Source code for dynamo.vectorfield.rank_vf

# from tqdm import tqdm

# from anndata._core.views import ArrayView
# import scipy.sparse as sp
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from anndata._core.anndata import AnnData
from numpy.typing import DTypeLike

from ..dynamo_logger import main_info_insert_adata_uns
from import (
from ..utils import isarray, ismatrix
from .utils import average_jacobian_by_group, intersect_sources_targets

    import dynode

    use_dynode = "vectorfield" in dir(dynode)
except ImportError:
    use_dynode = False

if use_dynode:
    from .scVectorField import dynode_vectorfield

[docs]def rank_genes( adata: AnnData, arr_key: Union[str, np.ndarray], groups: Optional[str] = None, genes: Optional[List] = None, abs: bool = False, normalize: bool = False, fcn_pool: Callable = lambda x: np.mean(x, axis=0), dtype: Optional[DTypeLike] = None, output_values: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Rank gene's absolute, positive, negative vector field metrics by different cell groups. Args: adata: AnnData object that contains the array to be sorted in `.var` or `.layer`. arr_key: The key of the to-be-ranked array stored in `.var` or or `.layer`. If the array is found in `.var`, the `groups` argument will be ignored. If a numpy array is passed, it is used as the array to be ranked and must be either an 1d array of length `.n_var`, or a `.n_obs`-by-`.n_var` 2d array. groups: Cell groups used to group the array. genes: The gene list that speed will be ranked. If provided, they must overlap the dynamics genes. abs: When pooling the values in the array (see below), whether to take the absolute values. normalize: bool (default: False) Whether normalize the array across all cells first, if the array is 2d. fcn_pool: callable (default: numpy.mean(x, axis=0)) The function used to pool values in the to-be-ranked array if the array is 2d. output_values: bool (default: False) Whether output the values along with the rankings. Returns: A dataframe of gene names and values based on which the genes are sorted for each cell group. """ genes, arr = get_rank_array( adata, arr_key, genes=genes, abs=abs, dtype=dtype, ) if arr.ndim > 1: if normalize: arr_max = np.max(np.abs(arr), axis=0) arr = arr / arr_max arr[np.isnan(arr)] = 0 if groups is not None: if type(groups) is str and groups in adata.obs.keys(): grps = np.array(adata.obs[groups]) elif isarray(groups): grps = np.array(groups) else: raise Exception(f"The group information {groups} you provided is not in your adata object.") arr_dict = {} for g in np.unique(grps): arr_dict[g] = fcn_pool(arr[grps == g]) else: arr_dict = {"all": fcn_pool(arr)} else: arr_dict = {"all": arr} ret_dict = {} var_names = np.array(index_gene(adata, adata.var_names, genes)) for g, arr in arr_dict.items(): if ismatrix(arr): arr = arr.A.flatten() glst, sarr = list_top_genes(arr, var_names, None, return_sorted_array=True) # ret_dict[g] = {glst[i]: sarr[i] for i in range(len(glst))} ret_dict[g] = glst if output_values: ret_dict[g + "_values"] = sarr return pd.DataFrame(data=ret_dict)
def rank_cell_groups( adata: AnnData, arr_key: Union[str, np.ndarray], groups: Optional[str] = None, genes: Optional[List] = None, abs: bool = False, fcn_pool: Callable = lambda x: np.mean(x, axis=0), dtype: Optional[DTypeLike] = None, output_values: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Rank cell's absolute, positive, negative vector field metrics by different gene groups. Args: adata: AnnData object that contains the array to be sorted in `.var` or `.layer`. arr_key: The key of the to-be-ranked array stored in `.var` or `.layer`. If the array is found in `.var`, the `groups` argument will be ignored. If a numpy array is passed, it is used as the array to be ranked and must be either a 1d array of length `.n_var`, or a `.n_obs`-by-`.n_var` 2d array. groups: Gene groups used to group the array. genes: The gene list that speed will be