano calculation results Returns: gene_counts_stats: Results dataframe containing pertinent information for each gene gene_fano_parameters: Additional informative dictionary (w/ records of dispersion for each gene, threshold, etc.) """ gene_mean = np.array(expression.mean(axis=0)).astype(float).reshape(-1) E2 = expression.copy() **= 2 gene2_mean = np.array(E2.mean(axis=0)).reshape(-1) gene_var = pd.Series(gene2_mean - (gene_mean**2)) del E2 gene_mean = pd.Series(gene_mean) gene_fano = gene_var / gene_mean # Find parameters for expected fano line -- this line can be non-linear... top_genes = gene_mean.sort_values(ascending=False)[:20].index A = (np.sqrt(gene_var) / gene_mean)[top_genes].min() w_mean_low, w_mean_high = gene_mean.quantile([0.10, 0.90]) w_fano_low, w_fano_high = gene_fano.quantile([0.10, 0.90]) winsor_box = ( (gene_fano > w_fano_low) & (gene_fano < w_fano_high) & (gene_mean > w_mean_low) & (gene_mean < w_mean_high) ) fano_median = gene_fano[winsor_box].median() B = np.sqrt(fano_median) gene_expected_fano = (A**2) * gene_mean + (B**2) fano_ratio = gene_fano / gene_expected_fano # Identify high var genes if numgenes is not None: highvargenes = fano_ratio.sort_values(ascending=False).index[:numgenes] high_var_genes_ind = fano_ratio.index.isin(highvargenes) T = None else: if not expected_fano_threshold: T = 1.0 + gene_fano[winsor_box].std() else: T = expected_fano_threshold high_var_genes_ind = (fano_ratio > T) & (gene_mean > minimal_mean) gene_counts_stats = pd.DataFrame( { "mean": gene_mean, "var": gene_var, "fano": gene_fano, "expected_fano": gene_expected_fano, "high_var": high_var_genes_ind, "fano_ratio": fano_ratio, } ) gene_fano_parameters = { "A": A, "B": B, "T": T, "minimal_mean": minimal_mean, } if save_key is not None: LoggerManager.main_logger.info_insert_adata(save_key, "varm") gene_counts_stats.set_index(adata.var.index, inplace=True) adata.varm[save_key] = gene_counts_stats return gene_counts_stats, gene_fano_parameters def select_genes_by_seurat_recipe( adata: AnnData, layer: str = DKM.X_LAYER, nan_replace_val: Union[float, None] = None, n_top_genes: int = 2000, algorithm: Literal["seurat_dispersion", "fano_dispersion"] = "seurat_dispersion", chunk_size: Optional[int] = None, seurat_min_disp: Union[float, None] = None, seurat_max_disp: Union[float, None] = None, seurat_min_mean: Union[float, None] = None, seurat_max_mean: Union[float, None] = None, gene_names: Union[List[str], None] = None, var_filter_key: str = "pass_basic_filter", inplace: bool = False, initial_dtype: Optional[type] = None, ) -> None: """A general function for feature genes selection. Preprocess adata and dispatch to different filtering methods, and eventually set keys in anndata to denote which genes are wanted in downstream analysis. Args: adata: an AnnData object. layer: the key of a sparse matrix in adata. Defaults to DKM.X_LAYER. nan_replace_val: your choice of value to replace values in layer. Defaults to None. n_top_genes: number of genes to select as highly variable genes. Defaults to 2000. algorithm: a method for selecting genes; Only support "seurat_dispersion" for now. chunk_size: the size of chunked data. Defaults to None. seurat_min_disp: seurat dispersion min cutoff. Defaults to None. seurat_max_disp: seurat dispersion max cutoff. Defaults to None. seurat_min_mean: seurat mean min cutoff. Defaults to None. seurat_max_mean: seurat mean max cutoff. Defaults to None. gene_names: name of genes to be selected. Defaults to None. var_filter_key: filter gene names based on the key defined in adata.var before gene selection. Defaults to "pass_basic_filter". inplace: when inplace is True, subset adata according to selected genes. Defaults to False. initial_dtype: the data type when initializing a new array. Should be one of the float type. Raises: NotImplementedError: the recipe is invalid/unsupported. """ if initial_dtype is None: initial_dtype = adata.X.dtype if adata.X.dtype == np.float32 or adata.X.dtype == np.float64 else np.float32 pass_filter_genes = adata.var_names if gene_names: main_info("select genes on gene names from arguments <gene_names>") pass_filter_genes = gene_names elif var_filter_key: main_info("select genes on var key: %s" % (var_filter_key)) pass_filter_genes = adata.var_names[adata.var[var_filter_key]] if len(pass_filter_genes) != len(set(pass_filter_genes)): main_warning("gene names are not unique, please check your preprocessing procedure.") if n_top_genes is None: main_info("n_top_genes is None, reserve all genes and add filter gene information") n_top_genes = adata.n_vars chunk_size = chunk_size if chunk_size is not None else adata.n_vars if algorithm == "seurat_dispersion": chunked_layer_mats = DKM.select_layer_chunked_data( adata[:, pass_filter_genes], layer, chunk_size=chunk_size, chunk_mode="gene", ) mean = np.zeros(len(pass_filter_genes), dtype=initial_dtype) variance = np.zeros(len(pass_filter_genes), dtype=initial_dtype) for mat_data in chunked_layer_mats: layer_mat = mat_data[0] if nan_replace_val: main_info("replacing nan values with: %s" % (nan_replace_val)) _mask = get_nan_or_inf_data_bool_mask(layer_mat) layer_mat[_mask] = nan_replace_val chunked_mean, chunked_var = seurat_get_mean_var(layer_mat) mean[mat_data[1]:mat_data[2]] = chunked_mean variance[mat_data[1]:mat_data[2]] = chunked_var mean, variance, highly_variable_mask = select_genes_by_seurat_dispersion( mean=mean, variance=variance, min_disp=seurat_min_disp, max_disp=seurat_max_disp, min_mean=seurat_min_mean, max_mean=seurat_max_mean, n_top_genes=n_top_genes, ) main_info_insert_adata_var(DKM.VAR_GENE_MEAN_KEY) main_info_insert_adata_var(DKM.VAR_GENE_VAR_KEY) main_info_insert_adata_var(DKM.VAR_GENE_HIGHLY_VARIABLE_KEY) main_debug("type of variance:" + str(type(variance))) main_debug("shape of variance:" + str(variance.shape)) adata.var[DKM.VAR_GENE_MEAN_KEY] = np.nan adata.var[DKM.VAR_GENE_VAR_KEY] = np.nan adata.var[DKM.VAR_GENE_HIGHLY_VARIABLE_KEY] = False adata.var[DKM.VAR_USE_FOR_PCA] = False adata.var[DKM.VAR_GENE_MEAN_KEY][pass_filter_genes] = mean.flatten() adata.var[DKM.VAR_GENE_VAR_KEY][pass_filter_genes] = variance adata.var[DKM.VAR_GENE_HIGHLY_VARIABLE_KEY][pass_filter_genes] = highly_variable_mask adata.var[DKM.VAR_USE_FOR_PCA][pass_filter_genes] = highly_variable_mask else: raise ValueError(f"The algorithm {algorithm} is not existed") main_info("number of selected highly variable genes: " + str(adata.var[DKM.VAR_USE_FOR_PCA].sum())) if inplace: main_info("inplace is True, subset adata according to selected genes.") adata = adata[:, adata.var[DKM.VAR_USE_FOR_PCA]] def select_genes_by_seurat_dispersion( mean: np.ndarray, variance: np.ndarray, n_bins: int = 20, log_mean_and_dispersion: bool = True, min_disp: float = None, max_disp: float = None, min_mean: float = None, max_mean: float = None, n_top_genes: Union[int, None] = None, ) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, Union[bool, ndarray]]: """Apply seurat's gene selection recipe by cutoffs. Args: mean: mean of the columns for each gene. variance: variance of the columns for each gene. n_bins: the number of bins for normalization. Defaults to 20. log_mean_and_dispersion: whether log the gene expression values before calculating the dispersion values. Defaults to True. min_disp: seurat dispersion min cutoff. Defaults to None. max_disp: seurat dispersion max cutoff. Defaults to None. min_mean: seurat mean min cutoff. Defaults to None. max_mean: seurat mean max cutoff. Defaults to None. n_top_genes: number of top genes to be evaluated. If set to be None, genes are filtered by mean and dispersion norm threshold. Defaults to None. Returns: A tuple (mean, variance, highly_variable_mask, highly_variable_scores), where mean is the mean of the provided sparse matrix, variance is the variance of the provided sparse matrix, highly_variable_mask is a bool array indicating whether an element (a gene) is highly variable in the matrix. highly_variable_scores