Source code for dynamo.preprocessing.dynast

from typing import Union

import anndata
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, issparse
from sklearn.utils import sparsefuncs

from ..dynamo_logger import LoggerManager, main_tqdm
from ..utils import copy_adata

[docs]def lambda_correction( adata: anndata.AnnData, lambda_key: str = "lambda", inplace: bool = True, copy: bool = False, ) -> Union[anndata.AnnData, None]: """Use lambda (cell-wise detection rate) to estimate the labelled RNA. Args: adata: An adata object generated from dynast. lambda_key: The key to the cell-wise detection rate. Defaults to "lambda". inplace: Whether to inplace update the layers. If False, new layers that append '_corrected" to the existing will be used to store the updated data. Defaults to True. copy: Whether to copy the adata object or update adata object inplace. Defaults to False. Raises: ValueError: The `lambda_key` cannot be found in `adata.obs`. ValueError: The adata object has to include labeling layers. ValueError: `data_type` is set to 'splicing_labeling' but the existing layers in the adata object don't meet the requirements. ValueError: `data_type` is set to 'labeling' but the existing layers in the adata object don't meet the requirements. Returns: A new AnnData object that are updated with lambda corrected layers if `copy` is true. Otherwise, return None. """ logger = LoggerManager.gen_logger("dynamo-lambda_correction") logger.log_time() adata = copy_adata(adata) if copy else adata"apply detection rate correction to adata...", indent_level=1) if lambda_key not in adata.obs.keys(): raise ValueError( f"the lambda_key {lambda_key} is not included in adata.obs! Please ensure you have calculated " "per-cell detection rate!" )"retrieving the cell-wise detection rate..", indent_level=1) detection_rate = adata.obs[lambda_key].values[:, None]"identify the data type..", indent_level=1) all_layers = adata.layers.keys() has_ul = np.any(["ul_" in i for i in all_layers]) has_un = np.any(["un_" in i for i in all_layers]) has_sl = np.any(["sl_" in i for i in all_layers]) has_sn = np.any(["sn_" in i for i in all_layers]) has_l = np.any(["_l_" in i for i in all_layers]) has_n = np.any(["_n_" in i for i in all_layers]) if np.count_nonzero([has_ul, has_un, has_sl, has_sn]) == 4: datatype = "splicing_labeling" elif np.count_nonzero([has_l, has_n]): datatype = "labeling" else: raise ValueError( "the adata object has to include labeling layers." )"the data type identified is {datatype}", indent_level=2)"retrieve relevant layers for detection rate correction", indent_level=1) if datatype == "splicing_labeling": layers, match_tot_layer = [], [] for layer in all_layers: if "ul_" in layer: layers.append(layer) match_tot_layer.append("unspliced") elif "un_" in layer: layers.append(layer) match_tot_layer.append("unspliced") elif "sl_" in layer: layers.append(layer) match_tot_layer.append("spliced") elif "sn_" in layer: layers.append(layer) match_tot_layer.append("spliced") elif "spliced" in layer: layers.append(layer) elif "unspliced" in layer: layers.append(layer) if len(layers) != 6: raise ValueError( "the adata object has to include ul, un, sl, sn, unspliced, spliced, " "six relevant layers for splicing and labeling quantified datasets." ) elif datatype == "labeling": layers, match_tot_layer = [], [] for layer in all_layers: if "_l_" in layer: layers.append(layer) match_tot_layer.append("total") elif "_n_" in layer: layers.append(layer) match_tot_layer.append("total") elif "total" in layer: layers.append(layer) if len(layers) != 3: raise ValueError( "the adata object has to include labeled, unlabeled, three relevant layers for labeling quantified " "datasets." )"detection rate correction starts", indent_level=1) for i, layer in enumerate(main_tqdm(layers, desc="iterating all relevant layers")): if i < len(match_tot_layer): cur_layer = adata.layers[layer] if inplace else adata.layers[layer].copy() cur_total = adata.layers[match_tot_layer[i]] # even layers is labeled RNA and odd unlabeled RNA if i % 2 == 0: # formula: min(L / lambda, (L + U)) from scNT-seq if issparse(cur_layer): sparsefuncs.inplace_row_scale(cur_layer, 1 / detection_rate) else: cur_layer /= detection_rate if inplace: adata.layers[layer] = sparse_mimmax(cur_layer, cur_total) else: adata.layers[layer + "_corrected"] = sparse_mimmax(cur_layer, cur_total) else: if inplace: adata.layers[layer] = cur_total - adata.layers[layers[i - 1]] else: adata.layers[layer + "_corrected"] = cur_total - adata.layers[layers[i - 1]] logger.finish_progress(progress_name="lambda_correction") if copy: return adata return None
def sparse_mimmax(A: csr_matrix, B: csr_matrix, type="min") -> csr_matrix: """Return the element-wise minimum/maximum of sparse matrices `A` and `B`. Args: A: The first sparse matrix. B: The second sparse matrix. type: The type of calculation, either "min" or "max". Defaults to "min". Returns: A sparse matrix that contain the element-wise maximal or minimal of two sparse matrices. """ AgtB = (A < B).astype(int) if type == "min" else (A > B).astype(int) M = np.multiply(AgtB, A - B) + B return M