ranked. If provided, they must overlap the dynamics genes. abs: When pooling the values in the array (see below), whether to take the absolute values. fcn_pool: The function used to pool values in the to-be-ranked array if the array is 2d. dtype: The data type of the array to be ranked. output_values: Whether output the values along with the rankings. Returns: A dataframe of cells names and values based on which the genes are sorted for each gene group. """ genes, arr = get_rank_array( adata, arr_key, genes=genes, abs=abs, dtype=dtype, ) arr = arr.T if arr.ndim > 1: if groups is not None: if type(groups) is str and groups in adata.var.keys(): grps = np.array(adata.var[groups]) # check this elif isarray(groups): grps = np.array(groups) else: raise Exception(f"The group information {groups} you provided is not in your adata object.") arr_dict = {} for g in np.unique(grps): arr_dict[g] = fcn_pool(arr[grps == g]) else: arr_dict = {"all": fcn_pool(arr)} else: arr_dict = {"all": arr} ret_dict = {} cell_names = np.array(adata.obs_names) for g, arr in arr_dict.items(): if ismatrix(arr): arr = arr.A.flatten() glst, sarr = list_top_genes(arr, cell_names, None, return_sorted_array=True) # ret_dict[g] = {glst[i]: sarr[i] for i in range(len(glst))} ret_dict[g] = glst if output_values: ret_dict[g + "_values"] = sarr return pd.DataFrame(data=ret_dict)
[docs]def rank_expression_genes(adata: AnnData, ekey: str = "M_s", prefix_store: str = "rank", **kwargs) -> AnnData: """Rank genes based on their expression values for each cell group. Args: adata: AnnData object that contains the normalized or locally smoothed expression. ekey: The expression key, can be any properly normalized layers, e.g. M_s, M_u, M_t, M_n. prefix_store: The prefix added to the key for storing the returned in adata. kwargs: additional keys that will be passed to the `rank_genes` function. It will accept the following arguments: group: str or None (default: None) The cell group that speed ranking will be grouped-by. genes: list or None (default: None) The gene list that speed will be ranked. If provided, they must overlap the dynamics genes. abs: bool (default: False) When pooling the values in the array (see below), whether to take the absolute values. normalize: bool (default: False) Whether normalize the array across all cells first, if the array is 2d. fcn_pool: callable (default: numpy.mean(x, axis=0)) The function used to pool values in the to-be-ranked array if the array is 2d. output_values: bool (default: False) Whether output the values along with the rankings. Returns: AnnData object which has the rank dictionary for expression in `.uns`. """ rdict = rank_genes(adata, ekey, **kwargs) adata.uns[prefix_store + "_" + ekey] = rdict return adata
[docs]def rank_velocity_genes(adata, vkey="velocity_S", prefix_store="rank", **kwargs) -> AnnData: """Rank genes based on their raw and absolute velocities for each cell group. Args: adata: AnnData object that contains the gene-wise velocities. vkey: The velocity key. prefix_store: The prefix added to the key for storing the returned in adata. kwargs: additional keys that will be passed to the `rank_genes` function. It will accept the following arguments: group: str or None (default: None) The cell group that speed ranking will be grouped-by. genes: list or None (default: None) The gene list that speed will be ranked. If provided, they must overlap the dynamics genes. abs: bool (default: False) When pooling the values in the array (see below), whether to take the absolute values. normalize: bool (default: False) Whether normalize the array across all cells first, if the array is 2d. fcn_pool: callable (default: numpy.mean(x, axis=0)) The function used to pool values in the to-be-ranked array if the array is 2d. output_values: bool (default: False) Whether output the values along with the rankings. Returns: AnnData object which has the rank dictionary for velocities in `.uns`. """ rdict = rank_genes(adata, vkey, **kwargs) rdict_abs = rank_genes(adata, vkey, abs=True, **kwargs) adata.uns[prefix_store + "_" + vkey] = rdict adata.uns[prefix_store + "_abs_" + vkey] = rdict_abs return adata