is always none since the scores are not applicable to Seurat recipe. """ # default values from Seurat if min_disp is None: min_disp = 0.5 if max_disp is None: max_disp = np.inf if min_mean is None: min_mean = 0.0125 if max_mean is None: max_mean = 3 dispersion = variance / mean if log_mean_and_dispersion: mean = np.log1p(mean) dispersion[np.equal(dispersion, 0)] = np.nan dispersion = np.log(dispersion) temp_df = pd.DataFrame() temp_df["mean"], temp_df["dispersion"] = mean, dispersion temp_df["mean_bin"] = pd.cut(temp_df["mean"], bins=n_bins) disp_grouped = temp_df.groupby("mean_bin")["dispersion"] disp_mean_bin = disp_grouped.mean() disp_std_bin = disp_grouped.std(ddof=1) # handle nan std one_gene_per_bin = disp_std_bin.isnull() disp_std_bin[one_gene_per_bin] = disp_mean_bin[one_gene_per_bin].values disp_mean_bin[one_gene_per_bin] = 0 # normalized dispersion mean = disp_mean_bin[temp_df["mean_bin"].values].values std = disp_std_bin[temp_df["mean_bin"].values].values variance = std**2 temp_df["dispersion_norm"] = ((temp_df["dispersion"] - mean) / std).fillna(0) dispersion_norm = temp_df["dispersion_norm"].values highly_variable_mask = None if n_top_genes is not None: main_info("choose %d top genes" % n_top_genes, indent_level=2) threshold = temp_df["dispersion_norm"].nlargest(n_top_genes).values[-1] highly_variable_mask = temp_df["dispersion_norm"].values >= threshold else: main_info("choose genes by mean and dispersion norm threshold", indent_level=2) highly_variable_mask = np.logical_and.reduce( ( mean > min_mean, mean < max_mean, dispersion_norm > min_disp, dispersion_norm < max_disp, ) ) return mean, variance, highly_variable_mask def get_highly_variable_mask_by_dispersion_svr( mean: np.ndarray, var: np.ndarray, n_top_genes: int, svr_gamma: Optional[float] = None, return_scores: bool = True, ) -> Union[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], np.ndarray]: """Returns the mask with shape same as mean and var. The mask indicates whether each index is highly variable or not. Each index should represent a gene. Args: mean: mean of the genes. var: variance of the genes. n_top_genes: the number of top genes to be inspected. svr_gamma: coefficient for support vector regression. Defaults to None. return_scores: whether return the dispersion scores. Defaults to True. Returns: A tuple (highly_variable_mask, scores) where highly_variable_mask is a bool array indicating whether an element (a gene) is highly variable in the matrix and scores is an array recording variable score for each gene. scores would only be returned when `return_scores` is True. """ # normally, select svr_gamma based on #features if svr_gamma is None: svr_gamma = 150.0 / len(mean) from sklearn.svm import SVR mean_log = np.log2(mean) cv_log = np.log2(np.sqrt(var) / mean) classifier = SVR(gamma=svr_gamma) # fit & prediction will complain about nan values if not take cared here is_nan_indices = np.logical_or(np.isnan(mean_log), np.isnan(cv_log)) if np.sum(is_nan_indices) > 0: main_warning( ( "mean and cv_log contain NAN values. We exclude them in SVR training. Please use related gene filtering" " methods to filter genes with zero means." ) )[~is_nan_indices, np.newaxis], cv_log.reshape([-1, 1])[~is_nan_indices]) scores = np.repeat(np.nan, len(mean_log)) # TODO handle nan values during prediction here scores[~is_nan_indices] = cv_log[~is_nan_indices] - classifier.predict(mean_log[~is_nan_indices, np.newaxis]) scores = scores.reshape([-1, 1]) # shape should be #genes x 1 # score threshold based on n top genes n_top_genes = min(n_top_genes, len(mean)) # maybe not enough genes there score_threshold = np.sort(-scores)[n_top_genes - 1] highly_variable_mask = scores >= score_threshold highly_variable_mask = np.array(highly_variable_mask).flatten() if return_scores: return highly_variable_mask, scores return highly_variable_mask def highest_frac_genes( adata: AnnData, store_key: str = "highest_frac_genes", n_top: int = 30, gene_prefix_list: List[str] = None, gene_prefix_only: bool = False, layer: Union[str, None] = None, ) -> anndata.AnnData: """Compute top genes df and store results in `adata.uns` Args: adata: an AnnData object store_key: key for storing expression percent results. Defaults to "highest_frac_genes". n_top: number of top genes to show. Defaults to 30. gene_prefix_list: a list of gene name prefixes used for gathering/calculating expression percents from genes with these prefixes. Defaults to None. gene_prefix_only: whether to calculate percentages for gene groups with the specified prefixes only. It only takes effect if gene prefix list is provided. Defaults to False. layer: layer on which the gene percents will be computed. Defaults to None. Returns: An updated adata with top genes df stored in `adata.uns` """ gene_mat = adata.X if layer is not None: gene_mat = DKM.select_layer_data(adata, layer) # compute gene percents at each cell row cell_expression_sum = gene_mat.sum(axis=1).flatten() # get rid of cells that have all zero counts not_all_zero = cell_expression_sum != 0 filtered_adata = adata[not_all_zero, :] cell_expression_sum = cell_expression_sum[not_all_zero] main_debug("%d rows(cells or subsets) are not zero. zero total RNA cells are removed." % np.sum(not_all_zero)) valid_gene_set = set() prefix_to_genes = {} _adata = filtered_adata if gene_prefix_list is not None: prefix_to_genes = {prefix: [] for prefix in gene_prefix_list} for name in _adata.var_names: for prefix in gene_prefix_list: length = len(prefix) if name[:length] == prefix: valid_gene_set.add(name) prefix_to_genes[prefix].append(name) break if len(valid_gene_set) == 0: main_critical("NO VALID GENES FOUND WITH REQUIRED GENE PREFIX LIST, GIVING UP PLOTTING") return None if gene_prefix_only: # gathering gene prefix set data df = pd.DataFrame(index=_adata.obs.index) for prefix in prefix_to_genes: if len(prefix_to_genes[prefix]) == 0: main_info("There is no %s gene prefix in adata." % prefix) continue df[prefix] = _adata[:, prefix_to_genes[prefix]].X.sum(axis=1) # adata = adata[:, list(valid_gene_set)] _adata = AnnData(X=df) gene_mat = _adata.X # compute gene's total percents in the dataset gene_percents = np.array(gene_mat.sum(axis=0)) gene_percents = (gene_percents / gene_mat.shape[1]).flatten() # obtain top genes sorted_indices = np.argsort(-gene_percents) selected_indices = sorted_indices[:n_top] gene_names = _adata.var_names[selected_indices] gene_X_percents = gene_mat / cell_expression_sum.reshape([-1, 1]) # assemble a dataframe if issparse(gene_X_percents): selected_gene_X_percents = gene_X_percents.toarray()[:, selected_indices] elif type(gene_X_percents) == np.ndarray: selected_gene_X_percents = gene_X_percents[:, selected_indices] else: selected_gene_X_percents = np.array(gene_X_percents)[:, selected_indices] selected_gene_X_percents = np.squeeze(selected_gene_X_percents) top_genes_df = pd.DataFrame( selected_gene_X_percents, index=adata.obs_names, columns=gene_names, ) gene_percents_df = pd.DataFrame( gene_percents, index=_adata.var_names, columns=["percent"] ) # Series is not appropriate for h5ad format. main_info_insert_adata_uns(store_key) adata.uns[store_key] = { "top_genes_df": top_genes_df, "gene_mat": gene_mat, "layer": layer, "selected_indices": selected_indices, "gene_prefix_list": gene_prefix_list, "show_individual_prefix_gene": gene_prefix_only, "gene_percents": gene_percents_df, } return adata def pca_selected_genes_wrapper( adata: AnnData, pca_input: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, n_pca_components: int = 30, key: str = "X_pca" ): """A wrapper for pca function to reduce dimensions of the Adata with PCA. Args: adata: an AnnData object. pca_input: an array for nearest neighbor search directly. Defaults to None. n_pca_components: number of PCA components. Defaults to 30. key: the key to store the calculation result. Defaults to "X_pca". """ adata = pca(adata, pca_input, n_pca_components=n_pca_components, pca_key=key)