
class dynamo.pp.CnmfPreprocessor(**kwargs)[source]

A specialized preprocessor based on cNMF. Args used are the same as normal Preprocessor.


A specialized preprocessor based on cNMF. Args used are the same as normal Preprocessor.



A specialized preprocessor based on cNMF.

add_experiment_info(adata[, tkey, ...])

Infer the experiment type and experiment layers stored in the AnnData object and record the info in unstructured metadata (.uns).


Remove the tmp folder to store data used for cNMF.


Automatically configure the preprocessor for using the Monocle-Pearson-residuals style recipe.

config_monocle_recipe(adata[, n_top_genes])

Automatically configure the preprocessor for monocle recipe.


Automatically configure the preprocessor for using the Pearson residuals style recipe.


Automatically configure the preprocessor for using the sctransform style recipe.


Automatically configure the preprocessor for using the seurat style recipe.


Plot the K selection curve of cNMF and save to the output folder.


Preprocess the AnnData object with cNMF.

preprocess_adata_monocle(adata[, tkey, ...])

Preprocess the AnnData object based on Monocle style preprocessing recipe.


A combined pipeline of monocle and pearson_residuals.

preprocess_adata_pearson_residuals(adata[, ...])

A pipeline proposed in Pearson residuals (Lause, Berens & Kobak, 2021).

preprocess_adata_sctransform(adata[, tkey, ...])

Python implementation of https://github.com/satijalab/sctransform.

preprocess_adata_seurat(adata[, tkey, ...])

The preprocess pipeline in Seurat based on dispersion, implemented by dynamo authors.

preprocess_adata_seurat_wo_pca(adata[, ...])

Preprocess the anndata object according to standard preprocessing in Seurat recipe without PCA.

standardize_adata(adata, tkey, experiment_type)

Process the AnnData object to make it meet the standards of dynamo.