[docs]def rank_divergence_genes( adata: AnnData, jkey: str = "jacobian_pca", genes: Optional[List] = None, prefix_store: str = "rank_div_gene", **kwargs, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Rank genes based on their diagonal Jacobian for each cell group. Be aware that this 'divergence' refers to the diagonal elements of a gene-wise Jacobian, rather than its trace, which is the common definition of the divergence. Run .vf.jacobian and set store_in_adata=True before using this function. Args: adata: AnnData object that contains the reconstructed vector field in the `.uns` attribute. jkey: The key in .uns of the cell-wise Jacobian matrix. genes: A list of names for genes of interest. prefix_store: The prefix added to the key for storing the returned ranking info in adata. kwargs: additional keys that will be passed to the `rank_genes` function. It will accept the following arguments: group: str or None (default: None) The cell group that speed ranking will be grouped-by. genes: list or None (default: None) The gene list that speed will be ranked. If provided, they must overlap the dynamics genes. abs: bool (default: False) When pooling the values in the array (see below), whether to take the absolute values. normalize: bool (default: False) Whether normalize the array across all cells first, if the array is 2d. fcn_pool: callable (default: numpy.mean(x, axis=0)) The function used to pool values in the to-be-ranked array if the array is 2d. output_values: bool (default: False) Whether output the values along with the rankings. Returns: AnnData object which has the rank dictionary for diagonal jacobians in `.uns`. """ if jkey not in adata.uns_keys(): raise Exception(f"The provided dictionary key {jkey} is not in .uns.") reg = [x for x in adata.uns[jkey]["regulators"]] eff = [x for x in adata.uns[jkey]["effectors"]] if reg != eff: raise Exception("The Jacobian should have the same regulators and effectors.") else: Genes = adata.uns[jkey]["regulators"] cell_idx = adata.uns[jkey]["cell_idx"] div = np.einsum("iij->ji", adata.uns[jkey]["jacobian_gene"]) Div = create_layer(adata, div, genes=Genes, cells=cell_idx, dtype=np.float32) if genes is not None: Genes = list(set(Genes).intersection(genes)) rdict = rank_genes( adata, Div, fcn_pool=lambda x: np.nanmean(x, axis=0), genes=Genes, **kwargs, ) adata.uns[prefix_store + "_" + jkey] = rdict return rdict
[docs]def rank_s_divergence_genes( adata: AnnData, skey: str = "sensitivity_pca", genes: Optional[List] = None, prefix_store: str = "rank_s_div_gene", **kwargs, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Rank genes based on their diagonal Sensitivity for each cell group. Be aware that this 'divergence' refers to the diagonal elements of a gene-wise Sensitivity, rather than its trace, which is the common definition of the divergence. Run .vf.sensitivity and set store_in_adata=True before using this function. Args: adata: AnnData object that contains the reconstructed vector field in the `.uns` attribute. skey: The key in .uns of the cell-wise sensitivity matrix. genes: A list of names for genes of interest. prefix_store: The prefix added to the key for storing the returned ranking info in adata. kwargs: additional keys that will be passed to the `rank_genes` function. It will accept the following arguments: group: str or None (default: None) The cell group that speed ranking will be grouped-by. genes: list or None (default: None) The gene list that speed will be ranked. If provided, they must overlap the dynamics genes. abs: bool (default: False) When pooling the values in the array (see below), whether to take the absolute values. normalize: bool (default: False) Whether normalize the array across all cells first, if the array is 2d. fcn_pool: callable (default: numpy.mean(x, axis=0)) The function used to pool values in the to-be-ranked array if the array is 2d. output_values: bool (default: False) Whether output the values along with the rankings. Returns: adata: AnnData object which has the rank dictionary for diagonal sensitivity in `.uns`. """ if skey not in adata.uns_keys(): raise Exception(f"The provided dictionary key {skey} is not in .uns.") reg = [x for x in adata.uns[skey]["regulators"]] eff = [x for x in adata.uns[skey]["effectors"]] if reg != eff: raise Exception("The Jacobian should have the same regulators and effectors.") else: Genes = adata.uns[skey]["regulators"] cell_idx = adata.uns[skey]["cell_idx"] div = np.einsum("iij->ji", adata.uns[skey]["sensitivity_gene"]) Div = create_layer(adata, div, genes=Genes, cells=cell_idx, dtype=np.float32) if genes is not None: Genes = list(set(Genes).intersection(genes)) rdict = rank_genes( adata, Div, fcn_pool=lambda x: np.nanmean(x, axis=0), genes=Genes, **kwargs, ) adata.uns[prefix_store + "_" + skey] = rdict return rdict
[docs]def rank_acceleration_genes(adata, akey="acceleration", prefix_store="rank", **kwargs) -> AnnData: """Rank genes based on their absolute, positive, negative accelerations for each cell group. Args: adata: AnnData object that contains the reconstructed vector field function in the `uns` attribute. akey: The acceleration key. prefix_store: The prefix of the key that will be used to store the acceleration rank result. kwargs: additional keys that will be passed to the `rank_genes` function. It will accept the following arguments: group: str or None (default: None) The cell group that speed ranking will be grouped-by. genes: list or None (default: None) The gene list that speed will be ranked. If provided, they must overlap the dynamics genes. abs: bool (default: False) When pooling the values in the array (see below), whether to take the absolute values. normalize: bool (default: False) Whether normalize the array across all cells first, if the array is 2d. fcn_pool: callable (default: numpy.mean(x, axis=0)) The function used to pool values in the to-be-ranked array if the array is 2d. output_values: bool (default: False) Whether output the values along with the rankings. Returns: adata: AnnData object that is updated with the `'rank_acceleration'` information in the `.uns`. """ rdict = rank_genes(adata, akey, **kwargs) rdict_abs = rank_genes(adata, akey, abs=True, **kwargs) adata.uns[prefix_store + "_" + akey] = rdict adata.uns[prefix_store + "_abs_" + akey] = rdict_abs return adata
[docs]def rank_curvature_genes(adata: AnnData, ckey: str = "curvature", prefix_store: str = "rank", **kwargs): """Rank gene's absolute, positive, negative curvature by different cell groups. Args: adata: AnnData object that contains the reconstructed vector field function in the `.uns` attribute. ckey: The curvature key. prefix_store: The prefix of the key that will be used to store the acceleration rank result. kwargs: additional keys that will be passed to the `rank_genes` function. It will accept the following arguments: group: str or None (default: None) The cell group that speed ranking will be grouped-by. genes: list or None (default: None) The gene list that speed will be ranked. If provided, they must overlap the dynamics genes. abs: bool (default: False) When pooling the values in the array (see below), whether to take the absolute values. normalize: bool (default: False) Whether normalize the array across all cells first, if the array is 2d. fcn_pool: callable (default: numpy.mean(x, axis=0)) The function used to pool values in the to-be-ranked array if the array is 2d. output_values: bool (default: False) Whether output the values along with the rankings. Returns: AnnData object that is updated with the `'rank_curvature'` related information in the .uns. """ rdict = rank_genes(adata, ckey, **kwargs) rdict_abs = rank_genes(adata, ckey, abs=True, **kwargs) adata.uns[prefix_store + "_" + ckey] = rdict adata.uns[prefix_store + "_abs_" + ckey] = rdict_abs return adata
[docs]def rank_jacobian_genes( adata: AnnData, groups: Optional[str] = None, jkey: str = "jacobian_pca", abs: bool = False, mode: str = "full reg", exclude_diagonal: bool = False, normalize: bool = False, return_df: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> Optional[pd.DataFrame]: """Rank genes or gene-gene interactions based on their Jacobian elements for each cell group. Run .vf.jacobian and set store_in_adata=True before using this function. Args: adata: AnnData object that contains the reconstructed vector field in the `.uns` attribute. groups: Cell groups used to group the Jacobians. jkey: The key of the stored Jacobians in `.uns`. abs: Whether take the absolute value of the Jacobian. mode: {'full reg', 'full eff', 'reg', 'eff', 'int', 'switch'} (default: 'full_reg') The mode of ranking: (1) `'full reg'`: top regulators are ranked for each effector for each cell group; (2) `'full eff'`: top effectors are ranked for each regulator for each cell group; (3) '`reg`': top regulators in each cell group; (4) '`eff`': top effectors in each cell group; (5) '`int`': top effector-regulator pairs in each cell group. (6) '`switch`': top effector-regulator pairs that show mutual inhibition pattern in each cell group. exclude_diagonal: Whether to consider the self-regulation interactions (diagnoal of the jacobian matrix) normalize: Whether to normalize the Jacobian across all cells before performing the ranking. return_df: Whether to return the data or to save results in adata object via the key `mode` of adata.uns. kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to ranking functions. Returns: rank_info: different modes return different types of return values 1. full reg and full eff: A pandas dataframe containing ranking info based on Jacobian elements 2. reg eff int: A dictionary object whose keys correspond to groups, and whose values are specific rank's pd dataframe """ J_dict = adata.uns[jkey] J = J_dict["jacobian_gene"] if abs: J = np.abs(J) if normalize: Jmax = np.max(np.abs(J), axis=2) for i in range(J.shape[2]): J[:, :, i] /= Jmax if mode == "switch": J_transpose = J.transpose(1, 0, 2) J_mul = J * J_transpose # switch genes will have negative Jacobian between any two gene pairs # only True * True = 1, so only the gene pair with both negative Jacobian, this will be non-zero: J = J_mul * (np.sign(J) == -1) * (np.sign(J_transpose) == -1) if groups is None: J_mean = {"all": np.mean(J, axis=2)} else: if type(groups) is str and groups in adata.obs.keys(): grps = np.array(adata.obs[groups]) elif isarray(groups): grps = np.array(groups) else: raise Exception(f"The group information {groups} you provided is not in your adata object.") J_mean = average_jacobian_by_group(J, grps[J_dict["cell_idx"]]) eff = np.array([x for x in J_dict["effectors"]]) reg = np.array([x for x in J_dict["regulators"]]) rank_dict = {} ov = kwargs.pop("output_values", True) if mode in ["full reg", "full_reg"]: for k, J in J_mean.items(): rank_dict[k] = table_top_genes(J, eff, reg, n_top_genes=None, output_values=ov, **kwargs) elif mode in ["full eff", "full_eff"]: for k, J in J_mean.items(): rank_dict[k] = table_top_genes(J.T, reg, eff, n_top_genes=None, output_values=ov, **kwargs) elif mode == "reg": for k, J in J_mean.items(): if exclude_diagonal: for i, ef in enumerate(eff): ii = np.where(reg == ef)[0] if len(ii) > 0: J[i, ii] = np.nan j = np.nanmean(J, axis=0) if ov: rank_dict[k], rank_dict[k + "_values"] = list_top_genes( j, reg, None, return_sorted_array=True, **kwargs ) else: rank_dict[k] = list_top_genes(j, reg, None, **kwargs) rank_dict = pd.DataFrame(data=rank_dict) elif mode == "eff": for k, J in J_mean.items(): if exclude_diagonal: for i, re in enumerate(reg): ii = np.where(eff == re)[0] if len(ii) > 0: J[ii, i] = np.nan j = np.nanmean(J, axis=1) if ov: rank_dict[k], rank_dict[k + "_values"] = list_top_genes( j, eff, None, return_sorted_array=True, **kwargs ) else: rank_dict[k] = list_top_genes(j, eff, None, **kwargs) rank_dict = pd.DataFrame(data=rank_dict) elif mode in ["int", "switch"]: for k, J in J_mean.items(): ints, vals = list_top_interactions(J, eff, reg, **kwargs) rank_dict[k] = [] if ov: rank_dict[k + "_values"] = [] for ind, int_val in enumerate(ints): if not (exclude_diagonal and int_val[0] == int_val[1]): rank_dict[k].append(int_val[0] + " - " + int_val[1]) if ov: rank_dict[k + "_values"].append(vals[ind]) rank_dict = pd.DataFrame(data=rank_dict) else: raise ValueError(f"No such mode as {mode}.") if return_df: return rank_dict else: main_info_insert_adata_uns(mode) adata.uns[mode] = rank_dict
[docs]def rank_sensitivity_genes( adata: AnnData, groups: Optional[str] = None, skey: str = "sensitivity_pca", abs: bool = False, mode: str = "full reg", exclude_diagonal: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Rank genes or gene-gene interactions based on their sensitivity elements for each cell group. Run .vf.sensitivity and set store_in_adata=True before using this function. Args: adata: AnnData object that contains the reconstructed vector field in the `.uns` attribute. groups: Cell groups used to group the sensitivity. skey: The key of the stored sensitivity in `.uns`. abs: Whether or not to take the absolute value of the Jacobian. mode: {'full reg', 'full eff', 'reg', 'eff', 'int'} (default: 'full_reg') The mode of ranking: (1) `'full reg'`: top regulators are ranked for each effector for each cell group; (2) `'full eff'`: top effectors are ranked for each regulator for each cell group; (3) '`reg`': top regulators in each cell group; (4) '`eff`': top effectors in each cell group; (5) '`int`': top effector-regulator pairs in each cell group. exclude_diagonal: Whether to consider the self-regulation interactions (diagnoal of the jacobian matrix) kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to ranking functions. Returns: AnnData object which has the rank dictionary in `.uns`. """ S_dict = adata.uns[skey] S = S_dict["sensitivity_gene"] if abs: S = np.abs(S) if groups is None: S_mean = {"all": np.mean(S, axis=2)} else: if type(groups) is str and groups in adata.obs.keys(): grps = np.array(adata.obs[groups]) elif isarray(groups): grps = np.array(groups) else: raise Exception(f"The group information {groups} you provided is not in your adata object.") S_mean = average_jacobian_by_group(S, grps[S_dict["cell_idx"]]) eff = np.array([x for x in S_dict["effectors"]]) reg = np.array([x for x in S_dict["regulators"]]) rank_dict = {} if mode in ["full reg", "full_reg"]: for k, S in S_mean.items(): rank_dict[k] = table_top_genes(S, eff, reg, n_top_genes=None, **kwargs) elif mode in ["full eff", "full_eff"]: for k, S in S_mean.items(): rank_dict[k] = table_top_genes(S.T, reg, eff, n_top_genes=None, **kwargs) elif mode == "reg": ov = kwargs.pop("output_values", False) for k, S in S_mean.items(): if exclude_diagonal: for i, ef in enumerate(eff): ii = np.where(reg == ef)[0] if len(ii) > 0: S[i, ii] = np.nan j = np.nanmean(S, axis=0) if ov: rank_dict[k], rank_dict[k + "_values"] = list_top_genes( j, reg, None, return_sorted_array=True, **kwargs ) else: rank_dict[k] = list_top_genes(j, reg, None, **kwargs) rank_dict = pd.DataFrame(data=rank_dict) elif mode == "eff": ov = kwargs.pop("output_values", False) for k, S in S_mean.items(): if exclude_diagonal: for i, re in enumerate(reg): ii = np.where(eff == re)[0] if len(ii) > 0: S[ii, i] = np.nan j = np.nanmean(S, axis=1) if ov: rank_dict[k], rank_dict[k + "_values"] = list_top_genes( j, eff, None, return_sorted_array=True, **kwargs ) else: rank_dict[k] = list_top_genes(j, eff, None, **kwargs) rank_dict = pd.DataFrame(data=rank_dict) elif mode == "int": ov = kwargs.pop("output_values", False) for k, S in S_mean.items(): ints, vals = list_top_interactions(S, eff, reg, **kwargs) rank_dict[k] = [] if ov: rank_dict[k + "_values"] = [] for ind, int_val in enumerate(ints): if not (exclude_diagonal and int_val[0] == int_val[1]): rank_dict[k].append(int_val[0] + " - " + int_val[1]) if ov: rank_dict[k + "_values"].append(vals[ind]) rank_dict = pd.DataFrame(data=rank_dict) else: raise ValueError(f"No such mode as {mode}.") return rank_dict
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # aggregate regulators or targets def aggregateRegEffs( adata: AnnData, data_dict: Optional[Dict] = None, reg_dict: Optional[Dict] = None, eff_dict: Optional[Dict] = None, key: str = "jacobian", basis: str = "pca", store_in_adata: bool = True, ) -> Union[AnnData, Dict]: """Aggregate multiple genes' Jacobian or sensitivity. Args: adata: AnnData object that contains the reconstructed vector field in `.uns`. data_dict: A dictionary corresponds to the Jacobian or sensitivity information, must be calculated with either: `dyn.vf.jacobian(adata, basis='pca', regulators=genes, effectors=genes)` or `dyn.vf.sensitivity(adata, basis='pca', regulators=genes, effectors=genes)` reg_dict: A dictionary in which keys correspond to regulator-groups (i.e. TFs for specific cell type) while values a list of genes that must have at least one overlapped genes with that from the Jacobian or sensitivity dict. eff_dict: A dictionary in which keys correspond to effector-groups (i.e. markers for specific cell type) while values a list of genes that must have at least one overlapped genes with that from the Jacobian or sensitivity dict. key: The key in .uns that corresponds to the Jacobian or sensitivity matrix information. basis: The embedding data in which the vector field was reconstructed. If `None`, use the vector field function that was reconstructed directly from the original unreduced gene expression space. store_in_adata: hether to store the divergence result in adata. Returns: Depending on `store_in_adata`, it will either return a dictionary that include the aggregated Jacobian or sensitivity information or the updated AnnData object that is updated with the `'aggregation'` key in the `.uns`. This dictionary contains a 3-dimensional tensor with dimensions n_obs x n_regulators x n_effectors as well as other information. """ key_ = key if basis is None else key + "_" + basis data_dict = adata.uns[key_] if data_dict is None else data_dict tensor, cell_idx, tensor_gene, regulators_, effectors_ = ( data_dict.get(key), data_dict.get("cell_idx"), data_dict.get(key + "_gene"), data_dict.get("regulators"), data_dict.get("effectors"), ) Aggregation = np.zeros((len(eff_dict), len(reg_dict), len(cell_idx))) reg_ind = 0 for reg_key, reg_val in reg_dict.items(): eff_ind = 0 for eff_key, eff_val in eff_dict.items(): reg_val, eff_val = ( list(np.unique(reg_val)) if reg_val is not None else None, list(np.unique(eff_val)) if eff_val is not None else None, ) Der, source_genes, target_genes = intersect_sources_targets( reg_val, regulators_, eff_val, effectors_, tensor if tensor_gene is None else tensor_gene, ) if len(source_genes) + len(target_genes) > 0: Aggregation[eff_ind, reg_ind, :] = Der.sum(axis=(0, 1)) # dim 0: target; dim 1: source else: Aggregation[eff_ind, reg_ind, :] = np.nan eff_ind += 1 reg_ind += 0 ret_dict = {"aggregation": None, "cell_idx": cell_idx} # use 'str_key' in dict.keys() to check if these items are computed, or use dict.get('str_key') if Aggregation is not None: ret_dict["aggregation_gene"] = Aggregation if reg_dict.keys() is not None: ret_dict["regulators"] = list(reg_dict.keys()) if eff_dict.keys() is not None: ret_dict["effectors"] = list(eff_dict.keys()) det = [np.linalg.det(Aggregation[:, :, i]) for i in np.arange(Aggregation.shape[2])] key = key + "_aggregation" if basis is None else key + "_aggregation_" + basis adata.obs[key + "_det"] = np.nan adata.obs[key + "_det"][cell_idx] = det if store_in_adata: adata.uns[key] = ret_dict return adata else: return ret_dict